GTX 480: Your verdict

Your verdict on the GTX 480

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Guys in business there is no such thing as unfair. You win or go home. In this instance nvidia isn't doing anything wrong and if you think AMD wouldn't do it if they wanted too or could your nuts. Paying devs for certain things to make your hardware look/run better and your suprised? LOL no SLI support in the retail version of dirt 2 for over a month ring a bell? That's just the first one that came to mind but it's been going on forever and won't change any time soon. Pfft come on guys get real lol.;)

I think AMD would dissagree with you. Intell were unfair and look what it cost them. Nvidia pretty much have been riding on a very very fine line in regards to shady business practices and I wouldnt be surpised if a day comes where they get called out on it.
What about Dirt 2 and others that ATI "bought off" where the 480 wins, then? There goes that whole argument... anyway, I'm done, not sure how hard it is for some people to simply take two numbers, divide them by eachother, and come up with the percent properly from a graph on your screen. Also of note are minimum FPS # comparisons which tell a good story as well for actual real-world gameplay. People seem unable to use that skill, so... it's pointless to argue with people like that.

They were running the 480 in DX9 mode, but you already new this didn't you?

Now, for Dirt 2 we unfortunately had to ditch all results we had made in the past and I thing there will be a number of websites out there that made this mistake. The previous time demo test was based on the DX11 demo of the game. The demo code however will only work at DX9 for the GeForce GTX 400.

We swapped out the time demo to the full version of the game, you guessed it... our lovely recorded time demo refused to work. Therefore we moved onwards and completely started all results from scratch to make sure both cards are rendering PROPERLY at DirectX 11.
They were running the 480 in DX9 mode, but you already new this didn't you?

Sites who knew what they were doing were running in DX11 by forcing it in the config file...

Didn't you know?
Being one of the newest games on the market, DiRT 2 cuts an imposing figure in terms of image quality and effects fidelity. We find that to benchmark this game the in-game tool is by far the best option. However, due to small variances from one race to another, three benchmark runs are done instead of the normal two. It should also be mentioned that the demo version of the game was NOT used since after careful testing, the performance of the demo is not representative of the final product. DX11 was forced through the game’s config file. In addition, you will see that these scores do not line up with our older benchmarks at all. This is due to the fact that a patch was recently rolled out for the game which included performance optimizations in addition to new graphics options.

Only the demo version that some sites such as Guru3d used, was DX9. The sites that took more time to actually look at what they were doing benched in DX11 with stunning results:

Get the facts right.
So the 480 wins by one frame at 1920, and 2560, and you are impressed by that?

Let me re-host the chart since you seem to not want to click it to actually look (so as not to leech bandwidth from HWC), because it is not by "one frame" per second. You're just outright lying at this point...

Guys in business there is no such thing as unfair. You win or go home. In this instance nvidia isn't doing anything wrong and if you think AMD wouldn't do it if they wanted too or could your nuts. Paying devs for certain things to make your hardware look/run better and your suprised? LOL no SLI support in the retail version of dirt 2 for over a month ring a bell? That's just the first one that came to mind but it's been going on forever and won't change any time soon. Pfft come on guys get real lol.;)

I say it all lightly. "Unfair" in quotes if that makes you feel better. I know how business works and the door swings both ways on some of this stuff. :)

If it had been 512 cores at a more reasonable power/thermal/sound level and at target clocks like 750/1500, we wouldn't even have this poll; it'd just crush ATI's offerings. But in fact, at 480 cores and gimped clocks and shitty power draw/thermals/sound levels, I rated it a 2. Justification: I'm just gonna say what I said in another thread:

And it was a good post but I didn't quote it all for brevity.

If they'd come out with the FULL 100 percent Fermi design along the lines of what you're talking about it would be unquestioned shock and awe and it's a shame they just couldn't get it altogether fast enough.

These are still really damn nice cards don't get me wrong.
We just went over this... Hardware Canucks states very clearly in the quote provided that they used the full retail version which is DX11-capable with GTX 400 series cards.
So then why is the Guru3D fps difference so different to the one you hosted?
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Ive had my self a giggle or two since reading the benchmarks on the Fermi's. All the hype and hold outs for this card and we end up with performance that ATI gave us quite some time ago.

Im with everyone else, the GPU is huge, has a billion more transistors than a 5800 series yet does equal or less. Guzzles power like a Hemi and gets hotter than Megan Fox. Fermi has only reaffirmed my feelings on the purchase of my 5850 (fricken awesome awesome card for the money, how else can you get 80+ FPS in Bad Company 2 Max Detail for 300 bones?)

In short the Fermi launch gave me a giggle and made me yawn. Sorry Nvidia fans. In no way form or fashion worth the money Nvidia wants for them.
Oh please with the paper launch. The 5870 was the paperest of paper launches in the history of graphics cards. It took what? 5 months to see them in stock on newegg without hitting the lottery and signing in one day JUST as newegg got in their next shipment before all 20 of them sold out an hour later. Why do you think the price went from 399 to 459 on those things? Hint, it aint due to demand. More likely due to supply, or lack thereof. Stop with the fanboism. Both companies got their issues.
Well since I ordered my 5870 a day after launch from Newegg and received it a few days later, I can not figure out what you are talking about.
Well since I ordered my 5870 a day after launch from Newegg and received it a few days later, I can not figure out what you are talking about.

