Gurgling noise in loop?


Jun 16, 2010
I just completed a CPU loop. everything is fine (temps are abit odd) but there seems to be gurgling noises coming from the rad. I was told by some OCN memebers it was air bubbles but its been a few hours and its still going. its pretty loud too.
Tilt your case or shake it a little to get the air bubbles to break loose. Also if you have a variable speed pump, turn it all the way up for bleeding the loop.
do i do this with it turned on? i've tired multiple times with it off but no dice.
I had this issue at first to but mine went away after i moved it around and if you run a stress test well on mine it makes the pump work harder so it can pump more water to cool the cpu so it speeds up the flow rate. It took a few days for mine...
You need to play case twister with a friend!

If your reservoir is mounted to your case, un-mount it so that it can be freely oriented. Have a friend hold it and keep it upright. Fire everything up and make sure your pump is operating. Next, grab hold of your case and slowly tilt it in all directions. No, not mild leans and slants... we are talking fully upside down, completely on its left/right sides, front, back, etc. All the air bubbles should work their way out of your loop and into your reservoir. You may have to add water if the reservoir water level gets too low. Enjoy.
I like his name Z06s are sick. Do you have one? Or just a name?

Anyways yeah i ran into that problem too, My res kept getting low on water as the air ran out. just keep a eye on it.
Mine did the same thing, RAD wouldn't fill up all the way, air stuck inside. With the pump running I just moved the RAD around, sideways, shook it, upside down etc. If you see the pump losing water you can just quickly turn it off then start it up again. After a min or so of playing around my RAD was bubble/air free. After all this the only issue I had was micro bubbles, those went away after running the system for a few hours (could take overnight, 24 hours for some).
It takes a very long time for air bubbles to get out, especially if you're not moving the radiator around. I've had air bubbles come out of my radiator months after I filled up my loop.
I think I'm going to redo the loop. not happy with the temps I'm getting. maybe a new CPU Block+Res+Pump too. the used pump I got is really loud.
I like his name Z06s are sick. Do you have one? Or just a name?

A bit off topic, but yes, I do ;) Snapped a couple current pics for ya


Now returning everyone to the regularly scheduled thread...
Did you make sure to put an addative in the water loop. If you run straight water it will be loud. Add a little antifreeze or water wetter and it will fix that right up.
Ignore cooter and don't add any additives. The best combination is distilled water and silver killcoil or PT Nuke.

Nice Corvette by the way. My dad also has one, although not a Z06.
Thanks! And I second going with just straight distilled water and either PT Nuke, a few drops of iodine, or a silver killcoil. Any other additives will just gum things up over time (as in coat surfaces). Noise in a loop is typically caused by trapped air, a bad pump, or both... get the air out or fix the pump. Avoid "additives" - Speaking from experience here!
What they said is true, shake it like you mean it :) i had to turn my rad upside down, on left side, on right side, etc. As for additives, don't use any. Someone say PT nuke. Some say silvercoil. I went with silvercoil :)
I love me a Z06. But I got a hard on when I seen Lingenfelter.
Hrrm where the heck do you find PT nuke? Where at B&M stores?

Stores that sell computer watercooling equipment generally carry PT nuke. You would be hard-pressed to find any B&M store that carries PT nuke, although some people say that the anti-fungal/microbial stuff found at pet stores for use in aquariums work as well.