good budget intel overclocking/gaming rig?


Jul 8, 2004
is it possible these days?

a very close friend of mine is ready to build his new system, and want to go with intel. he does quite a bit of gaming and already has a 9800pro.
what he needs is mobo,cpu, ram. the main things he wants are stability, gaming, and price/performance. so what would you guys recommend for him?
i would try to help him out, but i know nothing about intel so i figured i would leave this to you guys. thanks.
will that be in his budget. i sort of forgot to mention that his budget for the mobo/cpu is under 300 bucks.
yeah i asked him that, and he said he wouldnt mind. what are some good components to look for?
check ur PM

In general, 478 platform seems to be solid budget system, with 800mhz FSB. 875 chipset, P4 2.8 or 3.0 northwoods provide plenty of oc'ing potential. Prescotts are nice but they need a solid oc to compete head-to-head with equivalent northwoods, and consume a lot more power. Finally, any budget pc3200 memory should work, esp. if u get a dual-channel kit.
What's he running right now? It might not actually be possible on his budget to get much of an upgrade.
Two things come to mind. A P4 M or a Sempron.

P4 M 1.4-1.8GHz on ebay goes for under $50. Defaults to a 12X multiplier so, a 800MHz fsb gets you 2.4GHz. Will work on most SiS661FX chipsets, about $55 on pricewatch. $105 plus a good heatsink, still leaves about $170 for a lot of memory.

Sempron 2400+. 10x multiplier, put it on any decent nForce2 @ 200MHz fsb and you have 2.0GHz, usually at default voltage. $65 for the cpu and $55 for the motherboard, $120 and that includes the stock AMD heatsink which is more than good enough for overclocking at stock voltages. Again, plenty left over for lots of memory.
rogue1979 said:
Two things come to mind. A P4 M or a Sempron.

P4 M 1.4-1.8GHz on ebay goes for under $50. Defaults to a 12X multiplier so, a 800MHz fsb gets you 2.4GHz. Will work on most SiS661FX chipsets, about $55 on pricewatch. $105 plus a good heatsink, still leaves about $170 for a lot of memory.

Sempron 2400+. 10x multiplier, put it on any decent nForce2 @ 200MHz fsb and you have 2.0GHz, usually at default voltage. $65 for the cpu and $55 for the motherboard, $120 and that includes the stock AMD heatsink which is more than good enough for overclocking at stock voltages. Again, plenty left over for lots of memory.

He said not AMD :D
300 bucks is just a hair too low.
865pe board= 67-119$
Cheapo ram 2x256= 89-145$
P4 2.4C @ newegg boxed = 155$

Cheapest everything= 311$

Will play games but is not gonna be king. Might be able to get good OC to.

=lks= ka druma said:
300 bucks is just a hair too low.
865pe board= 67-119$
Cheapo ram 2x256= 89-145$
P4 2.4C @ newegg boxed = 155$

Cheapest everything= 311$

Will play games but is not gonna be king. Might be able to get good OC to.

the sub 300 pricepoint is just for mobo/cpu. what kind of ram do you intel guys like?
Ideally 1 gig or more in dual channel. If Little or no OC a Low latency ram from corsair or Ocz. If you want big oc go with pc 4000 or higher.

I have 2x256 pc-4000(500mhz) from Patriot. I had it at 272mhz @ 2.8v for a day on memtest no errors. It was 89$, I took a big risk , at the time they were ( are) a new no-name company with good ram.

These look good on paper. I would try these if I needed more ram.
Patriot W/XBL
