George Lucas Is Reportedly Fixing Luke Skywalker for "Star Wars: Episode IX"


Aug 20, 2006
Desperation may be running high over at Disney and Lucasfilm: new rumors claim Episode IX director J.J. Abrams is working with the Star Wars godfather himself, George Lucas, to fix the narrative mess left by “The Last Jedi” and “course correct” the franchise. Lucas has supposedly been “involved in numerous sequences to fine tune some of the legacy characters,” guiding Abrams on how Luke Skywalker should be done. “He will also be involved in some of the reshoots.”

Abrams has been open about his intentions to include as many nods to the Prequel and Original Trilogies. Now, though, it seems he will also work closely with the man who created it all to bring the entire saga home in a way that will please all the fans, especially concerning the role of Luke. Many fans were displeased that Luke appeared to have abandoned hope, ignored his responsibilities to the galaxy AND tried to kill his nephew in his sleep in The Last Jedi.
Last jedi was such a turd of a movie, how that script got approved amazes me. It just seemed like Johnson wanted to basically kill off everything that was set up in TFA in regards to Snoke, Rey's parents identity, finally bringing Luke back etc. Pity they just can't ignore everything that happened in that movie and pretend it doesn't exist.
didn't Lucas also help with Solo?...unless they resurrect Luke I don't see how they can course-correct or fix this...I say just bring him back alive...the Force Projection just severely weakened him but did not kill him
Starwars Episode: IX The Lost Money.

They will do anything for the money, its a shame they had to lose it first and are now trying to get it back.
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didn't Lucas also help with Solo?...unless they resurrect Luke I don't see how they can course-correct or fix this...I say just bring him back alive...the Force Projection just severely weakened him but did not kill him

They could bring him back somehow, maybe him vanishing was the force trying to replenish him after the projection took so much out of him? Not as if he did a Han Solo and got stabbed through the chest and fell into a pit.
Not sure why everyone is so super upset about the Luke stuff.

Him dying to protect the young bucks escape was the same way ben went out... with the added projection stuff. Otherwise same deal. Distraction Self Sacrifice... new hero escapes to fight another day.

They just did the self sacrifice in the second of their movies... and added a story of disillusionment with the notion of Light and Dark. Luke was ready to go full Grey... path of moderation. In the end his hope is rekindled and he sacrifices himself so the Light can survive and rise to meet the dark in the next installment.

Other then a few odd inclusions like the warm green milk diet stuff... I thought Luke was perhaps the only thing they did right in TLJ.

HE is coming back of course... the same way obiwan came back in empire. I doubt he has any scenes with his lost pupil, they will focus on him appearing to Ray to do a proper job training her. Although as its Lucas I look forward to the final Ben Solo / Luke waving bye bye scene as some furry creatures set off fireworks and play conga music with some first order lids. lol
Other then a few odd inclusions like the warm green milk diet stuff... I thought Luke was perhaps the only thing they did right in TLJ.

So Luke essentially not giving a shit for the most part and trying to kill his apprentice in his sleep was in his character? Johnson made a portrayal of Luke that even Hamill didn't agree with.
They could bring him back somehow, maybe him vanishing was the force trying to replenish him after the projection took so much out of him? Not as if he did a Han Solo and got stabbed through the chest and fell into a pit.

Han solo fell into a pit just like Boba Fett, they are both coming back!

Episode VII: Boba on the Hunt; Watch Your Ass Solo
So Luke essentially not giving a shit for the most part and trying to kill his apprentice in his sleep was in his character? Johnson made a portrayal of Luke that even Hamill didn't agree with.

Well Hamill and everyone else was wrong. Its perfectly in keeping. Luke vanquished the dark side... he turned his father back to the light and watched him end the last sith. Then he set out to recreate the Jedi Order... only to find out his nephew and most powerful pupil has been turned. Sure I buy a moment of... oh no wth have I done. I have allowed the dark side a path to live again. Seems like a logical thought to have in that moment of realization. It also seems to me that someone with Lukes perspective after that would say... yes Either extreme leads to pain. Moderation is the only answer. (its even fitting with the Buddhist Star Wars themes that have always been there)

Ya they didn't F Luke up at all... Perhaps they just made him a little too human for some peoples liking.
Well Hamill and everyone else was wrong. Its perfectly in keeping. Luke vanquished the dark side... he turned his father back to the light and watched him end the last sith. Then he set out to recreate the Jedi Order... only to find out his nephew and most powerful pupil has been turned. Sure I buy a moment of... oh no wth have I done. I have allowed the dark side a path to live again. Seems like a logical thought to have in that moment of realization. It also seems to me that someone with Lukes perspective after that would say... yes Either extreme leads to pain. Moderation is the only answer. (its even fitting with the Buddhist Star Wars themes that have always been there)

Ya they didn't F Luke up at all... Perhaps they just made him a little too human for some peoples liking.

lol, yeah the guy who plays the character is wrong about it...

Episode 9 part 1 and part 2 please :D
lol, yeah the guy who plays the character is wrong about it...

He's just an actor. Yes if like other children of the 70s and 80s his nostalgia bone ached for a Luke that would show up kick a ton of ass and ride off into the sunset. Then sure he was wrong.
Well Hamill and everyone else was wrong. Its perfectly in keeping. Luke vanquished the dark side... he turned his father back to the light and watched him end the last sith. Then he set out to recreate the Jedi Order... only to find out his nephew and most powerful pupil has been turned. Sure I buy a moment of... oh no wth have I done. I have allowed the dark side a path to live again. Seems like a logical thought to have in that moment of realization. It also seems to me that someone with Lukes perspective after that would say... yes Either extreme leads to pain. Moderation is the only answer. (its even fitting with the Buddhist Star Wars themes that have always been there)

Ya they didn't F Luke up at all... Perhaps they just made him a little too human for some peoples liking.

