Getting CS 1.6 in Steam...


May 12, 2002
So I have HL2 and Steam and I have been wanting to play DOD/CS1.6 but I don't have half life 1 installed on this computer anymore. Steam says CS1.6/DOD both cost 10 bucks but my friends all got it off of steam as a free download. The thing is they had HL1 on their computers when they first installed steam. So I need to jsut enter my HL1 cd key into steam and then I should get CS for free, correct? Or is CS1/6/DOD availible online for free download outside of steam anywheres?

My HL1 cd case is about 180 miles away buried in a basement of another house so looking up the key isn't really an option...

any ideas on what to do short of purchasing CS over again?
Get someone to find the key, then I think there is an option to input a key that will unlock the games you want to download. And they will then forever be tied to your steam id.
i hate to noob out here but...

i'm just getting into the whole half-life thing. I just bought half-life ONE a few weeks ago. Are you saying that CS:S is free for Half-Life 1 owners?
cs (the original, now using a modified HL1 engine) is free with HL1. CS: Source is based on the source engine from hl2, and depending on the package you buy, is free with hl2. If you *just* buy hl2 off steam for example, that doesn't come with cs:s. I recently bought hl2 game of the year edition, and that came with CS:S and HL2 among a few other throwaway games.

Please also note that only the old Sierra version of HL will give you CS/DOD/TFC ect..

The new Half-Life Anthology and all versions packaged by EA do NOT give you access to the HL mods.