He's talking about that you had to be very quick and lucky to snag it at launch, before stock went low for months making it hard to find. This is hardly any secret.

Anyway, how's it going with finding out why Guru3d's results are so different than other sites benching DX11 Dirt 2?
Oh please with the paper launch. The 5870 was the paperest of paper launches in the history of graphics cards. It took what? 5 months to see them in stock on newegg without hitting the lottery and signing in one day JUST as newegg got in their next shipment before all 20 of them sold out an hour later. Why do you think the price went from 399 to 459 on those things? Hint, it aint due to demand. More likely due to supply, or lack thereof. Stop with the fanboism. Both companies got their issues.

5870 wasn't a paper launch. Supply was readily available the week it launched, and then massive demand kicked in, out pacing TMSC's 40nm abilities. But a paper launch? Fuck no.

He's talking about that you had to be very quick and lucky to snag it at launch, before stock went low for months making it hard to find. This is hardly any secret.

All true, but still not a paper launch. Plenty of people (myself included) bought one launch week. The GTX 480 launch is a paper launch. The 5870 launch was not.

To me it doesn't matter that the GTX 480 is a paper launch, as I have no intention of buying one. I'm happy with my launch week 5870 ;)
Anyway, how's it going with finding out why Guru3d's results are so different than other sites benching DX11 Dirt 2?

I'm sorry, I did not realize it was my job to find out why Guru3d actually used DX11 and the other sites did not.
I'm sorry, I did not realize it was my job to find out why Guru3d actually used DX11 and the other sites did not.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was my job either... you're the one making the claim that is against the normal though, usually buden of proof falls on the one doing so. You're the one who, just moments ago, felt it was so important to ask me the same ;). You also pretty clearly insinuate that the numbers I posted from multiple sites are not correct: if that's the case, it's up to you to prove it if you want that to be taken seriously.
1. Price, WTF for both cards.
2. Spec, 470 was good as was. 480, WTF are they thinking?
3. POwer hungry
4. HOT!

As to the info I posted here 2m before launch, according to my source, it was 512SP up until 1m ago when they decide quanity was more important. Bleh, bullshit, they didn't wanna waste money debugging a new stepping which might have FIXed most of their woes, mainly power and heat. Power more so than heat as it most likely would still be hot, just not as hot as it is now.
Interesting that Hardware Canucks has about a 10-15% average Fermi over 5870 more than Guru3d, [H] and a half dozen others. All of the sudden HW Canucks is the top review site in this thread.

Paper paper paper launchorama in full effect... just a reporter folks
Interesting that Hardware Canucks has about a 10-15% average Fermi over 5870 more than Guru3d, [H] and a half dozen others. All of the sudden HW Canucks is the top review site in this thread.

Confirmation bias? ;)

That discrepency is a little odd. I wonder what the difference was?
Confirmation bias? ;)

That discrepency is a little odd. I wonder what the difference was?

Do you really wonder? How many cards did they get? How many do you think they get next round? I see Kyle got a ton of cards relatively speaking but his numbers are legit. That you can bank on.
Oh please with the paper launch. The 5870 was the paperest of paper launches in the history of graphics cards. It took what? 5 months to see them in stock on newegg without hitting the lottery and signing in one day JUST as newegg got in their next shipment before all 20 of them sold out an hour later. Why do you think the price went from 399 to 459 on those things? Hint, it aint due to demand. More likely due to supply, or lack thereof. Stop with the fanboism. Both companies got their issues.

Get real, HD 58xx was NOT a paper launch. There were cards available at launch, but I waffled before finally ordering my 5850 in mid-October, and I could have ordered a 5870 too. Stocks didn't run dry until later October/early November, and even then they were back in stock in spurts for a while until availability went way up again with the second wave in December. From late December onwards, availability was much better.

Also, why are we arguing over 2 weeks? Fermi was late 6 months, if you are going to be that late, what's another 2 weeks on top of that?
Confirmation bias? ;)

That discrepency is a little odd. I wonder what the difference was?

For HWC fans, what makes you so sure HWC was right? Guru wasn't the only one to find relative parity in DiRT 2 at higher resolutions. For instance, see <-- this was with Cat 9.12 drivers, too, not 10.3a!

A possible explanation for discrepancies is that some sites DID NOT REBENCH DiRT 2 using Cat 10.3a drivers, instead copying and pasting from their old data in order to make their deadlines. They may have SAID they used 10.3a but that was only with games they had not already benched. That is just a hypothesis I am throwing out there--if you have better ideas as to why there are discrepancies, feel free to share.

There's also an easy way to at least half-debunk either HWC or Guru (or maybe both at the same time!): if someone has a powerful system (so it's not CPU-bottlenecked) with a 5870, try this: Use 10.3a drivers and stock clocks and let us know what kind of results you get in DiRT 2, then compare to the review sites. For the other half-debunking we need someone with a GTX 480, unfortunately.
I'll give it a sold 7 do to its power consumption and lackluster performance based on its price performance ratio with AMD/ATi.

