Google Music Sale. albums for $4.99 and tracks for 49¢


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
All music tracks for 49¢ (*)
What a way to undercut iTunes.
Link to android market
* Promotion excludes single albums with original retail price above $15, double-albums, and tracks with original retail price above $1.29. Google Music artist hub and Sony albums and tracks are also not included.
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Confirming they are mp3 @ 320kbps. Better quality than amazon MP3 at 256kbps and arguably better quality than itunes that uses AAC @ 129kbps.
As per Apple (link)
"128-kilobit-per-second (kbit/s) AAC file should sound as good as or better than a 160 kbit/s MP3 file".
Not knowing encoder quality, just by the bit rates the music quality should be as follow:
Google > Amazon > iTunes
Apple (iTunes) uses 256kbps AAC. That link is for iTunes 7-- we're on iTunes 10 (and Plus quality) now.

256kbps AAC "sounds better" than the same bitrate in MP3, but I'm not sure about 320kbps. There are few people with setups where the difference between 256kbps AAC and 320kbps MP3 is noticeable...
Why can't these places sell music and give people hte option of getting it in smaller ipod/mp3 player tpyes or give the choice for more purists to get their Flac lossless files or something. :(.
testing some tracks i can confirm it is drm free. music is stored in their cloud service and you can download it or streaming it to any device or computer. there is a limit of two downloads per track only applicable from the web interface. from their file manager you can download the mp3 as many times as you please.
Clicking the link from my EVO 3D says "selected item not found".

Any ideas?