Good games that went under the radar....


Feb 18, 2011
Hey everyone, getting tired of seeing threads devoted to Battlefield 3, MW3, and Skyrim so I decided to start a new thread (somewhat related to a previous thread that I started on Vanquish). I would like to know what you guys think are some excellent games that went under the radar and that are deserved more love. Doesn't matter the platform (console or PC) or when it came out (it could be recent or from 10 years ago or further back).

I'll get it started...(no particular order)

-Zone of Enders 2nd runner
-Odin Sphere (looks amazing even today)
-ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
-Onimusha series
-Fatal Frame 2
-Persona series

I know my list is mostly PS2 games but these are the games that come to my mind. Let's add to this list. I would like to know what games I should try that I might not have heard of and maybe some you would like to know as well. P.S. No haters please...
Republic commando
Generic shooter with regening health, but the squadmates had a useful AI and would help. Also, who didnt run and try and save your squad at the end of the last mission.

For the overlord! Minions are awesome and some of them have really good personalities. The sequel was really good but no one gave it a second glance.

Rise of Legends
An RTS with a story that I truely cared about. It was not just a plot twist to load up the next map.

The sam and max series reboot by Telltale
Anything with those two and a twisted storyline is good and for 2$ on steam i could not argue.

Mirrors Edge
No one bought it but it is the only parkour game out there. If you played it you still cringe when watching the player make a big jump.

Konkers Bad Fur Day
Anti gravity chocolate in combination with 4chan level humor, whats not to like.

Jedi knight series
This is what the oldschool shooter was like when they added a good engine behind it. No waist high boxes, no sitting in a corner and waiting for your health to come back. It was you and your lightsaber vs the entire criminal underworld and the remnants of the empire.

Dark Messiah of might and magic
This was actually a fairly good story, it was a little un polished but was really fun. Especially with the fusion with the succubus.
Deadly Premonition (360)
Budget title that oozes that Twin Peaks quirkiness

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Gamecube)
This game messed with you, the player, which makes it a unique good time

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Xbox)
A fun mix of platforming with FPS action with very original ammo and great story.
Hydrophobia. It kind of has Mirror's Edge-style "flippy shit", but with better gunplay and a lot more water-based puzzles. Came out on XBL, PSN, and PC.

No More Heroes 1 & 2. The best backstory an assassin could have (anime nerd trying to pay for his addiction and being strung along by a possibly psycho hot blonde) coupled with interesting fighting mechanics. Also has a lot of blood, guts, and cursing which makes it one of the few adult games on the Wii.
Darksiders has probably been my favorite game that most people never knew about it. In fact, I was about 6 months past the release date before I stumbled on to it and its been one of the most fun games I've ever played.

I won't miss the Darksiders 2 release date this go around.
The Darkness
Virtua Fighter 5
Devil May Cry 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Metro 2033 (didn't make a huge splash on consoles, probably due to lack of multiplayer and replay value in general)
Condemned: Criminal Origins
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I just thought of a couple more...

Rival School (PS1)...awesome fighter
Power Stone (Dreamcast)
Valkyrie Chronicles
R-type (PS2) ... hardest game I ever played ... -_-!

Let's keep the list going guys...
Another vote for Dark Messiah for the PC. Most underrated game of all time, imo.
For the overlord! Minions are awesome and some of them have really good personalities. The sequel was really good but no one gave it a second glance.

That one and it's 2nd part. It ain't Dungeon Keeper, buut it's fun to be evil. Especially with minions and their behaviour. And the minion bard in part 2 is absolutely hilarious (same as gay hippie elves :p)
Ill list a few that I have liked.

Beyond Good and Evil (Xbox/PC/PS2/PS3:HD)
Evil Dead: Regeneration (Xbox/PC)

X-Men Origins Wolverine Uncaged. (360/PC)
Lots better than the movie! Also has some extra cut scenes cut from the movie

Spiderman: Web of Shadows. (360/PC)
I played this before Prototype and it ruined prototype for me as it seemed like a cut down version of WoS

Castlevania: Lord of Shadows (360)
Tagged as a God of War copycat it is a good game that makes you really use dodging.
The Darkness
Virtua Fighter 5
Devil May Cry 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Metro 2033 (didn't make a huge splash on consoles, probably due to lack of multiplayer and replay value in general)
Condemned: Criminal Origins

Great list for sure, but I'm pretty sure I saw about a million ads for Bayonetta on TV before it came out.

And as for a good obscure game, I'd say Space Station Silicon Valley for N64. Great game.
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Condemned: criminal origins. Possible the best survival horror of this generation. Pick up a copy for 5 bucks in a used bargain bin.

Avoid the second one.
Capcom Fighting Jam
Crackdown (1 not 2)
Freedom Fighters
Otogi (1 moreso than 2)
Project: Snowblind
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
XG3: Extreme G Racing

Really wish all of these would get sequels.

I'd like to throw an honorable mention to Heavenly Sword; it was overhyped and then reviewed poorly (so I can't even try to claim it was "under the radar") but I loved it. Switching stances mid combo was awesome. It's a shame the game just got overhyped to all hell and then let people down because it wasn't 50 hours long. :rolleyes: It's a hack and slash, it's not supposed to be long.
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Hmm I think some of these games you lot have posted definitely appeared on the radar.

I might be guilty aswell...

Beyond good and evil

Sword of the Berserk: Guts
Bushido Blade
Jade Empire
Alan Wake

No. One, it hardly flew under the radar. Every game reviewer continued to pimp that game months after it tanked. The Joystiq and Giant Bomb crew were both guilty of raving about this game. It died because it was not a very good game, with an OK story and a very unlikeable protagonist. That was one of the few games that I wanted a refund.

Another vote for Dark Messiah for the PC. Most underrated game of all time, imo.
I have to admit that was one of my guilty pleasures. To be fair though, once you learn that you can kick 90% of the enemies off the ledge to their death, the game pretty much became "boot to the head" until the final boss fight. That said, I thought the game did a great job on the first person sword play and was underrated.
No. One, it hardly flew under the radar. Every game reviewer continued to pimp that game months after it tanked. The Joystiq and Giant Bomb crew were both guilty of raving about this game. It died because it was not a very good game, with an OK story and a very unlikeable protagonist. That was one of the few games that I wanted a refund.

Alan Wake was one of the very worst games of 2010. Total garbage and it made me very glad Remedy is no longer developing Max Payne 3.
TimeSplitters 2 and 3. I spent forever on these games. Some of the best I played.
Birmap brothers games on the Amiga like Gods. The console ports were never as good.
No One Lives Forever

NOLF kinda changed my life and how I grew up. I played the multiplayer non-stop for 5 years and made a ton of friends on there that migrated to real life. I wouldn't give anything in the world to erase the memory of these awesome games.
Frontlines: Fuel of War-360

To this day, I still play it on a regular basis. It just never gets old.


Perhaps one of the hardest games I've ever played. One of those games that had I been younger, I would have had to replace a few controllers.
Cryostasis, heard dismal reviews. one day nvidia gave it away from free. was posted in the free section of forums. didn't play it for almost a year after i downloaded it. was the first game in 4-5 years i had dreams about. for lack of better terms, it is a mind fuck. so many games just sit there and tell you what is going on. this game you gotta figure it out on your own.

just one of those games i want to tell the developers, thanks. thanks for doing something different.