"Grand Theft Auto V" Cheaters Have Homes Searched, Assets Frozen

Since when is cheating at video games an actual crime? It's disturbing to see the police used as a profit tool by a corporation.
I don't understand how copyright laws are even relevant. GTAV was not copied, duplicated or altered. AFAIK these cheats are independently coded applications that run along side GTAV, or any other game for that matter.

Don't go down a slippery slope like this. It won't end well for anyone. Because next they'll be coming for any and all aftermarket hardware, software, add-on, you name it, for everything under the sun.
I don't understand how copyright laws are even relevant. GTAV was not copied, duplicated or altered. AFAIK these cheats are independently coded applications that run along side GTAV, or any other game for that matter.

The cheat software alters the online experience beyond what the game was designed for. By lawyer standards, the mechanism isn't relevant and copyright law is invoked due to how ownership over software is claimed. Its a legal mess for sure, but not a stretch to consider this as a form of "digital defacement" - and perhaps there are existing laws that would better apply here instead.

In any case, I think the outcry here is due to a generalization that computer crimes are "soft" or victim-less crimes. Rockstar sees these cheats as messing with their bottom line - costing them money no different than having to remove graffiti from the front walls of their headquarters. Rockstar doesn't care that you made some kid cry, they care about that kid buying shark cards.
The problem is shark cards. The IP owners can present convincing evidence that cheats hurt them financially, since who is going to bother cheating without padding their in game wallet. At least convincing enough to trigger legal action, obviously including asset freezes and forced discovery, in AU.