Gothic 4: Aracnia Demo Available


Limp Gawd
Dec 11, 2006

Couple other sites have it up as well. It was originally supposed to come out tomorrow in the United States, I believe. As I'm still in the process of downloading, I haven't verified the contents from the site listed above but as stated, other sites have it up as well. 1.8 Gigs and supposedly two hours of gameplay. Enjoy.

Edit: Here's a thread about it over at RPG Watch with some basic info, links and performance reports. I provided a link to filefront earlier via worthplaying, but the US server has a bunk file, if you download through worthplaying, you have to select a German mirror.
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Assuming the above screenshots are yours, how's performance? I hear the minimum specs are insanely high. Some info about gameplay would be awesome as well.
Performance is OK, I guess. I am getting about 30 fps with all max settings, but it kinda feels stuttery and janky. My GPU fans go absolutely nuts as soon as I start the game, like they are fighting for dear life.

The game seems easy even on Hard. Maybe its just the demo, I don't know. The Gothic series tend to be pretty hard. Otherwise it plays quite nice. The combat is OK as well.

It does feel quite similar to Risen and the Gothics which is fine by me.
I'm surprised Steam doesn't have it, too.

Search engines yields this demo is making its rounds fast. I should get a Torrent. This is going to take forever to get it seems.
Wow, that looks nice*. I had not paid any attention to this title with everything else coming out. That will change most ricky tick.

* Except for one thing that bugs me. Nobody does the water edge/shore properly and that kills the scene for me. It's too clean and neat whereas it should contain some debris or plant material.
* Except for one thing that bugs me. Nobody does the water edge/shore properly and that kills the scene for me. It's too clean and neat whereas it should contain some debris or plant material.

Given the past track record of bugs and lack of polish...if that's the only thing we come away complaining about in the early goings of this thing I think we'll be in good shape. :)
Being in work... i gotta ask if anyone who tried it can comment on its performance
I think my 4870 might not be quite up to the task to handle this on max
Eyefinity support please. And for once the trees don't look half bad.

Good thing I just got my bonus check too. :)
That looks really good, both technically and artistically.

Never played a Gothic game, might have to change that.

For those looking for a good mirror, has it.
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I install it, fire it up and see "Arcania Gothic 4 not working" down it goes.

I'm not even surprised. Time to check all my drivers...
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Can't get it to work. Reinstalled and uninstalled demo on three different hard drives, checked all drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled Physx 2-3 times. Screw it. Life's too short. Everything else is running fine on my machine. 100 percent up to date.

Doesn't bode well for the final game for me. I guess I'd better think about cancelling that preorder.
Since I can't get it to run myself I looked around and am seeing some pretty strong hate even from some folks that liked Risen and the past Gothic games. Combat. Interface. Things like that. They're not happy.

I'll be interested to see what folks around here say.
Can't get it to work. Reinstalled and uninstalled demo on three different hard drives, checked all drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled Physx 2-3 times. Screw it. Life's too short. Everything else is running fine on my machine. 100 percent up to date.

Doesn't bode well for the final game for me. I guess I'd better think about cancelling that preorder.

Yeah its strange. I cant get it to work on my machine either. After I install it and try to run the .exe it gives me a missing .dll error and tells me to reinstall it. What gives? I really want to play it, I loved Gothic 3.
Since I can't get it to run myself I looked around and am seeing some pretty strong hate even from some folks that liked Risen and the past Gothic games. Combat. Interface. Things like that. They're not happy.
So long as it's a proper RPG I'll play it. If it's Oblivion with a Gothic name I'll pass.
So long as it's a proper RPG I'll play it. If it's Oblivion with a Gothic name I'll pass.

I don't think it's that. I wish I could play it. No idea why I couldn't get it to work here. :(
So long as it's a proper RPG I'll play it. If it's Oblivion with a Gothic name I'll pass.
I was wondering about that. It's on PS3 & 360, and I have seen Arcania described as an "action rpg" - this tends to make me think hack & slash, or something potentially superficial or trivial. IGN even call it a "Fantasy Action game" in their game summary.

