German Police Are Raiding Homes over Hateful Postings on Social Media


Aug 20, 2006
Over 30 homes were raided in Germany this week for hateful postings over social media, which included threats, coercion, and incitement to racism. Social media users are already subject to a range of punishments for posting illegal material, but Justice Minister Heiko Maas is championing further laws that crack down on hate speech: these new statutes would force networks to offer a readily available complaint process for posts that may amount to threats, hate speech, defamation, or incitement to commit a crime, among other offences.

Social media outlets would have 24 hours to delete "obviously criminal content" and a week to decide on more ambiguous cases. According to a recent government study, Facebook deleted just 39 per cent of illegal hate speech within 24 hours in January and February, despite signing a code of conduct in 2015 pledging to meet this standard. Twitter deleted just 1 per cent. "We are disappointed by the results," Klaus Gorny, a Facebook spokesman, said in a statement this year regarding the study. "We have clear rules against hate speech and work hard to keep it off our platform."
I hope the people above ranting for or against President Trump are being sarcastic, but I doubt they are.

I wish there was a way to require people to read and UNDERSTAND the story before commenting.

As for my thoughts on the story, if someone is inciting violence I could see them being arrested, but this is coming awfully close to 1984 and thought crime, and sadly I see the US sliding down that same authoritarian slope.

Differences are no longer discussed, and while the right has it's own issues this is predominantly a issue with the left, disagree in any manner and you are instantly labeled a racist, nazi, homophobic science denier and the left will scream, holler, blow rape whistles, sound sirens or blow air horns to keep from hearing anything that they disagree with, and leftist mayors and school administrators step aside and let these groups run riot over the area and harass, threaten and even physically attack any who they think might have a different view than them on any issue.Ironically these groups use tactics of the nazi brownshirts while calling even those on their own side fascists because they aren't leftist enough.
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I hope the people above ranting for or against President Trump are being sarcastic, but I doubt they are.

Democrats have only themselves to blame for Trump, they created him by letting their party decline, poor policy, not voting or not having a candidate worth a damn to beat him in an election. Same can be said about these idiots over in Europe too.

On topic, I hear Canada is also arresting people now for "Hate Speech" & charging them with a hate crime. Makes you feel awfully fortunate to live in the US right now.
Differences are no longer discussed, and while the right has it's own issues this is predominantly a issue with the left, disagree in any manner and you are instantly labeled a racist, nazi, homophobic science denier and the left will scream, holler, blow rape whistles, sound sirens or blow air horns to keep from hearing anything that they disagree with, and leftist mayors and school administrators step aside and let these groups run riot over the area and harass, threaten and even physically attack any who they think might have a different view than them on any issue.Ironically these groups use tactics of the nazi brownshirts while calling even those on their own side fascists because they aren't leftist enough.

Just stay away from College campuses & California and you'll be fine. Out here in the real world its much more understanding.
Democrats have only themselves to blame for Trump, they created him by letting their party decline, poor policy, not voting or not having a candidate worth a damn to beat him in an election. Same can be said about these idiots over in Europe too.

On topic, I hear Canada is also arresting people now for "Hate Speech" & charging them with a hate crime. Makes you feel awfully fortunate to live in the US right now.
I do but how long will it before this disease over takes us too?
I do but how long will it before this disease over takes us too?

Probably not too much longer, my advise, move to Texas (y). Doesn't matter how long it took you to get here, just get here. We'll welcome you with open arms and a nice bowl of chilli.
Democrats have only themselves to blame for Trump, they created him by letting their party decline, poor policy, not voting or not having a candidate worth a damn to beat him in an election. Same can be said about these idiots over in Europe too.

On topic, I hear Canada is also arresting people now for "Hate Speech" & charging them with a hate crime. Makes you feel awfully fortunate to live in the US right now.

You are 100% correct, if people remember it was the left wing media that championed Trump during the primaries and virtually excluded all other candidates from receiving any coverage, and also during the primaries I saw many prominent democrats suggesting people in open primary states vote for Trump as they felt that a win of the primary by Trump would guarantee a democratic victory in the presidential election. Then they rigged their own primary to ensure a candidate which wasn't even able to fill high school gymnasiums up put her up against someone that was regularly filling stadiums. I am not a fan of Bernie, but I would have loved to have seen the campaign be him and Trump.

As for this story, it seems to many people think 1984 was an instruction guide instead of the warning that it was.
The only people I see here in the States that are trying to shut down so called "hate speech" are liberal/progressive/socialist/marxist/communist scum.

