GTA4 Ballad of the Gay Tony and TLTD PS3


Feb 29, 2004
Does anyone know that the Ballad of the Gay Tony and The Lost and the Damned came out? I just saw it on the new releases section of the PS3. 20 bucks a pop though. Are they even worth it?
If you have GTA IV, sell it then use that money to help pay for a new/used copy of Liberty City Stories off eBay or something.
Well worth it. You can get it as DLC or just simply buy the 'Episodes of Liberty City' disk. Both games are long for that amount of money. I liked the Episodes even more than GTA4 itself. Plus they add new multiplayer modes.
I have TBOGT, but oddly enough lost interest quickly. I think it just starts too slowly. I really enjoyed TL&TD, though. It's worth $20 as it's roughly about 1/4 of the length of the full GTA4 game and it has lots of new things.
I agree I loved the whole biker theme in L&D but TBOGT was anything but slow. Exploding shotgun shells, tanks, paragliding onto the back of trucks. TBOGT was extreme to GTA4 and L&D.
I just picked this up for PS3 and... wow!
Far superior to 'vanilla' GT4 I say.

That arab dude in TBOGT is hillarious!