Lets put it this way.

It would be a good card, if there wasn't better at the price on the market.
I sold my GTX295 6 months ago and hoping to get the next best thing from Nvidia, and here I am did they manage to fail? I should of kept my 295.

Now the only sense able thing i see is to go the dark side a.k.a. get ATI.
lol at the guys sayin' ATi had the paper launch, they made those cards as fas as they could and still could not keep up with demand.....Nvidia on the other hand...........
As much as the green team has served me well for the past couple of years, I'll have to admit, I'm really disappointed with Fermi .

I did my due diligence, waited for some benchmarks, and now I'm going to buy ATI.

Too much heat, too much power, not enough performance for the price. Sad too, was looking forward to something special.
lol at the guys sayin' ATi had the paper launch, they made those cards as fas as they could and still could not keep up with demand.....Nvidia on the other hand...........

Some of you guys live in a dream world I swear to god it makes me lol, seriously. Amd jad a very very small amount of cards at launch and for months after that as well. In fact it wasn't until just recently that they got a decent amount of volume out. The same allocation issues nvidia had amd had also. They both use tsmc for fab.

So ya they sold out at etailers as soon as they got them sure, that's what happens when a place like newegg gets like 20 pieces in stock and people are waiting weeks. Take off the fanboy glasses for a minute and get a clue. Amd's launch back in the fall was pathetic and everyone knows so please be quite with that bullshit.

Nvidia'a initial allocation should be a bit better but not by much.

If I have 10,000 people waiting for months to buy my product but I only piecemeal a few hundred units out at a time over the span of five months does that make me a smashing success? Or is that simply my ineptness in being able to adequately fill my initial order's? Just giving an example since I don't know the exact numbers.
Some of you guys live in a dream world I swear to god it makes me lol, seriously. Amd jad a very very small amount of cards at launch and for months after that as well. In fact it wasn't until just recently that they got a decent amount of volume out. The same allocation issues nvidia had amd had also. They both use tsmc for fab.

So ya they sold out at etailers as soon as they got them sure, that's what happens when a place like newegg gets like 20 pieces in stock and people are waiting weeks. Take off the fanboy glasses for a minute and get a clue. Amd's launch back in the fall was pathetic and everyone knows so please be quite with that bullshit.

Nvidia'a initial allocation should be a bit better but not by much.

If I have 10,000 people waiting for months to buy my product but I only piecemeal a few hundred units out at a time over the span of five months does that make me a smashing success? Or is that simply my ineptness in being able to adequately fill my initial order's? Just giving an example since I don't know the exact numbers.

To be clear, it was a good week before the market sold out of the initial supply of 5870, then there was a slow trickle of cards every week for the next two months. If you wanted one that first week, you could absolutely get one (at regular MSRP, which is actually lower than they're selling now)

In the case of Fermi, it was a true paper-launch, so yea, a bit of a difference here.
To be clear, it was a good week before the market sold out of the initial supply of 5870, then there was a slow trickle of cards every week for the next two months. If you wanted one that first week, you could absolutely get one (at regular MSRP, which is actually lower than they're selling now)

In the case of Fermi, it was a true paper-launch, so yea, a bit of a difference here.

Yes nvidia did a true paper launch on Friday which is no surprise since we all knew retail availability wasn't going to be for a couple of weeks after anyway. Semantics aside my only point was that the reason you haven't been able to buy a 5000 series card for months after the initial batch sold out was because amd couldn't supply any real volume what so ever. Not because of the overwhelming demand that amd fans like to decree and scream from the mountain tops.
Do you really wonder? How many cards did they get? How many do you think they get next round? I see Kyle got a ton of cards relatively speaking but his numbers are legit. That you can bank on.

Well, yeah. Kyle and this crew are certainly not even remotely in the realm of question or doubt as far as I'm concerned. :)

Saw post 228 as well. :)
lol at the guys sayin' ATi had the paper launch, they made those cards as fas as they could and still could not keep up with demand.....Nvidia on the other hand...........

lol at the guys saying demand was the reason for the 5870 not being available in stores. paper launch. my comment stands and is well known amongst anyone in the hardware industry. And as the other guy said, it is JUST within the past month or so that readily available 5870 cards are in stock on a daily basis at major etailers. You still to this day can NOT find one at ANY brick and mortar store.

While i do agree that the gtx480 will be another 7800gtx 512 in that it will go to crazy expensive prices and be hard to find, it would be disingenuous to say that the 5870 was not an uber paper launch for at least 4 or 5 months.
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You still to this day can NOT find one at ANY brick and mortar store.

Maybe near you. The place around the corner from here has had at least 2 on the shelf for months. (Small business with 2 stores, not a major name.) They had 3 when none of the e-tailers had any months ago.

Frankly, at the time I was kinda surprised to see them there myself. I even made a remark you can't find those anywhere. He relied "I know" with a smile.
2 on the shelf for montjs. Rofl what happened to the incredible demand? Nuff said.
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