Its sad that these things always has to be turned into a political amp.
now I'm from a socialist country. and we do have way more freedom of ... well pretty much anything than i have here in the states. so it does not have to be something political. but in the states ther is pretty much only 2 camps so if its not you its always the other camp. which i think is a reasone for this huse lack of beeing able to cooperate with each other.
Its sad that these things always has to be turned into a political amp.
now I'm from a socialist country. and we do have way more freedom of ... well pretty much anything than i have here in the states. so it does not have to be something political. but in the states ther is pretty much only 2 camps so if its not you its always the other camp. which i think is a reasone for this huse lack of beeing able to cooperate with each other.

I agree, but the problem is, when talking of freedom of speech the simple fact that it's groups on the left trying to curb it, while those on the right are trying to defend it, sort of a roll reversal from the 60's. Just compare Berkley in the 60's where students marched in support of freer speech but students that are there today will do everything they can to silence any speech that runs counter to their leftist ideals, and leftist politicians & school officials support them by looking the other way, pulling police back and even telling police not to interfere with them in they are psychically attacking someone. Sort of hard to keep it non-political in these situations.
The advantage we have over other countries is our Constitution grants us Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech protects hate speech as long as it doesn't cross the line to inciting violence or unrest.

Keep telling yourself that the Constitution protects us, but do some reading and find out how little many politicians think of the Constitution and how willing they are to ignore it when it suits their political agenda
Probably not too much longer, my advise, move to Texas (y). Doesn't matter how long it took you to get here, just get here. We'll welcome you with open arms and a nice bowl of chilli.

Unless you're black, hispanic, homosexual, athiest, jewish, sihk, or especially muslim. Oh yeah or if you vote for democrats, then you have to live in Austin, nowhere else.
Then they rigged their own primary to ensure a candidate which wasn't even able to fill high school gymnasiums up put her up against someone that was regularly filling stadiums. I am not a fan of Bernie, but I would have loved to have seen the campaign be him and Trump.

This is very close to the mark. Hillary was rigging her own election by lining up votes (namely the super delegates) and convincing the other possible alternatives (Biden, Warren) not to run, ever since she lost to Barack Obama. When Bernie ended up being a stronger-than-expected candidate, they all said "but he can't win unless he can overcome her super-delegate lead!" So Bernie was "losing" before a single primary had even voted yet. And no surprise, people voted for the "favorite". If it wasn't for the super-delegates having decided who was "leading" from before a single vote was actually cast, Bernie would have won the nomination and then the presidency. Democrat insiders were complicit in Hillary's rigging of course; they took a gamble that only pays off if she wins. Unfortunately for them, she was the least charismatic candidate to win a major party nomination in the modern era. If the democrats truly care about this never happening again, they'll either do away with the super delegates or make sure they can't be declared to anyone until all the primaries have voted.
Keep telling yourself that the Constitution protects us, but do some reading and find out how little many politicians think of the Constitution and how willing they are to ignore it when it suits their political agenda

And how often has the Supreme Court shot down laws that unduly reduce free speech? Congress nor the president have the power to reverse a Supreme Court decision.
I agree, but the problem is, when talking of freedom of speech the simple fact that it's groups on the left trying to curb it, while those on the right are trying to defend it, sort of a roll reversal from the 60's. Just compare Berkley in the 60's where students marched in support of freer speech but students that are there today will do everything they can to silence any speech that runs counter to their leftist ideals, and leftist politicians & school officials support them by looking the other way, pulling police back and even telling police not to interfere with them in they are psychically attacking someone. Sort of hard to keep it non-political in these situations.

I must disagree i don't think you can just group all people into left and righ tand then declare that everyone on one side think this and the other don't. I am for once probably on US standard pretty darn left. but i don't concur on a lot of this over the top BS that is coming out from a lot of other lefties.
and I have more than once agreed with right politicians. its just a shame that it always has to be right or left. i mean its not genders we are talking about, it can actually be fluid :D
And how often has the Supreme Court shot down laws that unduly reduce free speech? Congress nor the president have the power to reverse a Supreme Court decision.
It might be safe now but what happens in 20 years when all these sjw millennial and next general of kids move into these positions? There are several videos on YouTube where they go interview college kids at pristine colleges that have no understanding of the constitution and think stuff like freedom of speech should be removed. I am truly scared for the future of this country.
It might be safe now but what happens in 20 years when all these sjw millennial and next general of kids move into these positions? There are several videos on YouTube where they go interview college kids at pristine colleges that have no understanding of the constitution and think stuff like freedom of speech should be removed. I am truly scared for the future of this country.

oh yeah i saw some of that, theyre already considered the dumbest generation to ever roam the planet, unbelievable
Hate speech = any speech the Left disagrees with.

