GTX 680's being clearanced at newegg, amazon, tigerdirect, etc. for $400/less

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Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004
One example being an MSI OC edition for $390ish with a $10 rebate to bring it to 380...

A "very good" warehouse deal of that is here for $360.68:

TigerDirect has one for $383 - 10 rebate. non-oc

Newegg is running some at steeply reduced pricing as well.

With the 770 and 780 close though I'd recommend unless you need a card NOW, to wait... purportedly the 770 will come with the nice Titan cooler and be basically a GTX 680 on some small steroids, for $400, while the 780 is looking to be $500ish and well between a 770 and Titan.
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hummm... was hoping to upgrade kepler for DP performance over Fermi, but just disappointments..
Oddly, the 670s are not being similarly discounted. I guess the 760Ti isn't (rumored) to release until mid-June, that could account for it. Shrug.
Oddly, the 670s are not being similarly discounted. I guess the 760Ti isn't (rumored) to release until mid-June, that could account for it. Shrug.

seriously, thats what i was just thinking. sucks cause if the 670 got clearanced out i would swoop on one INSTANTLY
Oddly, the 670s are not being similarly discounted. I guess the 760Ti isn't (rumored) to release until mid-June, that could account for it. Shrug.

Yeah, 670's are only down to $340 or a little less... we'll probably see them drop soon(tm).
while the 780 is looking to be $500ish and well between a 770 and Titan.

Do you really think that Nvidia is going to release a slightly cut down version of a card that sold like hot cakes at $1000 and was released just two months ago for $500? I wouldn't hold my breath.
Do you really think that Nvidia is going to release a slightly cut down version of a card that sold like hot cakes at $1000 and was released just two months ago for $500? I wouldn't hold my breath.

Sure do. Look at the GTX 680 clearancing happening... and look at this: . I see a lot of $500 rumors circling about, and it would match the 680's launch price-point as well. The 580---->680 was relatively close to what the 680----->780 will be, and the 680 was 500 too ;). I expect a price drop on the Titan to come soon too, probably to $800, to lessen the gap but maintain the "halo product" status that card always has been.
Man, I was thinking about buying a used 680 for SLI from a guy in the FS/FT thread for $20 higher than the $390 MSI OC at Amazon.
I picked up a 680 off amazon for less than 300 bucks when it's all said and done..
First I live in a state that Amazon does not collect tax, 330 is what I paid for the card, Amazon gave me a promotional credit of 40 dollars (due to a shipping delay) + there is a 40 dollar MIR.

No BS, but obviously the promotional credit shouldn't really be counted.
Ooh, an msi twin frozr II to match my existing one for this price, and I'm goin sli!
GoldenTiger, that link states they think it will be around $644 for reference models and more than $700 for overclockables, so that rumor must be true to the extent of being more than $500
GoldenTiger, that link states they think it will be around $644 for reference models and more than $700 for overclockables, so that rumor must be true to the extent of being more than $500

It says 500 euros, and virtually every video card launch over the past several years has had a 1:1 ratio of dollars and euros, *NOT* a conversion, when pricing is talked about. I guess you haven't watched many launches, but it's pretty universally known.
if its really only 500 bucks then I will be very surprised. 500 bucks is what it should be IMO but they were already getting that for the little GK104 680 and twice that for the Titan.
if its really only 500 bucks then I will be very surprised. 500 bucks is what it should be IMO but they were already getting that for the little GK104 680 and twice that for the Titan.

Yeah, Titan stock is still low at $1000. Do people really think that they're going to launch a slightly cut down version for half that price?
Yet another site saying 500... . We'll see what happens soon enough, but I would be just about willing to eat my hat if it's above $600. ;)

As with each other launch I've seen, conversions correct @ $700

You don't convert for video card or hardware launches, virtually always just saying X euro = X usd is close to accurate. As I said, you must not have been through many component launches ever, since this is very common knowledge.
Yet another site saying 500... . We'll see what happens soon enough, but I would be just about willing to eat my hat if it's above $600. ;)

You don't convert for video card or hardware launches, virtually always just saying X euro = X usd is close to accurate. As I said, you must not have been through many component launches ever, since this is very common knowledge.

News being repeated over and over doesn't count as a new source. Just saying.
News being repeated over and over doesn't count as a new source. Just saying.