I looked around and am seeing some pretty strong hate even from some folks that liked Risen and the past Gothic games. Combat. Interface. Things like that. They're not happy.
have you found any good discussions/previews that are worth linking?
I was wondering about that. It's on PS3 & 360, and I have seen Arcania described as an "action rpg" - this tends to make me think hack & slash, or something potentially superficial or trivial. IGN even call it a "Fantasy Action game" in their game summary.

have you found any good discussions/previews that are worth linking?

About halfway down the page or so you start seeing some reactions.

A little down the first page. And so on.

I expect to see a lot more discussion by this evening across the Internet but there's a little taster.
^^ At least I'm not alone. All of my drivers are up to date, though. I'll keep an eye on it.

Fixed! Mine was up at 192. NOW I'll get into this thing!
I'll check it out when I get home. This and Two Worlds II are the two games I'm looking forward to the most this year.
I'll check it out when I get home. This and Two Worlds II are the two games I'm looking forward to the most this year.

I'm eager to see TWII myself.

Ok, first quick impressions: Runs great for me here. Looks and sounds great with everything maxed out.

About a month ago I basically had revisited Risen so with that advantage I can tell you right off the bat that Risen vets are going to be at home almost immediately for the most part. It feels like a more polished Risen to me. More to come.

I don't see a v-sync on/off option in video and I don't see any kind of camera options or controls whatsoever. Wouldn't mind having either of those.

Visual anamoly: If I run up towards a bush or shrub it kind of disappears like a cloaking device out of Star Trek kicks in. Hopefully these are the kinds of little things that won't be in the final game. Not a huge deal.

No walk/run option.
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Pretty cool demo. Like Q-BZ I saw that weird thing with bush and shrubs vanishing as you passed by them. I wonder if the game is streaming the information and its supposed to vanish when you're not looking at it instead its bugging out and vanishing as you pass by. Either way game runs great and looks good. Combat is enjoyable. Game seems like it will be pretty fun when it releases.
I'm alt-tabbing every so often as I go along here. ;)

Skills and menu setup are better than Risen's IMO. I won't have walk/run but once I learn sneak that'll be good enough, like Risen.

In this game's case, I'd probably consider turning v-sync on in game if I had the choice because there's a little tearing going on. Not terrible, though.

So far, early in, I like what I see. It's what I basically wanted which Risen to the next level for the most part.

A lot of people slagged Risen and I loved it, lumps and all. Same goes for Gothic 3 although the community patches went a long ways there and I I suspect they'll have a field day when this game comes out, too, although even going by the demo we're way ahead of Gothic 3's early days here!

If you liked Gothic 3 and especially Risen chances are you will like this. If you didn't like those games, don't bother.

No swimming apparently...
I'm alt-tabbing every so often as I go along here. ;)

Skills and menu setup are better than Risen's IMO. I won't have walk/run but once I learn sneak that'll be good enough, like Risen.

In this game's case, I'd probably consider turning v-sync on in game if I had the choice because there's a little tearing going on. Not terrible, though.

So far, early in, I like what I see. It's what I basically wanted which Risen to the next level for the most part.

A lot of people slagged Risen and I loved it, lumps and all. Same goes for Gothic 3 although the community patches went a long ways there and I I suspect they'll have a field day when this game comes out, too, although even going by the demo we're way ahead of Gothic 3's early days here!

If you liked Gothic 3 and especially Risen chances are you will like this. If you didn't like those games, don't bother.

Nice, I guess I will be playing this demo after work, rather than Civ 5
Nice, I guess I will be playing this demo after work, rather than Civ 5

Play both. ;) I'm going to try the Civ Demo myself. I liked Civ 4 even though I was terrible at it and I suspect I'll like 5 but also be terrible at it. Quality titles, though.

Pretty cool demo. Like Q-BZ I saw that weird thing with bush and shrubs vanishing as you passed by them. I wonder if the game is streaming the information and its supposed to vanish when you're not looking at it instead its bugging out and vanishing as you pass by. Either way game runs great and looks good. Combat is enjoyable. Game seems like it will be pretty fun when it releases.

Agreed on all points. Besides, I know there will be patches and the modders are going to have a field day with this. My preorder is locked down. :)

I'm not seeing anything in this demo at all that would trouble me or stop me from making a buy. Not getting some of the hate I see out there except it has to be from people that don't like these games anyways.

