Grand Theft Auto V is Now the Best-Selling Game of All Time in the US


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
According to financials released by Take-Two Interactive, Grand Theft Auto V is now the best-selling game of all time in the US. I can't say that I've ever played a GTA game, but I do have to admit that over 85 million copies is a LOT of copies. I guess it must have something going for it. Is it really that good GTA fans?

The figure means GTA V has now surpassed Wii Sports in terms of sales. Nintendo’s title sold 82.8 million units, though it did have the advantage of being bundled in with the Wii console. If you include mobile sales, only Minecraft (122 million) and Tetris (170 million) have sold more copies than the latest entry in the GTA series.
If you have not played GTA V single player through, you are missing out IMHO. It really is damn good game, one of the best story/character based games I have played. And the not-so-subtle social commentary is delicious.

I could not give two shits about the multiplayer though as usual, and I am a bit salty Rockstar decided to focus on that when it came to expansions/DLC and left the single player to rot.
This game has been on supersale like candy for years. While it was a good game, I kinda wonder about the validity of this. I'd like to see the total revenue generated from this compared with other games. The 50 million copies of CS for example.
Excellent game. Way better than IV.

The heists in multiplayer are very good, but the rest of the multiplayer content is meh. They have no plans to release more heists, for some reason.
There's a lot of music in it for $35 or whatever is the reduced price.

Shuffled, of course. But Flying Lotus, etc. and other good stations enhance the game. And I know people have Spotify, etc. but it's a perk compared to most AAA action games.
It was more fun when the online part first came out, but now everyone is board, so they just grief anybody they see out and about. Try and buy a new hat, and then all of the sudden someone will have driven their car through the front door of the store locking you in, and since the store is under attack, you can't buy that new hat.....
Never played V, I played IV on PS3 but that's the last one I played and that was like 7 years ago. I just kinda lost interest in the series though, I guess i kinda got sick of doing side quests like Skyrim where I spent 90% of my time playing doing nothing but side quests and only like 5 quests of the main story. (i had skyrim on Xbox 360 and beat the main story but on PC never finished it)
Not sure if it's the best in the series (to me that's probably San Andreas), but it's really good. I wish they spent more time on the single player game instead of the pure chaos of the online component. The core game is the shortest of the bunch even though the world is huge and there's a ton of random hidden stuff. I'd trade the entire online component for some single-player DLC's.
All that said, the online is at least amusing, and the gameplay is way better than the older games.
GTA4 using GTA5's engine would be the ultimate game, IMO.
I had V for about 10 minutes before I realized I couldn't even play SP without some stupid Rockstar social account bullshit. Was an instant refund after that and haven't even thought about touching it since.

That said, I'm curious about how those numbers are calculated. Is that total sales including purchases that were later refunded, or is that actually bought-and-kept purchases? I just can't quite believe that 25% of the entire US population currently has a copy of GTAV on their shelves/in their libraries.
I just can't quite believe that 25% of the entire US population currently has a copy of GTAV on their shelves/in their libraries.

I have two copies, one for Xbox 360 and one for XB1, so that should knock it down to 24.9999999% of the US. Got the achievement for 100% completion on both systems too. I loved the game when I played it, haven't picked it up for a while though.
Not sure how many copies were sold as console bundles. They always say Mario Bros. sold a billion copies ... but they counted every console sale as a copy sold.

This is real amount sold.
I have two copies, one for Xbox 360 and one for XB1, so that should knock it down to 24.9999999% of the US. Got the achievement for 100% completion on both systems too. I loved the game when I played it, haven't picked it up for a while though.

I think that's actually pretty common. Anecdotally, I know several people that bought the game again when it was re-released. It might not account for even 10% of the sales, but then again it might.
The fact that the game was released twice doesn't hurt those numbers.
If you include mobile sales, only Minecraft (122 million) and Tetris (170 million) have sold more copies than the latest entry in the GTA series.

That kind of sounds like it is NOT the best selling game of all time.

And yeah I don't count any games that are bundled with systems, Wii Sports, Super Mario Bros, etc.
Mostly just play GTA-V for the new cars. Being able to do that in SP with mods is pretty fun. I should have waited till the game was on sale instead of paying full price. Since I bought the game after release I've played GTA-V a total of 5 times and most of it is trying online MP. I think it's been about a year since I've played it last. Mostly try for the achievements and got bored with it again.
I like the stunt races in GTA Online, I fire it up every now and again to play a few of those or just run around creating chaos in the SP mode.
Game was so good I bought it three times, once on Xbox, again for Xbox one, and then finally for PC.

I regret nothing :)
Popular doesn't mean better.

Rockstar is pretty damn good at setting a very high bar. Their graphics aren't the best, but they're pretty damn good. Their stories aren't the best, but they're pretty damn good... Aren't bug free, but pretty damn stable....Perform pretty damn good on their respective platform, etc etc. They are what many companies dream of becoming, their games are what many companies dream of creating. And they are pretty damn low on the "i hate that company" list.

They're popular because they are above average in almost every aspect. From mouth-breathers, to children, to the hardcore; there is something that can be appreciated in GTA. That comes with being a proper sandbox game.
Well deserved......but DAMN they really fucked up the online scene's economy with that shark card bullshit. I'd rather pay a monthly fee and enjoy a balanced economy/grind than the bullshit you have to go through to enjoy the high level stuff. PC hackers dropping money on everyone has made the game much more fun than it would have been.
What is Take-Two Interactive spending it's money on?