It's newer than the old-news articles others are parroting. Most sites have been trending towards the 500 mark, not the 700+ like these people think.
Let me preface this by saying that I'm not interested in purchasing a 700 series from Nvidia. But from what I've been reading you can actually flash the 680's to a 770 and get a 10% or so boost. $400 - $450 sounds about right for a 770 as that's what a 680 goes for. Then the 780 is supposed to be around 25% faster than a 680. That's where the monkey wrench was tossed into the gears. I just don't see 25% faster for $50. I hope for everyone that is waiting on the 700 series that this is true, but I just don't see it happening.
Let me preface this by saying that I'm not interested in purchasing a 700 series from Nvidia. But from what I've been reading you can actually flash the 680's to a 770 and get a 10% or so boost.

It actually was a fake. The hoax simply took a 680 BIOS, upped the clocks, and then changed the driver INF file to read what they wanted (in this case a fake "770"). See here from techpowerup proving this:
We created four additional GPU-Z screenshots to serve as evidence that just by modifying the INF file, you can make the card appear as anything you want. The string from the INF file is used in Windows for display purposes only; the graphics driver does not use it for anything else; certainly not feature detection.
In conclusion, this "GTX 770" mod is nothing more than a combination of a custom GTX 680 BIOS that adds higher clock speeds, and a custom INF file that changes the card's name string.

Regarding pricing, rumors are pretty consistent for $400 on the 770. The 780 is where people disagree.
First I live in a state that Amazon does not collect tax, 330 is what I paid for the card, Amazon gave me a promotional credit of 40 dollars (due to a shipping delay) + there is a 40 dollar MIR.

No BS, but obviously the promotional credit shouldn't really be counted.

Interesting...wonder if I could swing a $40 shipping delay if I get that 680 for $390 from Amazon ahaha (since it's currently sold-out). Good deal regardless. I just need to match the $335 AR that I got for my 580 a couple years ago, and I'll be on my merry way.
Will there really be a Titan price drop soon?

That's one of the rumors going around. They are saying it will be dropped to $800, but it's all speculation at this point.

It really doesn't make sense for Titan to be at $1000 IMO. If it was closer to double the power of a 680 then, sure! But being that it's slower then a GTX690 at the same price point doesn't work for me. Ok I know you don't have the "SLI" and "scaling" issues with Titan, but does that warrant a slower card to be the same price? To some people I suppose so. Just not for me.

IF (and this is a big IF) the GTX780 released at $550-$600, that would mean to step up to a Titan (10%-20% performance over a 780, just my guess) you'd be paying a $400+ premium....
The price of Titan has worked because it's the fastest single GPU out now and AMD hasn't had an answer for it, so really no competition means it gets a "halo" price tag. As new cards come out and bridge the gap or overtake Titan, the price will have to fall if they plan on selling video cards in the future.

It's really too much to speculate, guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Le sigh. I've been wanting a 680 but could not afford it and got a 670, but, at this point, I think my CPU, motherboard, and RAM are more of a bottleneck than the video card and I'd be better served by upgrading that when haswell comes out than by dropping the cash on a 680.

System in sig, any thoughts on that?
One example being an MSI OC edition for $390ish with a $10 rebate to bring it to 380...

A "very good" warehouse deal of that is here for $360.68:

TigerDirect has one for $383 - 10 rebate. non-oc

Newegg is running some at steeply reduced pricing as well.

With the 770 and 780 close though I'd recommend unless you need a card NOW, to wait... purportedly the 770 will come with the nice Titan cooler and be basically a GTX 680 on some small steroids, for $400, while the 780 is looking to be $500ish and well between a 770 and Titan.

Amazon shows the card in your link at $483 for me. And both amazon and newegg show typical pricing on all 680s. No deep discounts.
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^ probably because you're a day late?

The OP indicated that this was a deep discounting of all 680s across the board due to the upcoming release of the 700 series cards. Not a one day sale on one 680 model from one manufacturer.
No, what you assumed was that there would be deep discounting of all 680s across the board.

Nothing in the first post of this thread says that there is discounting of 680s "across the board", and the OP linked specific models that were on clearance with an aside at the end suggesting that any potential buyers wait for 700 series coming very soon. FFS, learn how to read...
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