Getting rid of hotplug icon for Raptor?


Sep 26, 2001
My raptor comes up as a hotswappable device with an icon in my taskbar to "safely remove hardware" (how safe is it to unmount the drive THAT YOUR OS IS RUNNING ON). Anyways how can I stop this without disabling hotplug in general (want usb stuff to still work)
You running it in an external enclosure? I've run raptors in 4+ rigs and never got the remove icon in the tray under winxp for them.
Got two running in my machine as well, and had a single one before and never saw it like that. You screwed something up during the install.
I didn't do anything unusual on the install. I just installed windows. Maybe it's a motherboard specific thing? Like how a board implements it's SATA?
I have the same problem with my wd raptor 36gb

safely remove hardware lol, its the only harddrive in my computer

running an ASUS K8N-E Deluxe bios rev 1001

Still havent figured out how to get rid of the damn icon
I am running a MSI Neo Platinum, 2 Raptors in RAID, and a fresh install of XP SP2. No icon here. I have had the Raptors on 4 different mobos - 3 Intel - and haven't seen this happen.

Maybe this helps rule out the motherboard question. Goodluck.