Glib-2.0 header files?


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
I'm playing around with Ubuntu in order to help myself learn a bit about linux. I want to install Pidgin (the new gaim) on my machine, but no packages were availabe so i downloaded the source. After some poking around on google I discovered that I needed to install the "build-essential" package for Ubuntu, so I did that via synaptic. Then I switched to the pidgin source directory and ran ./configure (only part of the compile process I know) and it tells me that I need glib-2.0 header files. I have not been able to find these anywhere. Anyone know where I could find them?
I believe glib is part of GTK. Try downloading the source tarball for the latest GTK, it should have the header files you're looking for.
apt-get build-dep gaim

Not too sure since I usually have most dev tools already installed but it's worth a shot. You'll have to run that anyways if you want SSL support (MSN and Jabber IIRC).
Just for clarification, in case the OP doesn't know about sudo yet.

sudo apt-get build-dep gaim

Yup, that works. I used that trick on a fresh install a couple weeks ago. Also, it will save you a headache if you don't realize which packages are optional for building, such as those for sound support. :)