Google pulls time heist, robs Boreth; discovers a new phase of matter in the process.


[H]F Junkie
Feb 3, 2014
Anyone else immediately think of NWN Creator Race Ruins?
Man I loved that game. Still to this day at random times I imagine I hear Grimgnaw's creepy voice.

So Google.....Time Crystals, both stable and in constant flux. Conjures thoughts of Final Fantasy Aetheryte crystals, or perhaps this experiment will lead to the creation of The Dark Crystal. Woe to the podlings.
From the links:
In other words, they defy the second law of thermodynamics
The second law of thermodynamics says that this simply can't happen

A couple of nonsensical statements from people who don't know a bit (PUN intended) about thermodynamics. This new 'violation' of the second law will end up in the trash like the thousands of previous reports of violation of this venerable law.
From the links:

A couple of nonsensical statements from people who don't know a bit (PUN intended) about thermodynamics. This new 'violation' of the second law will end up in the trash like the thousands of previous reports of violation of this venerable law.

The obvious exception would be as soon as we apply a field, we couple to a state that is radiatively coupled to the ground state. I figure we can extract at least ten to the twenty-first photons per cubic centimeter which will give one kilojoule per cubic centimeter at 600 nanometers, or, one megajoule per liter. This stuff is real genius.
Entropy is a lie. Order and disorder are human constructs.
Entropy is energy transition. It has nothing to do with order or disorder as the general definition of those terms is understood.. The order-disorder thing is physical order and disorder.

Effectively all things in this universe are observed to change. We haven't found anything that won't eventually transition to something else if left alone. This might take a trillion solar years... but it will happen.

For googles time crystals it's more likely that someone hasn't observed where the energy has gone yet or hasn't been able to detect some form of radiant that is triggering a change.
Hope this gets reviewed without errors. Will be nice to see qubits actually be practical in my lifetime.

/edit Remember folks.. scientists are scientists because we DONT know. Anything.
We don't know what we are doing. It's why we measure, record, and experiment. To find out HOW to do a thing.
Finding something that "appears" to break a law is generally a scientific term for "Hey yall check my math something is weird here."
Very interesting and yes indeed competent peer review would help clarify any discoveries and what can be achieved forward.

Now if two Time Crystals could be quantum locked together, have the same state, changing the state of one would mean changing the state of the other -> information could then be transferred instantly anywhere in the universe -> which would appear to break Einstein theory that information can only travel at the speed of light. Of course that would have to be proven if even possible and tested and yet does not appear anyone is that close. Also means the state is not affected by the observation(s) or the observation change can be accounted for. Just contemplating.
The obvious exception would be as soon as we apply a field, we couple to a state that is radiatively coupled to the ground state. I figure we can extract at least ten to the twenty-first photons per cubic centimeter which will give one kilojoule per cubic centimeter at 600 nanometers, or, one megajoule per liter. This stuff is real genius.
I'm very disappointed that this reference hasn't gotten any likes. Where are all of the old nerds?
There are these crystals that can make you do stuff faster, so I don't think google is first to the party.
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/edit Remember folks.. scientists are scientists because we DONT know. Anything.
We don't know what we are doing. It's why we measure, record, and experiment. To find out HOW to do a thing.
Finding something that "appears" to break a law is generally a scientific term for "Hey yall check my math something is weird here."

Oh god yes.
Probably 999,999,999 times out of 1,000,000,000 big discoveries like this are due to a math error of something that has been measured before a 1,000,000,000 times.

When they aren't, well, by-and-large those peoples names end up in, at the VERY least Science textbooks, if not popular news. (E.g. Einstein, Newton, Von Braun, Darwin, etc.)

The vast, vast majority of actual science is 'double checking' something still works in some new situation/location/etc.
And the big "eureka" moment is almost never "Eureka" its waaay more commonly "huh, that's odd".

It's tragic, because science isn't taught that way. It's taught as facts, and rules, and laws and blah-blah-blah.
Which are all, VERY VERY IMPORTANT, but they're just things we've figured out already. So it's not "really" science, it's history of science.
The obvious exception would be as soon as we apply a field, we couple to a state that is radiatively coupled to the ground state. I figure we can extract at least ten to the twenty-first photons per cubic centimeter which will give one kilojoule per cubic centimeter at 600 nanometers, or, one megajoule per liter. This stuff is real genius.
no but seriously it can have two states simultaneously. Think more like this:
Oh god yes.
Probably 999,999,999 times out of 1,000,000,000 big discoveries like this are due to a math error of something that has been measured before a 1,000,000,000 times.

When they aren't, well, by-and-large those peoples names end up in, at the VERY least Science textbooks, if not popular news. (E.g. Einstein, Newton, Von Braun, Darwin, etc.)

The vast, vast majority of actual science is 'double checking' something still works in some new situation/location/etc.
And the big "eureka" moment is almost never "Eureka" its waaay more commonly "huh, that's odd".

It's tragic, because science isn't taught that way. It's taught as facts, and rules, and laws and blah-blah-blah.
Which are all, VERY VERY IMPORTANT, but they're just things we've figured out already. So it's not "really" science, it's history of science.
It is a bit OT to the post but I always love it when the young folk today talk about "following the science" and the only thing I can do is look at my own career and wonder if they really like chasing the superball around the concrete cube for years. Science is one of the most soul-crushing and absolutely rewarding things you can do with your brief span on this planet.

There was a running joke from a friend of mine at NASA that basically ran along the lines of "The first person to achieve FTL will say 'Hey yall watch this!'".
It is a bit OT to the post but I always love it when the young folk today talk about "following the science" and the only thing I can do is look at my own career and wonder if they really like chasing the superball around the concrete cube for years. Science is one of the most soul-crushing and absolutely rewarding things you can do with your brief span on this planet.

There was a running joke from a friend of mine at NASA that basically ran along the lines of "The first person to achieve FTL will say 'Hey yall watch this!'".
You forgot, "and not know how to stop".

One of the things I loved from "The Expanse" was the dude who figured out how to make interplanetary drives . . . absolutely died b/c he couldn't reach the "stop" control, because he wasn't expecting it to work "THAT" well, and G-Forces are . . . a thing.
The obvious exception would be as soon as we apply a field, we couple to a state that is radiatively coupled to the ground state. I figure we can extract at least ten to the twenty-first photons per cubic centimeter which will give one kilojoule per cubic centimeter at 600 nanometers, or, one megajoule per liter. This stuff is real genius.
Both matter and matter+radiation verify the second law.
Enrtopy is when your sience teacher wants to get inna your pants: its a lie.
I now am forced to hate you for subjecting my brain to that horrific website.
May Karen become your neighbor. :D
This is an insufficient punishment. May all the neighbors become Karen, and may every clicked link be a Rick roll.