guestimate your boot time


Jul 28, 2001
In seconds. From power on to being able to launch programs normally.

Mine is about 60s.
the longest time of my bootup is the time it takes me to log in (system is pw proctected)

so id say about 40sec maybe even less
From Boot Screen to PW Protect - 15 secs
Logging in - 40 secs because I'm on a domain and it has to authenticate a lot of stuff on my PC. But if I'm logging in locally 10 seconds or less.
Zero. I don't have to turn it off. On the laptops, about 10-15 tops while it comes out of hibernate.

I see the startup screen so seldom that this question doesn't make sense to me.
GreNME said:
Zero. I don't have to turn it off. On the laptops, about 10-15 tops while it comes out of hibernate.

I see the startup screen so seldom that this question doesn't make sense to me.
Neither do I, except that I do a boot time defragment with some frequency. I turn the machine off for that reason, and also to keep down the dust inside.
I only turn it off at night, or the 5 fans (used to have 6) will keep me awake. I don't know how long it takes to boot, I hit the power button on my way to the bathroom after I wake up. As long as it's up by the time I piss and get back with my coffee I don't care. I dont shut down until I go to bed.
jimnms said:
I only turn it off at night, or the 5 fans (used to have 6) will keep me awake. I don't know how long it takes to boot, I hit the power button on my way to the bathroom after I wake up. As long as it's up by the time I piss and get back with my coffee I don't care. I dont shut down until I go to bed.

Same way i feel.
from button to desktop 35 seconds i love bootvis knocked almost 20 seconds off
From on to desktop in about 24 seconds. Getting through the BIOS adds about 5-6 seconds to the whole process. Windows itself only takes 18 seconds.

Only 5 seconds if coming out of hibernation :)
4 minutes,
30 secs to the Welcome Screen, and into desktop, but can't do anything until norton loads and windows completes booting
3.30 mins for Norton Anti-Virus and Internet Security to load, and windows completes it's booting process
Id say anywhere from 15-20 seconds. Just recently installed a new defrag program (perfectdisk) and that seems to have decreased boot time significantly.
From 1st power on to hard disk completely stopping, roughly 100 seconds.

1:30 for boot which includes 3 BIOS screens to wade through, the Windows XP Pro SP2 boot screen (I have a lot of custom fonts installed, hence the really long boot time) and authenticating with my Domain Controllers.

10 seconds after entering password, I'm @ desktop and the hard disk has stopped loading everything @ startup.
28 seconds concrete, i think i have Sata to thank for that.. other wise it might have been around...sya 37 or so..methinks...but someitmes it reboots soo quickly that AIM(trillian program) doesnt even know that i'm gone and then sends me a warning saying that i'm logged in at two locations...the boot times sometimes are so low that from the time i say "brb" to the time my friend replies "alright" ive already'm getting stop error D1 that i cant get rid of..damn the machine
I would say close to 2 minutes. But I have 52 proccesses at startup (yes all valid no spyware) so I'm not surprised it takes awhile. This is on a Dual P3 (1GHz ea.) with 2GB of ram.
jimnms said:
I only turn it off at night, or the 5 fans (used to have 6) will keep me awake. I don't know how long it takes to boot, I hit the power button on my way to the bathroom after I wake up. As long as it's up by the time I piss and get back with my coffee I don't care. I dont shut down until I go to bed.
Hibernate r0x0rZ for this sort of thing. I recommend it to those who are power-conservative as well.
Once I disable any startup apps and the mobo bootup displays, It takes 13 sec between power on and full desktop. With them, it takes about 20-25 sec. WIth only antivirus enabled at startup it takes 18 sec.
The Windows XP load bar indicator rarely makes it past half way across the bar. :)
GreNME said:
Hibernate r0x0rZ for this sort of thing. I recommend it to those who are power-conservative as well.

I use hibernate if I need to go to bed before I finish something. I just defraged, used bootvis to optimize startup files. Going to go grab a stopwatch, shut down and time it.
um, don't you people run any programs at startup?

it takes my system about 55s to boot to logon screen and another 2:30 to finish loading all apps (until hdd light goes off).

that's with 41 processes shown in task manager including apache, netlimiter, DAP, cachemanxp,daemon tools, nod32, tiny pf just to mention some.

specs: p4 [email protected], winxp sp1
Rambler, sounds like you have alot of things just gobbling up resources.

Do you *really* need all of that running at startup?
35 seconds to logon screen. Damn SATA controller adds about 8 seconds.
And then it takes about 10 seconds after I logon to get fully operational.
Authenticating to my domain controller adds about 2 seconds to that. :)
Apallohadas said:
Rambler, sounds like you have alot of things just gobbling up resources.

Do you *really* need all of that running at startup?
Well, you hardly ever *really* need some programs, still that doesn't mean you don't want to run them.
There are some programs/services which i don't run on daily basis such as VMWare, but which i can't be bothered to start manually each time i need them. But anyways i think my IDE performance went down noticably, can't really trace the problem (if there is some) yet, maybe time for win reinstall.
20 seconds of BIOS
+27 seconds to logon
+18 seconds to everything loaded
= 1:05, all in all
Please note that Bootvis.exe is not a tool that will improve boot/resume performance for end users. Contrary to some published reports, Bootvis.exe cannot reduce or alter a system's boot or resume performance. The boot optimization routines invoked by Bootvis.exe are built into Windows XP. These routines run automatically at pre-determined times as part of the normal operation of the operating system.

Explain how I shaved over 10 seconds off my boot time after running bootvis. I did a trace before, and after doing the optimization. Before was 28.xx seconds, after it was 16.40 seconds.
Perhaps "pre-determined times" is "every sunday at 0300 if it's a full moon and you happen to be rebooting" ?
37 seconds from the time I turn it on, till the time I can surf the web....