Google Chairman: We're Not Going To Touch The Election

1. It's a myth. 2. I'm assuming the same kind of well educated people that spell fascist wrong and then resort to using insults in place of reasoning. Insults are not arguments. Matter of fact I wonder where that info being parroted around the internet originally came from. Oh wait, no I don't, it's from the regressive left and extremely biased sources.

Say that when she actually faces disciplinary actions for her inability to follow government rules/policy. Until then she's worse. She's a super predator, oh wait, that's what she called young black males in the 1990's while advocating for stiffer prison sentences (which happened). Yet Trumps the

Baseless ad hominem is petty and still quite common from the regressive left.

This is even worse!

This, reality.

So...our government drops bombs in half a dozen Islamic countries over the last X amount of years. Now we're starting to see radical Islamic terrorism inside our very own borders but somehow in some alternate dimension you still find Trump's proposed temporary ban and proper vetting of future newly arriving Muslims to be the problem. How people think such absolute stupid shit is beyond me. The very same people calling Trump and his supporters the dumb ones at that.

Yeah, fuck US immigration laws, they weren't put in place for a good reason, and not everyone else came here legally either. The illegal Mexicans (and Mexican-Americans supporting this law breaking) must be superior to our law of the land. I mean, it's not like we have tens of thousands of illegals in some of the most violent street gangs in southern US states. /s

You should stand in another part of the world and say silly shit, say maybe in a lot of countries in the middle east while wearing a gay pride shirt. A drone might fly over seeking to destroy the people located around a certain phone number (it's just metadata after all) while you're looking around and thinking about how great the status quo is in the USA and calling people some insult for worrying about immigrating Muslims.
Keep talking about me looking at biased news and then use terms like 'regressive left' which is straight out of the infowars playbook. All the shit you linked to about Obama, torture, etc. Yeah, the difference is he wasn't advocating killing families. He has advocated for closing gitmo.

Also, baseless ad hominem? I don't think you know what the terms baseless or ad hominem mean.

Your last point about being in another part of the world literally makes no fucking sense. If anything it sounds like your advocating for the status quo in the US. I mean, unless you're expressing CONCERN for people in those regions, but it's not like the conservative platform is interested at all in improving the lives of people in the middle east, so I don't get it.
Keep talking about me looking at biased news and then use terms like 'regressive left' which is straight out of the infowars playbook. All the shit you linked to about Obama, torture, etc. Yeah, the difference is he wasn't advocating killing families. He has advocated for closing gitmo.
He promised alot of shit, but didn't deliver.

If anything it sounds like your advocating for the status quo in the US.
I would prefer we reverse the decline, not just enjoy the ride on the way down.

I mean, unless you're expressing CONCERN for people in those regions, but it's not like the conservative platform is interested at all in improving the lives of people in the middle east, so I don't get it.
We need to just let them be and stop meddling in other peoples affairs. Half the reason the region is so fucked up is because we keep messing with it. Leave it alone.
Keep talking about me looking at biased news and then use terms like 'regressive left' which is straight out of the infowars playbook. All the shit you linked to about Obama, torture, etc. Yeah, the difference is he wasn't advocating killing families. He has advocated for closing gitmo.

Also, baseless ad hominem? I don't think you know what the terms baseless or ad hominem mean.

Your last point about being in another part of the world literally makes no fucking sense. If anything it sounds like your advocating for the status quo in the US. I mean, unless you're expressing CONCERN for people in those regions, but it's not like the conservative platform is interested at all in improving the lives of people in the middle east, so I don't get it.
"Regressive left" was coined by Maajid Nawaz, a Liberal Democrat and Muslim, who has been demonized by the politically correct for dropping truth bombs about Islam.
Haha, yeah his enemies are the well educated. Hillary Clinton is shitty just like every past politician has been shitty. Trump is shitty like a facist. Kill the families of terrorists. Torture people. Ban people. Round people up. You're right, there is no choice. I easily vote for the status quo over facism.

Try looking at what Trump really said instead of the twisted, out of context comments the media accuses him of saying.

So the thugs attacking people outside Trump rallies are well educated?

