Got 2405FWP. Holy *bleeeep!*


Mar 8, 2004
Guys, I am like going totally nuts over here...this thing is farking huge!!!!! I am just giggling like a damn girl I can't get over this thing, its just....amazing!!! Wooww!!!! No dead pixels either!!! But.......................Though, I think I have a backlight bleed problem? What do you guys think? Return it?:( I only notice it when its totally black other then that, I can't tell otherwise.







mine bleeds worse then that.. and if i don't pay attention to it.. i don't notice it ever.. unless i'm watching movies in the dark

Awesome.. make sure to place "Team 2405" on your sig!

Time for you to join our HORDE!!
BTW, your backlight problem is just about the same as mine. I dont notice anything on mine actually. It's a keeper buddy! :)
Holy shit!!! Holy shit!!! Far Cry looks fucking unbelivable!!!! Im gonna cream my pants over here!!!! :eek: :eek:

After price haggling, I got mine for $800, and with sold L90D+, actually $600 :D


I will be giggling like a damn girl when the next dell sale rolls around...Cant wait that looks awesome :D
lol @ your L90D+ trying to display a higher than native rez. That's the first time I've seen such a situation.
In my opinion, that backlight bleeding isn't bad at all. I can notice mine only when the screen is totally black, too. I own a 2005FPW and can't even notice any backlight bleeding while working on the computer, and trust me I have tried hard to find it. Anyway, I say keep it. It's better to keep this one than risking getting another one with dead pixels. I'm glad you like the 2405. Those are EXCELLENT comparison shots you took. It really shows what the 4:3 gamers are missing. :p I'm getting another 2005FPW and I can't wait!
Your backlight bleed is same or less then the four 2405's I've used.
I would keep it, it looks excellent. and no dead pixels that's what is most important.
FusionXP said:
Do you get this artifact in FarCry? On my 2405 is looks like static.

Thats actualy suppose to be there I can see it on my CRT , looks like fuzz / static in motion.

I enlarged the radar so you can see it better:
I wouldnt worry about the backlight thing unless it affects the actual use of the monitor.
boshi said:
I wouldnt worry about the backlight thing unless it affects the actual use of the monitor.

He RMA'd it and has a new one on the way.
I thought I had a death pixel in my L90D+ while looking to your post :)
In the second black screen post there's a death pixel (upper left) or is it some dust?
Mr.Wolf said:
I thought I had a death pixel in my L90D+ while looking to your post :)
In the second black screen post there's a death pixel (upper left) or is it some dust?
The problem with such a huge monitor as this is that its going to take a lot of video card power to play games at that resolution. Plus it costs 3x what the L90D+ costs.

But I suppose if you can afford this you can afford the fastest video card also.