Hey man I enjoy looking at things and making a story to go with them too, TLJ for me was a story about a rolling ball, but your view on this might be a bit of a stretch as is mine.
Even Disney thinks everyone was not wrong, that is why we have this thread. They are trying to make back the money they lost, the customer is right unless that company wants to go out of business, or make a lot less money.
Episode 9 part 1 and part 2 please :D

Part 2 would need to basically delete part 1. Not a bad thing considering some of the stupid shit in it, the whole slow motion chase sequence that made no sense, a Dreadnought getting fucked up while Star Destroyers just sit by and watch, it's amazing that in all the years since the Emperor died the First Order haven't managed to find a ship mounted weapon to take out the Rebellions primary attack ship. Instead they just cite the "its too small and too close" shit from decades ago. :ROFLMAO:
Hey man I enjoy looking at things and making a story to go with them too, TLJ for me was a story about a rolling ball, but your view on this might be a bit of a stretch as is mine.
Even Disney thinks everyone was not wrong, that is why we have this thread. They are trying to make back the money they lost, the customer is right unless that company wants to go out of business, or make a lot less money.

So your saying the right path is always right up the middle right ? ;) Joking. I agree.
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Maybe they will Force Vision (dream sequence) TLJ and this movie can continue where TFA left off. It is our only hope.
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Part 2 would need to basically delete part 1.

Other franchises have pretty much done it.

The bad Terminator sequels.
Halloween (2018)
Superman Returns

Not to name countless reboots.

We could just have the next Star Wars being Star Wars: Episode VII, This Time For Real Edition!
The problem with the newer portion of the Star Wars franchise is not that they were terrible movies, but that they were soooo close to being proper Star Wars movies. They had some bad actor choices, and they had Jar Jar. But 5 minutes of editing in each movie, max, and they wouldn't seem quite so dumb.
Other franchises have pretty much done it.

The bad Terminator sequels.
Halloween (2018)
Superman Returns

Not to name countless reboots.

We could just have the next Star Wars being Star Wars: Episode VII, This Time For Real Edition!

Or, Episode I - for real this time.
didn't Lucas also help with Solo?...unless they resurrect Luke I don't see how they can course-correct or fix this...I say just bring him back alive...the Force Projection just severely weakened him but did not kill him
Solo wasn't bad at all. Even enjoyed it as much the 2nd time around, which is an important characteristic of good star wars movies. Main problem for Solo was the bad timing of coming out during major fan burnout from the other ones.
I thought TFA was pretty good. LJ wasn't great but at least I made it through the whole thing, which is something I cannot say for any of the prequels.
The problem with the newer portion of the Star Wars franchise is not that they were terrible movies, but that they were soooo close to being proper Star Wars movies. They had some bad actor choices, and they had Jar Jar. But 5 minutes of editing in each movie, max, and they wouldn't seem quite so dumb.

7 & 8 needed far more than a few minutes of editing. Rey is a classic Mary Sue. Sure, the originals aren't exactly Oscar caliber movies, but at least they follow The Hero's Journey, which is pretty much what almost any popular movie has followed, and there's a reason why that has been effective for several millennia when it comes to story telling. Not so with 7 & 8. Even the prequels followed it. And while hated by older fans, apparently a lot of younger fans liked the prequels.

But the current powers in Hollywood don't seem to want certain classes of people to have flaws. Not going to go more into this, as it's Soapbox material, but here's a little comparison of Rey vs Luke.

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7 & 8 needed far more than a few movies of editing.

I don't really know that much about 8 - I couldn't stand to watch it, I had to shut it off. :( I was mostly talking about the prequel trilogy done by Lucas.

Not going to go more into this, as it's Soapbox material...

Dangerous little shits, aren't they? You open your mouth with an opinion, and pretty soon they're circling you, trying to get under your ass and push you up to the lectern, and then you find yourself saying, "Blah, blah, blah, and in conclusion the Nobel committee needs to consider the effectiveness of proper toilet training before awarding 2019's Peace Prize."
Yup. Someone already did a deuce in the punch bowl. You can't take out the turd and say "good as new!"

The fans aren't six any longer. They're older and kind of hostile. The original story ended. Use the setting for sure, but move on.

Never mind the fact that they've made these movies into yet another shitty super hero franchise. Why the fuck does every protagonist have to be John Rambo in scifi these days?

Luke defeated the empire by refusing to fight.
7 & 8 needed far more than a few movies of editing. Rey is a classic Mary Sue. Sure, the originals aren't exactly Oscar caliber movies, but at least they follow The Hero's Journey, which is pretty much what almost any popular movie has followed, and there's a reason why that has been effective for several millennia when it comes to story telling. Not so with 7 & 8. Even the prequels followed it. And while hated by older fans, apparently a lot of younger fans liked the prequels.

But the current powers in Hollywood don't seem to want certain classes of people to have flaws. Not going to go more into this, as it's Soapbox material, but here's a little comparison of Rey vs Luke.

I had a bit of a laugh, but that video does sum up the problems with Rey's character development pretty well (hint: there really isn't any). The movies themselves weren't the worst in the world, but they left out the real journey to self discovery and instead replaced it with arbitrary "connect-the-dots" story telling; and I think this is the biggest problem with them. TFA and TLJ would have made amazing parody movies with a little more comedy, but they are nowhere close to being "epic space operas" like the originals for that reason.