Go Asus? V6V or V70V or W3V?


Apr 18, 2001
I'm looking for a laptop. Obviously... but for school. :p

The thing is I need a fairly high-end machine (price is not a big issue) and I need it to be portable (not 7.0lbs) and have decent battery life. I looked at IBMs and as drool worthy as they are they aren't worth that much of a price premium for me. Apple got written off and I still don't like Dell. How's Asus?

And mroe specifically I'm looking at the Asus V6V or the V70V or the W3V?. Is there a clear reason why the V70V costs almost a grand less around here?
I've been doing a lot of research on a replacement laptop for my Inspiron 9100 that I'm trying to ditch (I just got a Shuttle system). I've been looking at the the Asus W3V and Asus Z70V refresh. Portability and battery life are the main factor but I'd like at least an ATI X600. The Z70V is a 15.4" screen so I'm not sure if I'd want that but it's pretty thin and is advertised with 5 hrs of battery life running a 128MB X700 video card. You can see some more specs on it here.


Also I'd take a look at notebookreview.com's forums for opinions on Asus notebooks. They seem to be highly regarded there.