Gears of War 4 Introduces Versus Social Cross-Play Between XBone and Win 10 PCs


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Today Gears of War 4 has enabled Cross Play between the XBOX One and Windows 10 PCs for a special Quick Play playlist. Positive comments from previous testing influenced the decision to pursue more testing over the coming months. The intentions of the developer, The Coalition, is to eventually make it permanent. Console and PC players have benefited greatly with the increased player count during the testing phase. Hopefully this trickles down to other XBOX Play Anywhere titles that have a PC player base. Forza anyone?

The last time the PC and console communities were pitted against each other, the console players were routed in a embarrassing, horrific bloodbath. Wonder what will happen this time when the full PC crowd is unleashed against our console brethren? Let the bodies hit the floor!

As such, beginning today, Social Quickplay will now be a Cross-play playlist! This step is planned to be a permanent move for the future of Social Quickplay, with the first few months being a ‘trial period’ in order to monitor player feedback alongside data to ensure the Test Weekend was representative.

Core and Competitive will remain platform independent, only matching Xbox players with each other and Windows 10 players with each other. Despite the closely matched performance between users on both platforms seen in our cross-play Test Weekend, we always want to ensure our Ranked experiences are as closely matched and competitive as possible. Due to the major popularity of Social Quickplay on Windows 10, we will be looking at introducing new Core and Competitive solutions for Windows 10 players in the future to provide more focused offerings to experience the more competitive ranked play of Gears of War 4.
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I'm just gonna leave this here...

Wikipedia said:
All three of the eighth generation home consoles use AMD GPUs, and two of them use AMD CPUs, a transition from IBM's PowerPC Architecture used in the previous generation. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony were not aware that they were all using AMD processors until all their consoles were announced.[14] Both AMD and Nvidia are optimistic for the PC market, as the unified CPU/GPU processors in the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One use the same x86 programming architecture found in PCs, with AMD planning to introduce similar processors to desktop and laptop PCs in the near future.[15]Nvidia claims that game consoles will no longer be able to compete with PC graphics due to massive R&D funding by Nvidia and AMD, and stricter size and power requirements of consoles.[16]
Gears is a 3rd person shooter so the advantage of KB/M might not be as evident...

If there's any sort of location-based damage, and pin-point hit-scan weapons, a mouse will win in a straight firefight. Console players skilled in map layout and movement mechanics will be able to beat them, but it'll be a slaughterhouse if we have players with equal knowledge.
Console and PC players have benefited greatly with the increased player count during the testing phase. Hopefully this trickles down to other XBOX Play Anywhere titles that have a PC player base. Forza anyone?
What are you talking about? Forza Horizon 3 has had competitive Xbox One vs PC multiplayer since its release.
Please bring this to sports titles. That's where it will have a positive effect, especially considering most people tend to play sports games on PC with a controller.
Back in the day I got banned from online play on one of my consoles for using a keyboard / mouse adapter. I was so easy to aim and fire.

I'm sure they have given console kids some sort of assisted aim / targeting to level the playing field vs. PC master race
Do people actually play gears of war with a keyboard and mouse?
Do people actually play gears of war with a keyboard and mouse?

Well, is the game designed around assisted aiming? Some games are. If it is then you've answered your own question. If not and aiming with a mouse is 10x faster and 10x more accurate then why the hell would you use a gamepad?

I personally hate simplistic console games that are more designed for easy pickup, to get into multiplayer games quickly with smaller maps to keep the action brisk. Basically zerg button mashers which I am almost positive this game is exactly.

One of the reasons I didn't buy Battlefield One was that the devs said they made more of the maps smaller. Anyways, I'm getting side tracked.
"Versus Social Cross-Play"

WTF did I just read? active effects: -3 to INT

I just used the headline from the original article. Microsoft gave the tech some weird names. Even their own articles have to be inventive with it. ;) I wanted to call it many other names, but I went with the Microsoft official name so that people can Google it for more information.

I completely feel your pain though. ;)
Just give players the option to play with console only, PC only, or both!
Make it a MP filter in the game options.
I wish they fucking just would.
Gears is a 3rd person shooter so the advantage of KB/M might not be as evident...
FFXI is third person MMORPG. And in here you can still feel at difference between PC gamers and and console games. and this is even considering the controls are so badly imported from console to PC, that as basically controlling a controller with a keyboard and mouse and not the game...
any fast point to point aiming is just faster on a mouse than with a little analog sticks
Gears is a 3rd person shooter so the advantage of KB/M might not be as evident...

I think this is the only way these cross playform games work. Example SF V

Any FPS pc players have a huge advantage and will destroy their console brethren.
Well, is the game designed around assisted aiming? Some games are. If it is then you've answered your own question. If not and aiming with a mouse is 10x faster and 10x more accurate then why the hell would you use a gamepad?

I personally hate simplistic console games that are more designed for easy pickup, to get into multiplayer games quickly with smaller maps to keep the action brisk. Basically zerg button mashers which I am almost positive this game is exactly.

One of the reasons I didn't buy Battlefield One was that the devs said they made more of the maps smaller. Anyways, I'm getting side tracked.

I thought it was pretty clear that what was an XBOX exclusive, now ported to Windows 10, was designed around the use of a controller. The use of 3rd person view and cover fire mechanics would, IMO, imply this .... but hey ... to each their own.
Well, traditionally for FPS shooters, console vs PC has gone the Heavy way for the PC:
(from 0:50)

Cry some more!
As long as it doesn't force console players and pc players do be on opposite teams, mixing the 2 shouldn't be an issue. It will just mean that the skill curve gets a bit larger.
They've done that with a few games, but you'll have console players who don't want to use a kb/m and they'll complain.
If you add that and the filter option for platform, being console v console, console v pc and pc v pc. Then they wouldn't have any real reason to complain.
If you add that and the filter option for platform, being console v console, console v pc and pc v pc. Then they wouldn't have any real reason to complain.

That's true, but you know they'd complain about having to set the filter. People are just that lazy nowadays. I'm in the camp of "more options, better".