Gave buyer a refund, he kept merch and he still left me a negative heat... Fair?

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Apr 23, 2003
I had a dispute with a buyer about an item.. (a logitech mx1100 laser mouse that I bought from Amazon way back and sold to him for 27 shipped)

He received it.. I receive one PM from him, where he says "hey, this is used and it is not new judging from the marks on its rubber pads."
I said I never used it, sent him the invoice from where I bought it as new from Amazon, and in the meantime I googled the guy and found a few things that made me a little skeptical, but that's neither here nor there.

He responds back "The box was opened when it arrived. And it seems to be defective. I would like to ship this back to you asap."

I agree to take it back and say I will give him a full refund.

This was in the morning, and I spent some time doing some research from when I originally bought the thing, I found some other people (see user Kramden's post from the original deal) did actually get used merch straight from Amazon. As soon as I saw that: I immediately gave him a full refund.

Then he leaves me negative heat and calls me a liar and such, and refuses to respond to emails, PMs, anything.

As a seller, I really don't know any other way to make up for it...

So my questions are these..
a)is there anything else that I should have done
b)would you give a negative for this?
shouldn't he be sending you the mouse back? did you look at the mouse before you sold it? possible he had one beat up and is sending that back to you
You should be able to file a dispute for the feedback itself...just explain what happened. nothing to loose at this point. I would have made him return it before refunding...shit happens and the price of dealing with eBay is return shipping cost. I would even state he did NOT return the mouse, that is your strongest argument.
I wouldn't have refunded it without picture proof.

As a nice guy and giving him the benefit of the doubt, you did everything correct on your part. He should not leave you negative feedback, and it is in your entire right to leave him negative feedback for being a poor buyer.

Also, you should e-mail heatware and ask them to remove that negative feedback. He had absolutely no reason to do that, especially since you refunded even before he sent the item back. Most sellers require you to send it back before sending the refund, so doing it before was a measure of good faith on your part, and he took advantage of it.
I think the OP felt bad that he actually may have sent a used item unknowingly which prompted him to preemptively refund the money..... I'll admit I "MAY" have done the same thing. I don't like feeling like I'm screwing people, but I know its peoples nature to screw each other. I was always taught, "everyone's a thief, all they need is opportunity."

Other than refunding right away, only other thing I would have done is, if he paid for shipping, I would have offered to pay for the way back. Hopefully it would have gotten your item back, as it stands now I see that guy as a lost cause, do what the others have suggested and just try to get your feed back removed, it sucks but your out 30 bucks, worse things could happen.
I'd recommend contacting heatware about the negative feedback and they'll remove it.

Do not leave a retaliatory feedback; they will not remove the negative from your record.

However, a true negative feedback would definitely be fitting once his negative has been removed from your account.
he sounds like an immature trader....sometimes things don't go as planned, and its how its dealt with then that really matters.
it sounds like you did everything you could, and he just flaked out.

Email heatware about the neg and explain what transpired, they may well remove it.
however, if your willing to live with the neg, I would neg him right back and explain the situation......anyone who reads it will see it for what it is...

and don't forget to mention that he has your money and your mouse.... IMHO that makes him no better than the average troll
Can you post some information regarding the timeline of this whole ordeal? I think it'll put things into better perspective.

He's been here for 5+ years and he appears to be 26 years old, which should be old enough and mature enough to not be an ass.

As for your questions a) nothing else you could have done except next time refund AFTER you receive the item back b) talk to heat23 first about the negative and have it removed. I would leave a negative heatware evaluation detailing what exactly happened with a link to this thread.
I did send a PM to heat23 about it through heatware... no response.

I decide to sell a mouse that I thought was new that has been in a box of spare stuff for quite a while, so I search on the forum to see what I think it's worth. I see a WTB post and PM the guy on 8/28 and sent him this picture of the one sealed and the one I have opened and use with my laptop.

8/29 he responds on to my PM
8/30and then pays me via paypal.
8/31 I ship, but it doesn't get scanned in until 9/1 tracking # 9101785091401215428419.
He receives it 9/3.
9/5 PMs me saying it looks used. I respond, sent him pictures of the original invoice and pics of the box(the same stuff I put in heatware response) and I sent him a couple of messages. He responds one time to tell me that it wasn't sealed when he got it and he wants to send it back ASAP. I said ok that same day, told him I would refund him but if it wasn't sealed when he got it, that should have been the first thing he told me.
Later on 9/5: after doing the research like I said and fearing that I had actually sent him an item that was not actually new, I went ahead and initiated the refund the same day, 9/5. Then he leaves me heatware, also on 9/5. I have tried contacting him both by email and PM to ask him what more could he want, but he has never responded or acknowledged me after saying he wanted to return the mouse.

