Good TV Capture Card for Linux System?


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2003
Going to have Mandriva 2006 PowerPack on my PC. It's an ABit KT-7 Raid motherboard.

Looking for a good PCI Capture Card that works well with Linux!
There was a thread a while ago where pretty much everyone agreed that the Linux ATi drivers were pretty much abysmal.
Hmm, I wonder how well they work :\. Is there a real good TV-Capture card that's compatible with Linux?
I've been using a Hauppauge PVR-250 with MythTV for awhile now without too many problems. Drivers can be found at The driver works with some of the other Hauppauge PVR boards according to the site.
DarkSamurai2003 said:
Are the ATi AIW drivers for Linux good? Or the drivers for their TV-Tuners work well with Linux?
That suggestion isn't even funny.

Anyways I would suggest a Hauppauge PVR250 as being well supported. You could also give the PVR150 a try but last time I checked support under Linux was beta but it worked pretty well.