If the Orlando shooters wife knew what he was planning and actively helped him buy the guns/ammo wouldn't she be an accessory to a terrorist act and multiple murders? Should someone guilty of that be given the death penalty?

As for fascism (you spelled that wrong by the way), you really need to look at the left in this country. They are the ones trying to shut down any ideas or speech they disagree with. Again, look at the people protesting Trump, or the Democrat Congress person out here in California who wants people who question Global Warming, to be fined or sent to jail.
Also look at the left's playbook its been totally copied out of the Communist Manifesto.
Try looking at what Trump really said instead of the twisted, out of context comments the media accuses him of saying.

So the thugs attacking people outside Trump rallies are well educated?

If the Orlando shooters wife knew what he was planning and actively helped him buy the guns/ammo wouldn't she be an accessory to a terrorist act and multiple murders? Should someone guilty of that be given the death penalty?

As for fascism (you spelled that wrong by the way), you really need to look at the left in this country. They are the ones trying to shut down any ideas or speech they disagree with. Again, look at the people protesting Trump, or the Democrat Congress person out here in California who wants people who question Global Warming, to be fined or sent to jail.
I actually do hear what Trump says, and yeah I get it, I spelled it wrong. I'd call you a spelling Nazi but that's hitting a little close to home.

As for the 'thugs,' I have no idea. I guess my original statement was a bit ambiguous, but no I'm not an idiot and I didn't mean literally everyone who disagrees with Trump is well educated.

No, she shouldn't be given the death penalty. There are actually terrorists (not just accessories to terrorism) doing life in Supermax prisons, so I see no reason to execute her, assuming she were convicted of something like that.
Also look at the left's playbook its been totally copied out of the Communist Manifesto.
Oh yeah, totally. Good point.

I really wish (some) conservatives didn't sound SO CRAZY when they try to talk about politics. I mean, that really doesn't make sense and it makes you sound psychotic.
Keep talking about me looking at biased news and then use terms like 'regressive left' which is straight out of the infowars playbook.
Hey, you brought up infowars (clearly a red herring) so that must mean you win by default in your mind. Well except this (you have to actually read through it).
All the shit you linked to about Obama, torture, etc. Yeah, the difference is he wasn't advocating killing families. He has advocated for closing gitmo.
1. He ran on being black and 'change'. 2. He doesn't need to advocate for anything now when he's a lying piece of shit and is just flat out doing it. He's the President, not running for the presidency. The drone strike campaign skyrocketed to the moon under his presidency as well. Everything he ran on also never happened either. Clinton is more of that same bullshit. It's why Obama is literally holding her hand now. Hillary Clinton wants Iran demolished too, period. Watch it happen if she wins.
Also, baseless ad hominem? I don't think you know what the terms baseless or ad hominem mean.
Trump is shitty
So I guess 'Trump being shit' was your actual argument then. I thought that was just the ad hominem, my bad. You're right though, your Trump being a fascist accusation isn't baseless. /s
Your last point about being in another part of the world literally makes no fucking sense. If anything it sounds like your advocating for the status quo in the US.
Wow. Your conclusion is what makes no fucking sense. Voting for Trump should make my perspective obvious but moving on. I was trying to paint a picture of what a lot of.....wait for it...muslims in the middle east think about the USA and their warring foreign policies. You can't have your very own government running around the middle east blowing up peoples homelands (ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES). Killing hundreds of thousands men, women, and children. Then snatching their resources then act like everything is A-okay in the world. As how you think I was promoting the status quo, yeah, you fucking lost me there. I can't even continue on that part.
I mean, unless you're expressing CONCERN for people in those regions, but it's not like the conservative platform is interested at all in improving the lives of people in the middle east, so I don't get it.
I'm concerned about humanity. Stopping the violence in the middle east over resources (that we don't even need = the CIA just wants to control them) would make us all safer in the long run. Our government is creating the very terrorists they then claim to have to fight = great business model for corrupt pieces of shits profiting inside the military industrial complex. If we don't change course soon, that being how easy it is to go warring around the world, the world will change drastically after the next world war.