As for the other parts of Take-Two’s financial report, the firm posted revenue of $443.6 million for the quarter, up from the $420.2 million it posted last year. Recurrent consumer spending, which covers virtual currency, add-on content, and microtransactions, grew 66% year-over-year and accounted for 48% of total net revenue. Despite all this, the company recorded a loss of $2.7 million for the quarter, down from the $36.4 million profit it made during the same period last year.

They made $23.4 million MORE than they did this time last year yet they've recorded a $2.7 million loss this quarter? Considering their profit this quarter last year was $36.4 million what the hell are they spending their money on?
Love it because I can finally do something that's impossible in real life. YOLO in games.
What is Take-Two Interactive spending it's money on?

They made $23.4 million MORE than they did this time last year yet they've recorded a $2.7 million loss this quarter? Considering their profit this quarter last year was $36.4 million what the hell are they spending their money on?
Um making more games? They don't have much income coming in atm since it been a few years since their last game. Operation cost for possibly 1000+ people and space is not cheap. They might be investing back into the company.
Um making more games? They don't have much income coming in atm since it been a few years since their last game. Operation cost for possibly 1000+ people and space is not cheap. They might be investing back into the company.

Much income?

They made $443 million dollars this quarter. Compared to the $420 million dollars they made during last years quarter I'd say they have a decent amount of income.
Lots of vocal haters on [H] these days. Bunch of kids that haven't even played the game announcing how turrible it is. Just like many other subjects.

GTA V is a crowning achievement in technology and story telling for games. Online was not great but a bit of fun if not short lived.

The same group of kids that are too cool for school bitching about anything anyone likes is getting old. No one likes people like that but suppose that is their intentions. Rebels!
Much income?

They made $443 million dollars this quarter. Compared to the $420 million dollars they made during last years quarter I'd say they have a decent amount of income.
Shit I didn't read your quote about how much they brought in. I was thinking they made23 mil last quarter. You right idk how they making that kind of money atm and still in the negative lol. Still bring in almost a half billion a quarter and they haven't released a game since 2013. Damn looking at those numbers for GTA 5. It made RS over 3 billion dollars on a 265 million budget.
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This game has been on supersale like candy for years. While it was a good game, I kinda wonder about the validity of this. I'd like to see the total revenue generated from this compared with other games. The 50 million copies of CS for example.

Why wouldn't it be valid? GTA Online pulls in fuck tons of money thanks to shark cards. Since launch GTA Online has been one of Take-Two's biggest earners. Every. Single. Quarter. Plus, GTAV has been a $60 game multiple times, on five different platforms. The game launched at $60 on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Later it launched at $60 on the PS4, XB1, and PC. It has remained in the top 20 on NPD charts for years at a time. It is 310 on the Steam top global sellers list, and is still $60 on Steam. The game has gone on sale quite a bit, but the base price on the PC and modern consoles is still $60. Despite that it remains a top selling in months where it doesn't get put on sale. T2 is expecting to pull in 1.7 to 1.8 billion dollars in net revenue during FY18 and a lot of that is due to GTA. GTA is doing so well that they have to pay more than expected for licensing and royalty fees. The game is continuing to surpass T2's own internal estimates. There is nothing about this situation that makes it hard to believe.

That all said, remember Valve wants nothing to do with NPD or any reporting agency. No one outside of Valve knows how much they're making on CS: Go microtransactions. Valve refuses to report any kind of sales or revenue information to anyone that doesn't have to know.
It was good. Fours years ago, it was pretty much the best looking thing out there that actually had a plot. The story was pretty decent overall, easily the best of the numbered GTAs (which wasn't a high bar to clear, but it at least gave you a decent story with the actual game). It's just been so long since RS actually released anything new that it's getting boring hearing the same thing over and over again.

Yes, it's a good game, for it's age. I'd say it's in the top 25% of RS's library, but let's face it, there isn't a title in that library that isn't being colored by nostalgia to some degree.

Edit: It just occurred to me that GTA5 is starting to take on a certain aura. It's the HL2 for millennials, except there's at least a decent chance that GTA6 may actually happen someday.
I enjoyed this game, played it first on my Xbox 360 and then on the PC when they finally released it.
I have never finished any of the GTA games, I end up just driving around and causing as much mayhem as I can, lol.
Probably have 80+ hours on the PC and 1% completed.
Buy it solely for the single player. This is the rarest of rare games where I'm truly sad when I've finished the sp story.
Why wouldn't it be valid? GTA Online pulls in fuck tons of money thanks to shark cards. Since launch GTA Online has been one of Take-Two's biggest earners. Every. Single. Quarter. Plus, GTAV has been a $60 game multiple times, on five different platforms. The game launched at $60 on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Later it launched at $60 on the PS4, XB1, and PC. It has remained in the top 20 on NPD charts for years at a time. It is 310 on the Steam top global sellers list, and is still $60 on Steam. The game has gone on sale quite a bit, but the base price on the PC and modern consoles is still $60. Despite that it remains a top selling in months where it doesn't get put on sale. T2 is expecting to pull in 1.7 to 1.8 billion dollars in net revenue during FY18 and a lot of that is due to GTA. GTA is doing so well that they have to pay more than expected for licensing and royalty fees. The game is continuing to surpass T2's own internal estimates. There is nothing about this situation that makes it hard to believe.

That all said, remember Valve wants nothing to do with NPD or any reporting agency. No one outside of Valve knows how much they're making on CS: Go microtransactions. Valve refuses to report any kind of sales or revenue information to anyone that doesn't have to know.
You seem confused and are talking about some other game.