Wabe, my fellow Risen compatriot, should be doing cartwheels when he gets into this. :)

I'm taking my time looking around: Lots of gorgeous details I'm seeing. :)

Some people are complaining that the hero is too generic and his name is "Shepherd." I say: So what? These games are basically whatever you make of them anyways. He's good enough for me.

Good voice acting for the most part. Not going to win any Oscars but certainly not a liability.

Computer adjusts player speed automatically a little bit depending on whether your indoors or outdoors.
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Play both. ;) I'm going to try the Civ Demo myself. I liked Civ 4 even though I was terrible at it and I suspect I'll like 5 but also be terrible at it. Quality titles, though.

Agreed on all points. Besides, I know there will be patches and the modders are going to have a field day with this. My preorder is locked down. :)

I'm not seeing anything in this demo at all that would trouble me or stop me from making a buy. Not getting some of the hate I see out there except it has to be from people that don't like these games anyways.

Wabe, my fellow Risen compatriot, should be doing cartwheels when he gets into this. :)

I'm taking my time looking around: Lots of gorgeous details I'm seeing. :)

Some people are complaining that the hero is too generic and his name is "Shepherd." I say: So what? These games are basically whatever you make of them anyways. He's good enough for me.

Good voice acting for the most part. Not going to win any Oscars but certainly not a liability.

Computer adjusts player speed automatically a little bit depending on whether your indoors or outdoors.

His name isn't Shepard. Shepard is what he's called because its what he does. He's a nameless hero. On the map screen he is called Hero.
His name isn't Shepard. Shepard is what he's called because its what he does. He's a nameless hero. On the map screen he is called Hero.

^^ Right. That. ;)

I don't know what combat complaints are about, either. I explored the little town area before you go off on that first quest that you're sent on (avoiding spoilers) and I picked up a dagger and some other melee weapons and I did just fine using the dagger in a melee situation. I was using the right mouse button to roll around and dodge at the right times and I lit the guy up pretty good. I think the combat is better not worse. Even in Risen I used nothing but ranged weapons most of the time.

This is a pretty generous demo. I can tell this will be another game where the player will be richly rewarded for taking their time and exploring.
His name isn't Shepard. Shepard is what he's called because its what he does. He's a nameless hero. On the map screen he is called Hero.

Commander Shepard? :p

^^ Right. That. ;)

I don't know what combat complaints are about, either. I explored the little town area before you go off on that first quest that you're sent on (avoiding spoilers) and I picked up a dagger and some other melee weapons and I did just fine using the dagger in a melee situation. I was using the right mouse button to roll around and dodge at the right times and I lit the guy up pretty good. I think the combat is better not worse. Even in Risen I used nothing but ranged weapons most of the time.

This is a pretty generous demo. I can tell this will be another game where the player will be richly rewarded for taking their time and exploring.

Complainers gotta complain. Looking forward to trying it.
Performance is OK, I guess. I am getting about 30 fps with all max settings, but it kinda feels stuttery and janky. My GPU fans go absolutely nuts as soon as I start the game, like they are fighting for dear life.

The game seems easy even on Hard. Maybe its just the demo, I don't know. The Gothic series tend to be pretty hard. Otherwise it plays quite nice. The combat is OK as well.

It does feel quite similar to Risen and the Gothics which is fine by me.

So what are your specs DennisK4?

Between Civ 5 and Gothic 4 demos, and my backlog of games, I don't have time for anything else! :D
Just played it through, it looks OK to be honest.

There are a few little things they need to work on to polish it, the animations are a bit stiff and awkward, the lip sync is awful, characters laugh with their mouth closed, you can trigger the animation to pick up objects as fast as you can press the mouse but theres a delay between picking up objects so if you're clicking quickly your character is just bending down to pick up objects several times until the delay is over and finally picks them up.

If you hold forward and loot enemies it no longer works when the look screen goes, which means you have to lift your finger and then press forwards again which is a bit irritating.

Dialogue options are pretty sparse, which makes conversation very linear, why even give you 1 choice, just continue the dialogue automatically.

Gripes aside it looks alright, just lacking some polish.