Get a 6800GT OC or Wait?


Apr 8, 2003
I really wanna buy a BFGTECH 6800GT OC but I have two concerns. Will my AMD XP 3000+ really bog down the huge preformance I should get from the 6800? Also if I were to hold out till late November will a better card from NVIDIA be on the market or close to release?


AMD XP 3000+ 512RAM ATI 9800 Pro 17' Planar LCD
No to both questions. Your XP 3000 is just powerful enough to not really handicap the GT though you may wish to OC your CPU later on. Also, it would appear that there will not be any refreshs until spring from both camps. I'd say get the GT now and enjoy.
depends on what ya got now.... my 5900XT @ 504/975 never leaves me wanting as long as i dont use any AA and just a little AF :)
Well you are definately going to see Nvidia releasing PCI Express versions of their high end chipsets and you will definately see an Extreme version of the 6800 Ultra released to counter the x800xt PE. While the industry has been on a 6 month product cycle for a few years now the fact that the high end parts for both Nvidia and Ati are STILL so constrained points to it being awhile before anything new and great is widely available even if its released by Christmas time.

Honestly the 6800GT is great, widely available and will be strong for awhile to come. You wont be sorry if you pick one up.
I agree. If you get the 6800GT you will not be disappointed....Will last you awhile...
That's what everyone says.
But I guess it's different for every person.
Could last you 6 months, a year or 2 years.

Everyone says it will last them 1-2 years, but in the end,
it lasts as much as it lasted you on your previous video card.

Thought my Radeon 8500 would last me long, but it last me 1 year
Thought my Radeon 9700 Pro would last me long, but it last me 1 year and so on.

At the moment I feel like this GF6800GT will last me at "least" 2 years,
but I bet i'll be proved wrong around this time next year lol.

If you are low on money, I'd say wait for the 6600.
I really wanna buy a BFGTECH 6800GT OC but I have two concerns. Will my AMD XP 3000+ really bog down the huge preformance I should get from the 6800? Also if I were to hold out till late November will a better card from NVIDIA be on the market or close to release?

Go with the BFGTech6800gt oc. that proc will do fine with it. Everybody knows that Amd performs extremely well with games. I have mine overclocked to ultra with stock cooling and it never is unstable or overheats. Thank you BFGTech. :)
I went from a FX5950 to a 6800GT OC without looking back.

It should last me for about 2 years.... or... until something faster comes out :D
Thanks for all the responses... I've given my ATI 9800 a good run of 17 months. I pickup the card this Friday at BestBuy probably.
My 9700Pro lasted me over 2 years, and my 9800Pro lasted me over 1year. I still game with my 9700, pushes doom3 on high settings just fine. So I am going to say that my 6800GT will last me about 2 years and then some......So I am sure I am going to get my ROI.....
I just upgraded my Ti4600 to the BFG 6800GT on a OC [email protected]. Not bad at all. I upgrade my video card every 2 years or so (Riva128 to TNT2 to Geforce2 to Geforce4 to Geforce6) and do not expect the 6800GT to dissappoint. Those that buy video cards every year or less either have the money to burn or love bragging rights. My Ti4600 may not have been able to run AF/AA, but it was able to keep up with every game I threw at it (even the Source beta for CS and Doom3). If I hadn't found a buyer for it, I probably would have kept it for a little while longer.
I just replaced my 20 month old 2.4b, 9700pro system, which was playing Doom3 great, still had a lot of life left in it. Got a setup similar to yours, a 3200+, 1gb, and a 6800GT. I'd say this system will last me at least 2 years. I can play GTAVC at 1600x1200, 4AA, 16AF smooth as silk, Far Cry at 1280x960, 4AA, 16AF (Even 1600x1220 is playable), COD at 1600x1200, 4AA, 16AF. I actually get a real kick from running older games, pegging everything to max at 1600x1200, where before I was fiddling to get the best performance/quality.