
Mar 8, 2007
What kind of hardware would it take to run this game maxed at 4k 120hz? RTX3080ti?
Have a 1080ti and finally got around to playing this game.
What is your current performance like? I'm running with a 3900X and RTX 2080 and the game runs fantastic. 1080ti and 2080 are usually pretty close.

Seems to me 2080 Ti with an overclock is pretty close. I would imagine 3080 or 3080 Ti should be able to do 120fps easily.

Although on a VRR display I doubt you would be able to tell the difference between 100fps and 120fps in this game anyway.
View attachment 258477

Seems to me 2080 Ti with an overclock is pretty close. I would imagine 3080 or 3080 Ti should be able to do 120fps easily.

Although on a VRR display I doubt you would be able to tell the difference between 100fps and 120fps in this game anyway.

Maybe if you don’t want all the eye candy. I barely average 100fps with a 8700k at 5ghz and 2080ti @2000mhz at 2160 x 1440 with all (most) of the eye candy on.
You will have no issue with GTA-V with the upcoming hardware refresh.
Benchmarks? Yeah, didn't think so. If Fixall is only getting ~100fps @ 1440p with an overclocked 2080ti, how can you be so sure next gen will be 180% faster than an overclocked 2080ti to make this happen? (160% more pixel + 20% more fps needed). Judging by the leaks, we're looking at maybe 30% increases, that's enough to maybe run 2k @ 120hz with high settings. Nowhere near 4k 120hz unless you turn settings down. Since the OP said MAXED I assume he did't mean with settings turned down, so he's probably going to be waiting at least for the 5090ti before that's a reality, maybe 6090 or rdna 3+.
There are a bunch of settings in GTA V you can turn down with almost no visual difference, and still get great performance.

Not sure why everyone has a hard on for full max settings at all cost. It's not worth it.
Why 120fps? It looks fabulous at 60. It's not uber reaction time competition shooter.
Because it looks even better then.
There are a bunch of settings in GTA V you can turn down with almost no visual difference, and still get great performance.

Not sure why everyone has a hard on for full max settings at all cost. It's not worth it.
This is true of most games.... People are dumb.
Well, I'll have to take your word for it; never experienced any monitors over 60hz.

Well you will when you upgrade to the next gen of hdmi 2.1 hardware.

I have a 120hz gsync screen and its hard keeping that high of a framerate as its pretty hard on the CPU. I personally find 85hz the sweetspot of visuals and system requirements. I can definitely see smoother motion at 85hz but beyond that I get the the feeling of the soap opera effect like everything is moving too fast and it doesn't look as cinematic. Also most cpus have no trouble feeding 85fps, whereas above that you can get some framerate volatility which causes its own series of visual glitches that I don't like.
I’m not that concerned about 120fps in this game per se, I am just using it as a benchmark.