Guaranteed 250mhz fsb


Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2004
Hey there I am looking to order a new (Intel) CPU tomorrow and I was wondering what is the fastest P4 I can go with that will guarantee a 250mhz fsb? I was thinking of getting the 2.6c but have since second guessed myself and figured it was safest to grab a 2.4c. Any thoughts would be great. I am not looking to go any further than say 270mhz fsb either – so the fastest p4 ( highest multiplier ) that will for sure run a 250fsb is what I’m looking for.

Thanks a ton

(Other specs are in my sig)
2.4c is your safest bet, especially if you want to get around 270fsb. i haven't heard much about 2.6c oc's but not many 2.8c's can make it to 250fsb stabley for a day to day oc.
my m0 does 275fsb (3.3) at default voltage, your best bet would be looking around on ebay or the fs/ft section for a 2.4c that someone has allready pretested the overclock on. thats how i chose my 2.4c
my 2.8C is running on 250FSB for almost 8 months now. No problems at all.
Hm kk I was hoping I could easily hit 250fsb on a 2.6c, but I might just have to order the 2.4c. Thanks for all the info =)