GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Rumored For March Release


Aug 20, 2006
The fact that this is a mere rumor should be reiterated, as the information comes from a single source, but an MSI rep supposedly let slip that the 1080 Ti will finally be presented during PAX East. Many think that Nvidia were sitting on things, just scoping out AMD’s Vega plans.

…a nugget of gold handed to us from a friendly rep at the MSI booth, which provides a bit more insight into what's going on over at Nvidia (info Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang apparently wasn't ready to share personally). It turns out that there really is such thing as the GTX 1080 Ti, and not only will it be available from board partners (MSI being one of the biggest), but it will be coming around PAX East 2017, which kicks off on March 10, 2017.
Yeehaaaww, I love spending near £1k on a gfx card. (j/k)
This late to the party, when is next gen due ?
Can't wait for the 1080Ti 4K performance test!!

Between the 1080ti, 1080 price drops and Vega 10 dropping, the next 6 months ought to be a pretty good circus.
Hell, if/when the 1080 Ti bumps all the other stacks down I may be able to afford a 1070.
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Hopeful that this sparks a real price war for once--pushing back on NVIDIA's endless dreams of pushing the price of "high end" up with no limit in sight.

That requires Vega to deliver, but if it does GTX 1080 for $500 I think that will get a lot of people excited.
Always up for a good price war. I'm more than happy with my 1070 and the games I play @ 1440.... but it's always nice to have goals or dreams to work towards.

I hope AMD knocks one out of the park simply to spark some action in the GPU world. I'm firmly on team green for the foreseeable future, but still very interested to see what AMD can do. While a doom benchmark might give them big numbers, it tells us nothing about handling "everything else".

Edit -- of course it will be priced between a 1080 and TitanX - assuming there are no price adjustments due to AMD, 800 dollars would be the sweet spot for me. If I felt like jumping on the Ti bandwagon for my E-peen, sell off my 1070 for 300ish and plop down the remainder in cash. Gotta pay to play!
This is precisely why I bought a 1070 to hold me over instead of splurging on a Pascal Titan X.

Now, I can decide if the 1080 Ti is worth it.
What is the ETA of the Volta 1180? At this point I am inclined to wait. Was ready to spend ~$900 on a MSI Gaming X version of 1080 Ti, but the snub at CES 2017 has turned me off.

No way I'll spend $1200 on a hair dryer that I have to void warranty to manually cool. And a March 1080 Ti is what, 6 months from Volta 1180? I don't know, thats a hard sell for +20% perf over 1080 at 1440p.
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I'm guessing $799?

I'm guessing "Whatever price AMD releases their high end Vega for"?

There is shaping up to be some actual competition in the CPU and GPU market in 2017! Thank god. I really hope AMD can at least pull some sort of parity with Nvidia and Intel instead of "well we didn't want to play in the high end hardware market anyway" spiel they've been shoveling the last couple years.