Good basic 2.0 system?


The P153BK was on sale again this weekend for $55. I saw it yesterday, but since I don't have internet at home (just using my phone) I figured I'd come in to work today (Sunday) and order them and they're sold out!

I think there must be some divine or satanic force keeping me from buying speakers. I think I'll just go to Walmart this afternoon and see what they have instead!

Don't do it.

The $149.99 - Pioneer SP-BS41-LR Bookshelf Loudspeakers Pair are good quality speakers as well and they are currently only $99 w/ promo code AFPION5X, ends 8/12 that takes $50 off.

I'm using the same LP-2020A+ amp that I think you got as well.
Crutchfield has the P153 for $75 each but it's very easy to get a $20 off coupon code, so $130 shipped... Not quite $110 but close. Could also get the larger P163 for $150 shipped (again, with a discount code), I actually just ordered a pair of those for my parents because I got tired of seeing them use the awful TV speakers. :p

The Pioneers mentioned above are another good option, they were probably mentioned earlier in the thread.
Ok, I just ordered the Pioneer SP-BS41-LR. Hoping I actually get it and newegg doesn't screw me over coz of my debit card and shipping address. Fingers crossed!

EDIT: Well they withdrew the money from my account, so hopefully there won't be any issues with the shipping address not being listed on my debit card. It's pretty retarded if they did have that limitation, I'd assume a lot of people would want things sent to their work or to friends and they wouldn't have those addresses on their debit/credit card.
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Also ordered the Lepai TA2020 and got confirmation that it's been shipped and the BS41 are on their way according to the egg. So just have to wait now, it's only taken about 3 weeks (assuming they get here ok this week :D).
just for future reference for you or anyone else doing the same.if you are in the states,and having a foreign cc issue.just goto wal mart and you can buy prepaid credit cards.that would totally solve that issue.
Yeah, I'll remember that for next time. I actually have a prepaid Australian CC and this is the FIRST time I haven't been able to use it in the 5 weeks I've been here. I've been ordering things online, using it in shops, using it at ATMs (with a small fee) and it's been good right up until newegg.

EDIT: Well I received all of it today, it all arrived at work so I just have to get it back home and fire it up. Need to check if the speakers come with cables otherwise I'll have to go out and grab some of those too.
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Yeah, I went by Walmart and got some cable. Then I got home and realised I didn't have any 3.5mm so bought the most expensive 3.5mm cable you could possibly imagine from the CVS I live across the road from (been a long day and I wasn't about to walk 2 blocks back to my car and drive somewhere else :p).

They sound awesome. I'm just running them through my iphone at the moment, I might get a USB DAC down the road and run them off my laptop, but even off the iphone they sound pretty darned good.

When I first got them home I was worried I had made a horrible mistake because of their sheer size. Even though I had read all the measurements for some reason in my mind I pictured something smaller, lol. But they sound great, they're actually probably about the right size for the room, it's a decent sized room, but I'll often be listening to them quite close so I was worried, but they sound great even from only a few feet away and when I get up they still sound good from the other side of the room. Once I get some more furniture I'll probably reposition them a bit better, seems a bit of a waste at the moment since I'm still sleeping on a mattress on the floor, need to sort out the other furniture first :p

Getting these speakers has been an amazing hassle, I swear it took me less time and effort to find and apartment and the car I'm driving while here, but they do sound pretty darned good! Much prefer listening to them than my HD439 (not that the 439 is bad by any measure and I'd recommend the HD439 over a lot of similar priced cans and even a lot of more expensive ones, I just prefer speakers).
Glad it worked out. CVS probably didn't rip you off any worse than Best Buy would have (on the cable), Monoprice's the place to order cheap cables, and they ship really fast.
Yeah they're pretty good and I'm happy with them, one thing I might have to do is rip open the amp and remove the LED lights from the front dial, it's bloody bright. :p
I'm not sure a sharpie would do much unless I built up like 50 layers of it. It's pretty damned bright. I was considering cutting electrical tape into circular arcs and building it up, but even that I reckon would take 4 or 5 layers of tape to cover it (actually probably more like 2, lol).

I am very impressed with the bass of these speakers. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good for the price of the speakers. I have not heard a 2.1 system I liked largely because it always sounds like the treble is coming from the small speakers and the bass is coming from the sub, I don't get the soundstage (if that's what you call it with speakers, I'm not sure) with any 2.1 setup I've heard, but these speakers certainly aren't lacking the bass but still keep everything tied together nicely so if you sit in the sweetspot you really get that virtual speaker sound, where it sounds like you're sitting in front of a stage rather than just listening to speakers (which is one of the reasons I don't like headphones, I don't get that same feeling of being surrounded by music/sound).

I should see how much it'll cost to ship them back to Australia when I leave, or how much another pair would cost back there. :D

EDIT: No, actually, to cover it in electrical tape isn't that easy because the nob sits pretty much right on top of the LED plastic bit, so it's pretty hard to actually cover the LED without also stopping the knob from turning.
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Maybe cut a think strand of cord or something (like a tiny bracelet) to wrap around the back end of the knob so it obscures the transparent part. Probably easier to just disable it, if you don't mind losing that indicator permanently semi permanently anyway.