Grr no post.. again..


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2006
Well.. my computer's been on ever since I got the mobo and psu replaced.. and I finally decided to clean all the dust out today (1 year). Finish cleaning, plug back in, vala! No post.

All the fans are running, I can hear the hard drives spinning and stuff and the LED on the tracers are on.. but it just stays on without any images on my monitor.

- I took out the video card, and reseated it. No go.
- Took out all but 1 ram stick. No go
- Took out all ram. No error beep.
- Took out video card and ram. No error beep.
- Discounted all but 1 hard drive. Nothing.
- Cleared CMOS. Nothing. Removed and reinserted battery. Nothing
- Tried a different monitor. With both d-sub and dvi. Nothing
- Tested the PSU with my dell. Works fine.

After all that.. I thought maybe it's the mobo.. since this IS the mobo that's been rma'ed 4 times..
So, I pulled out my backup ep35-ds3r. Assembled everything back.
CPU, 1 RAM, video card, 1 hard drive.
BAM. Still nothing..
At least with the ds3r, my mouse turned on but still no beep or anything on my monitor.

I've absolutely ran out of ideas... I'm just hoping it isn't the PSU, since I just got this like.. last year. I absolutely don't want to deal with ASUS again on this motherboard.. rma'ed it 3 times to have them send me the same board. And a different one on the 4th. And I absolutely don't have money to shell out for anything new.. ;_;

Specs are..
Asus P5K-E / Gigabyte EP35-DS3R
4gb Crucial Ballistix 1066
XFX 8800GT
Xigmatek 750w PSU
3 SATA hdds
Did you go through the part in the stickied "Basic Troubleshooting Guide" about what to do when the system doesn't POST?
Haven't tried everything out of the case. What I don't understand is why wouldn't it post.. it's been on for a year without problem.. and I just used the dust-off can for about 5 minutes, and it turns out like this.
I just tried the everything on a cardboard box.

If it won't POST, try different RAM slots. If it still won't post, pull out the ram (so no ram in the system) and listen for error beeps. If none, pull the vidcard and listen for error beeps. If none, re-seat the CPU and HSF, then try again. Report back with results if you're still having issues.

I did all of that.. on both the p5k-e and the ds3r. No post. There were no error beeps. For both boards.
You did have a case speaker plugged in, right? :p just checking. ;)

Do you have some lower voltage RAM you could try? If BOTH boards won't give error beeps without any RAM/Vidcard with the same CPU/PSU, then the first thing I'd try is another PSU, then another CPU.
Yeah case speakers were plugged in. Sadly I don't have any low voltage ram :( all of them are 2.1+
It sucks soo bad that I have 2 other PSU, but both of them doesn't have pci-e connector. And I dont have a PCI video card too -o- . I'll find someway though. I'll report back later. Thanks :)

Another thing to add. With the P5K, it would start up once, and shut off before the ram led and hdds turns on.
Then start up again, but the LEDs on the ram comes on right away, and looks like their reading/writing.

With the DS3R, the CPU phase LEDs on the mobo just stays on.
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Just an update. I got another PSU to test it. And same results. Then I found my old firestix from 2007, and I put it in. It posted! But only 1 of them works though. Then I tried one of my tracers, it worked! But the other 3 sticks I have are not working. I requested a RMA for all 4 of em. Just to rule out the ram.

The weird thing is, it only works when I unplug the power from the psu, and flush out all the power. Then it would post. If I try to change any ram/cpu settings in BIOS. It won't post until I flush out all the power again, with default ram/cpu settings..

Now I'm running stock 333 FSB and my ram is defaulted to 800mhz with no way to change it T.T worst of all, Intel Speedstep is on..

Next step is to test another CPU and a different mobo.. D: