Guild Wars [H] Guild?

Oct 2, 2003
Is there any interest to form a [H] guild in Guild Wars. I'm currently in a guild that does nothing. I'd like to know if anybody else here plays and if you'd be interested in starting a new guild.
I played Guild Wars for a bit. Didn't seem very [H[ard to me
Scorpionjwp said:
In Case your wondering, with some searching I have produced the Search Results:

We do have a guild.

If you had any experience with the [H] Guild Wars guild you would know that the guild only lasted for a couple of weeks. In fact I was one of the last few active members in the guild, and I quit playing Guild Wars months ago!
DudeItsMe said:
I played Guild Wars for a bit. Didn't seem very [H[ard to me

The graphics were great and the gameplay was good as well, but it just got old quick. I played it and loved it, but the higher up you go, two things occur that bothered me enough that I didn't want to play anymore:

First of all, you don't seem to get any more powerful as you level up and there aren't any super great items to look for. Because of this, you end up going, "WTF, why bother"?. Yeah, if you get hooked enough into the story you want to finish, but out of the 4 characters I had I never ended up bothering to finish. BTW, I know this is the way the game is supposed to be, but it still bothered me. Part of the fun of an RPG style game is feeling your character get more powerful as they advance in level and gain cooler stuff.

Secondly and even worse to my mind, towards the end of the game you MUST have xx number of players in your party to get through the missions. The henchmen aren't good enough to get you through the harder parts. This is unfortunate, because it's not easy finding good people to party with, especially when you start needing parties or 6 and 8.

It's a fun game and I really hope some of the updates and such make it more viable. Since it's a free MMO, I still get on from time to time to see what's changed of adventure with a friend. If you get the game PM me and if we can get our schedules worked out I'll help you through some of the beginning missions... ;)
GW is a fantastic game. I'm a regular player and my friend and I are pretty hardcore with it. If anyone wants to look me up in the game add me to your friends list:

players name = Im a medic

ya the [H] guild on GW didn't last long

played it for almost a month and a half and got all my chracter slots filled with max level well equipped toons. after that ift got boring real fast

switched to world of warcraft soon after to the [H] guild on stormscale ( which has become more of a alt guild since most of us merged with another guild on that server to do MC and Ony, we wnet from a guild that couldn't even get past the first boss in ZG to being up to Rag in MC and just downed ony for the first time earlier this week )
Well as a WoW player, I found GW WAAAAYY to easy. You see mobs on the map. You click their blip on the map. You head directly towards them. It's almost impossible to die. I could go on and on, but the point is I found it way too easy. Oh and using 8 skills at once where my Warlock had 30+ that were regularly used. Yeah... too easy.
I used to play it from release to the end of the summer. It provided hours of enjoyment. Main reason I got into it, it was free. I want to play WoW, but a monthly fee, is something I just cant afford right now. Im on the last 3 missions, and have yet to beat them. Alot of immature people are in the community now, and lost its touch for me as of now. Im hoping the expansion that will be released sometime next year, will put me back into it. Game has ALOT of potention and if they start balancing some of the factors, it will attract alot more people.
the game is worth it if you're just a casual gamer. i got bored of the game within six months after passing it. it was worth the fee and the ride.

the problem i found with the game is that they have nerfed farming big time. the game really caters to the pvp instead of people who just like fighting the environment and farm to get buffer and better items (your character max is only lvl20).

after six months i have gotten 100ectos 32platinum in the bank and a ton of items that i yet to sell. i go back occasionally to check for any notable updates. i doubt i'll buy the expansion pack.
Jinx_player said:
It was hard enough to fry my fucking 6600gt. :/

I'm sorry, but it is impossible for a game to "fry" any peice of hardware. I'm sure improper cooling of the GPU/case had NOTHING to do with it. :rolleyes: :eek: