GTX 1060 mid range???


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2011
Where can I get a decent GPU for Star Citizen, that game is looking awesome??? $150ish if one is out there...
1060's are in a "oc" mode as is from the factory. i would suggest the rx 470 or the rx 480.
470 can be had around $150 all the time. 480 4GB can if you shop around or wait for a deal. 8GB 480's you'd have to buy used. I haven't looked at 1060 pricing lately, but I haven't seen them around $150.
I just got a 4gb R480 powercooler from newegg $159 after rebate($20 rebate so a little more $ upfront). For me it was worth the little extra over a 470. I'd prefer a 1060 6gb but they are well north of $200 and for this PC it's going into; it just wasn't worth the extra $ for the slight benefits of the 1060(lower watts/heat and slightly better perf in most games).
I put a gtx1060 6 gig in my daughter's box I just built her for Xmas and it's been pretty awesome. Running all games at 1440p maxed or close to max super smooth with fps to spare. She's very happy with it.
Well gtx1050 is a good one to settle on, any codes I can type on amazon for a lower $$?
Basically, 1060 is a mid-range GPU and it should applicable for most games (not the 3A game)
If your budget is pretty tight, you should try 1050 ti and it is lower wattage