Good S370 P3 Board?


Jun 14, 2003
The old Gateway mobo died, so I'm looking for something to go with a Socket 370 P3 1ghz w/133fsb. Anyone have any suggestions?
Looking for something with an AGP slot. But thanks for the suggestion. :)
I just had to face a similar search due to my acorp dual cpu mainboard going out on me. Pricewatch has a few deep into the $100 range but I found that an unnacceptable investment. There was a few cheap ones on e-bay but they had a long way to go yet and probably wouldn't stay cheap, so being the impatient person I am I went for the most appealing buy-it-now, which was this:

It looks like he has a stash of these and keeps re-listing them in small batches as he sells them. It should be here by Thursday so I'll let you know how it works. I probably could have gotten it cheaper but I was this close to 1.8ghz on my 1.4 ghz celeron and the laptop can't run my dvd-r drive :random loud cussing:
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.

will do 1.6 stable again but no 1.8ghz *BANGS HEAD ON DESK* even w/ huge voltage bump. Won't even post at anything over 1.6, but 1.6 is stable. also has fussy pci slots. :shrug:

Also won't run any 3d marks, stock clock or overclocked, but I think that's just software/driver related, I've got 98se on it atm but later this week going to XP, should fix a few compatability issues.
I had a good experience with the Abit VH6 ii board or u can go dually with the Aopen DX3R Plus-U
Turns out my friend has a Abit SE6 that I will be getting my hands on shortly. Hopefully it's a good board.