It is unreal that the groupthink is so bad across enter countries that this can happen. Who controls what hate speech is? When you rate your chicken sandwich poorly in the future are you going to prison?

So glad I live in the USA, they won't ever be doing this here, we will not tolerate it. Amazing how stupid entire countries can be.
It is unreal that the groupthink is so bad across enter countries that this can happen. Who controls what hate speech is? When you rate your chicken sandwich poorly in the future are you going to prison?

So glad I live in the USA, they won't ever be doing this here, we will not tolerate it. Amazing how stupid entire countries can be.

It’s already happening here on college campuses. And if Hillary had won, then we would have said bye bye to the Bill of Rights. Anything the Left doesn't like would be labeled hate speech and the so will begin the persecution and prosecution.

We were and are one election from losing it all. And the average person has no idea what's happening.
Houston is actually the most diverse city in the United States, but don't let that get in your way.

As of the May 4th 2017 reports, it's not the most diverse city but its close. New York City and Jersey City beat Houston. Dallas and Silver Springs MD is just right behind Houston. Houston is also one of the more progressive cities in Texas.

As for the topic on Germany, they're extremely careful with restricting what people are allowed to say and advocate for after the events of the far rights tyrannical ways that led to Nazi Germanys rise. Anything that could allow for such hate is outlawed, displaying nazi flags is banned and only allowed in museums (what America needs to do with the Confederate traitor's garbage like New Orleans rightly did) and "sieg heil" (hail victory) which the Nazis would chant, is also against the law and punishable. Though this last piece is rather extreme and unnecessary,
(what America needs to do with the Confederate traitor's garbage like New Orleans rightly did)

No we shouldn't. Its part of our countries history. Erasing history should be against the law. Be it good or bad we still need to remember it. If we forget it, we're doomed to repeat it. Its those certain people who can't handle reality that we should put in museums.
This is very close to the mark. Hillary was rigging her own election by lining up votes (namely the super delegates) and convincing the other possible alternatives (Biden, Warren) not to run, ever since she lost to Barack Obama. When Bernie ended up being a stronger-than-expected candidate, they all said "but he can't win unless he can overcome her super-delegate lead!" So Bernie was "losing" before a single primary had even voted yet. And no surprise, people voted for the "favorite". If it wasn't for the super-delegates having decided who was "leading" from before a single vote was actually cast, Bernie would have won the nomination and then the presidency. Democrat insiders were complicit in Hillary's rigging of course; they took a gamble that only pays off if she wins. Unfortunately for them, she was the least charismatic candidate to win a major party nomination in the modern era. If the democrats truly care about this never happening again, they'll either do away with the super delegates or make sure they can't be declared to anyone until all the primaries have voted.

Don't forget the hit they put out on Seth Rich, who leaked all the DNC leaks to wikileaks - then the DNC after they lost blamed "russians".
Unless you're black, hispanic, homosexual, athiest, jewish, sihk, or especially muslim. Oh yeah or if you vote for democrats, then you have to live in Austin, nowhere else.

Hillary won every major urban area in Texas, including Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Houston is only ~30% white btw, but it's still a pretty great city. Most of us get along and it is pretty much impossible to find areas that are all white. It's the most diverse city in the US, more than New York. Houston definitely is less segregated than NYC in my opinion.. Houston is probably a model for what others cities will be like in the future.

As for Germany and the hate speech, I am glad I live in the USA for that. I can't believe Germany is doing that...
It is unreal that the groupthink is so bad across enter countries that this can happen. Who controls what hate speech is? When you rate your chicken sandwich poorly in the future are you going to prison?

So glad I live in the USA, they won't ever be doing this here, we will not tolerate it. Amazing how stupid entire countries can be.

The people in the USA are trying to curb free speech though. You have 40% of millennials who think limiting free speech if it's hate speech is acceptable.

But as you stated at the beginning, who controls free speech? You have a few Muslim progressives labeled as people in hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center, because they think Islam needs to be moved into the 21st century and be overall more tolerant to pretty much every non Muslim. You have Men's Rights Activists labeled as hate groups, because misandrists in feminism currently control the narrative in our country, and portray their issues as misogyny. You have the mainstream media covering every fart by President Trump as impeachment worthy, yet won't cover left extremists, and call anyone who begs to bring any objectivity as a racist.

I am not alt right. I am honestly more liberal than conservative. But mainstream liberals have been coopted by extremists who are eating themselves by labeling anyone who bothers to have any different opinion, even if the facts back it up, as hateful individuals. And this is why free speech has to include hate speech. Because, yes, in the very near future, you disliking a chicken sandwich could potentially be hate speech. Everything needs to be politicized, regardless of how irrelevant to politics it is, and all free-thinkers must be silenced.