Also, part of the reason I was skeptical about the mouse being used was because I never opened it... I mean, who expects stuff from Amazon to come used... I have never before had that happen to me. Second, when I was googling the guy I found this:
Think whatever you want of that, but it made me less likely to believe him.

Yes, I agree that I probably shouldn't have given him the refund before he sent the mouse back, but since I thought I might have been wrong about it being new(even though it wasn't my fault imo) I decided I'd rather let the guy know I'm not trying to scam him for his 27$. It kind of didn't work out the way I envisioned it though.
what ever happened to the troll hunters? I remember they used to help in these cases (in the very least probably get his accounts banned if he was stupid enough to use the same name on other forums)

btw that guy sounds like an ass.
I probably would have refunded without receiving the item back as you did - just say sorry, bought it new, something went wrong, amazon sent me used stuff, whatever, I'm not a scammer, here's your money back, no hard feelings. It's not a big dollar amount.

The negative heatware is totally unjustified. I can't think what more a seller could do in this situation.
I appreciate the responses.. I don't trade a lot anymore, and I guess it just bugged me that he called me a liar. The 27(well I guess 34$ actually since I sent it priority) bucks is not a killer..I agree, and that's part of the reason why I went ahead and refunded.
Well you learned a valuable selling lesson without learning it with an extremely valuable item. IMHO you did everything right, and almost all of the guys here would have done the right thing straight back at ya ;)
he sounds like an immature trader....sometimes things don't go as planned, and its how its dealt with then that really matters.
it sounds like you did everything you could, and he just flaked out.

Email heatware about the neg and explain what transpired, they may well remove it.
however, if your willing to live with the neg, I would neg him right back and explain the situation......anyone who reads it will see it for what it is...

and don't forget to mention that he has your money and your mouse.... IMHO that makes him no better than the average troll

Spot on. I would not have hesitated to refund $27 either. You did the right thing. Any reputable trader would have given you positive feedback and returned the item to you so you could deal with it on your end. I'm pretty sure heatware can help you on the eval....esp since they aren't PP!!!! Don't sweat it and see what can be done. Anyone who reads the evals will figure it out ;)

edit: at this point, you can enlighten us as to who it was so we can treat him with 'care'.
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if the transaction was through paypal you might be able to file a dispute
i never issue a refund till i get merch back. ive been asked twice for a refund and said send the stuff back and once i get it ill refund you the money. in both cases they kept the merch and said never mind.
If I weren't a poor college student, I would be inclined to just send $27 your way, bro. I can't stand it when people get ripped off.
Why on earth did you refund him before you received the mouse back.... That should never happen. That is not how refunds work normally.
I agree with those asking for the buyer's name. Hopefully this works out for you (paypal and heat), but at least you didn't get screwed too badly.
Why on earth did you refund him before you received the mouse back.... That should never happen. That is not how refunds work normally.

i never issue a refund till i get merch back. ive been asked twice for a refund and said send the stuff back and once i get it ill refund you the money. in both cases they kept the merch and said never mind.

I feel like we covered this, and it's just beating a dead horse at this point.

I think this thread needs to be closed unless the OP has anything more to say...
I agree with those asking for the buyer's name. Hopefully this works out for you (paypal and heat), but at least you didn't get screwed too badly.

I wont post links, because I dont know if I should, but the OP has heat under his username, and its easy to see who the other trader is.

OP has 54 positives going back 7 years, other guy has 12 going back 5 years.
Doesn't look like OP left heat yet, but I would recommend it ASAP.

I also placed a note in my personal file about not dealing with him
Just so you guys know, the people who run Heatware are extremely busy. It took a while to have my neutral removed, but just give heat23 a friendly reminder once in a while and it'll be rectified.
i try to get a hold people at heatware and no reply and i thought they are extremely busy there.
Well you learned a valuable selling lesson without learning it with an extremely valuable item. IMHO you did everything right, and almost all of the guys here would have done the right thing straight back at ya ;)

+1. Unfortunately it's the nature of forums and the people that populate said forums, you're gonna find some assholes.

It wasn't fair at all on the OPs part, particularly in regard to the way the buyer handled the situation.
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