I know, the worlds perfect in liberal land, and no one hates us. /s
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I really wish (some) conservatives didn't sound SO CRAZY when they try to talk about politics. I mean, that really doesn't make sense and it makes you sound psychotic.
You're the actual individual throwing out basically nothing but insults instead of providing well thought out reasoning. You're precisely being and doing the very things you're accusing others of doing. God damn look in the mirror!
Hey, you brought up infowars (clearly a red herring) so that must mean you win by default in your mind. Well except this (you have to actually read through it).
See this is why communication is almost impossible. One type of liberal agrees with pretty much everything else you said in that post. The other type is the regressive kind, of which Hillary and Obama are both figureheads of. It gets less meaningful discussing "liberals" when both types can have completely opposite views on many different things.
All the shit you linked to about Obama, torture, etc. Yeah, the difference is he wasn't advocating killing families. He has advocated for closing gitmo.

First they killed innocent people in the Middle East, and I said nothing. Then Donald Trump SAID that innocent people would die in Middle East, and by God, I said something!

BTW, that's not one link above, each word is a separate link.

I'm from the future, here is a quote by Donald Trump in the future.

We must not tolerate illegal immigration. Since 2017, we have increased our Border Patrol by over 35%; deployed underground sensors, infrared night scopes and encrypted radios; built miles of new fences; and installed massive amounts of new lighting. We have moved forcefully to protect American jobs by calling on Congress to enact increased civil and criminal sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers. Since 2017, we have removed 30,000 illegal workers from jobs across the country.

Alright, alright, you got me, he didn't say that.....but change the years and someone did say that.
1. He ran on being black and 'change'. 2. He doesn't need to advocate for anything now when he's a lying piece of shit and is just flat out doing it. He's the President, not running for the presidency. The drone strike campaign skyrocketed to the moon under his presidency as well. Everything he ran on also never happened either.
You have apparently forgot how he was trying to work with the Republicans to heal the rift in our country. Unfortunately, the party of no blocked every single thing he tried to do. I'm amazed he got anything done.
You have apparently forgot how he was trying to work with the Republicans to heal the rift in our country. Unfortunately, the party of no blocked every single thing he tried to do. I'm amazed he got anything done.

There seem to be a lot of low educated voters in here, could you remind them of some of those examples?
Good video, but both sides use the same tactics. You really don't think right-wing radio attempt to manipulate people?
I would argue that right wing radio is merely preaching to the choir. People don't change their mind because of it, they go there seeking reaffirmation.
I would argue that right wing radio is merely preaching to the choir. People don't change their mind because of it, they go there seeking reaffirmation.
I would agree with you, but I personally watched exposure to Fox News reprogram my mom. She only watched it because her boyfriend did, but after a few months, she was regurgitating their talking points.
I'm no fan of Obama, but the Government Shutdown in 2013 was a really obvious example.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that this mostly happened because they hadn't passed a budget in 4 years at that point which led to the periodic stop gaps. The main reason for that shutdown was for the symbolic stone walling of the ACA. The ACA is fine in theory, but in its current implementation some feel that it runs against the spirit of America.
I'm not certain I know how to get stoned enough for that video to make sense.....

I am not certain there is enough weed on the planet to get you stoned enough to understand that. I did not even understand it well enough to be able to laugh at the zaniness!
I'll just leave this relevant video concerning google's neutrality here...

When I try their criteria I get Criminal Prosecution in auto-complete, but if I type "Is completely awe" after her name it recommends "Is Completely Awesome" instead of "Is Completely Awe Inspiringly Terrible". I can see it all so clearly now.

Shades of Swiftboat.

It won't matter in the end. Just chose the politician that promises to hate the same people you hate. Vote early, vote often!

All snotty sarcasm aside, I have a disquieting thought about how auto-complete actually works. The auto-complete and search results are created with regional trends and result clicks. That means Google becomes an echo chamber for the local slant on pretty much everything, and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Here we are in an age when we have the opportunity to learn vastly more about our fellow man than at any point in history and all anyone uses it for is to look for places that make them feel good about their views. There's Google, the pinnacle of feigned integrity, putting fuel on the fire of divisive politics.