Gaming Mouse


Feb 26, 2003
I need a good gaming mouse I can play with 24/7 so no battery operated. If I can find one on newegg that would be great.
Logitech MX500
But hopefully you don't game 24/7, I'd think that would have major conflicts with even the most remote normal lives where people eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and occasionally interact with other people. :p
in the general hardware section there is a lot about mouses lattely.

Seems like almost everyone uses some kind of logitech MX series (myself included) and the MX 500 and 510 the at the top of the line in my opinion right now.
I just learned that the MX700 is recharchable should I just go with that? Just remember, I play games ALOT.
Originally posted by LoStMaTt
I just learned that the MX700 is recharchable should I just go with that? Just remember, I play games ALOT.

No, i wouldn't. The MX700 is rechargeble but thats just the problem. You have to recharge it. Gaming will decrease the lifetime between charges more then normal use. If you plan on gaming more then 7-8 hours i would just get the MX500 or MX510. The MX500 series has all the features of the MX700 except being wireless and has none of its weaknesses. Get the MX510 is a really sexy mouse and is even better then the MX500.
Originally posted by burningrave101
No, i wouldn't. The MX700 is rechargeble but thats just the problem. You have to recharge it. Gaming will decrease the lifetime between charges more then normal use. If you plan on gaming more then 7-8 hours i would just get the MX500 or MX510. The MX500 series has all the features of the MX700 except being wireless and has none of its weaknesses. Get the MX510 is a really sexy mouse and is even better then the MX500.

Hmm well i'll have to disagree, had my MX700 since they first came out to give you a time table of how long a full charge lasts say I wake up 6 PM and game on/off all day/night it will last til 8/10 AM the next morning around their, then go to bed rinse and repeat heh even a 10-20 min quick charge will give you a few hours and as for mouse lag none experienced on my end outstanding product in my book the only thing you may or may not like is the weight of the mouse the MX500/510 will be lighter for sure but it doesn't bother me but try it out to make sure.
Originally posted by doh-nut
mx300 imo is the best gaming mouse.

Thank you.

MX700 is a joke. MX500 disciminates against lefties, plus ergonomic designs are for MAC users.
Originally posted by t10
Thank you.

MX700 is a joke. MX500 disciminates against lefties, plus ergonomic designs are for MAC users.

Im left handed and use my right hand for the mouse :p. I wouldn't be able to frag your mom in a FPS with my left hand lol.

Really theres just no point in buying an MX700 unless you have the need in leaving your desktop. Sitting at your desktop using a wireless keyboard and mouse is pretty ignorant IMO and i have the MX Duo. I'm gonna order the MX510 to use with a corded Logitech Elite :).
Originally posted by t10
Thank you.

MX700 is a joke. MX500 disciminates against lefties, plus ergonomic designs are for MAC users.
I am a mac user, and my mouse looks like a fucking brick
MX700 is a bad idea, I have two wireless mice in my house and they always conflict with each other even when at the other end of the house.

Mac's have the worst mice, the round one I cut off the cord and went outside and played a game of hockey with it. The new optical one looks and feels just like sigmend said a brick.
Well to tell the truth none have better precision than the MS Intellipoint 3.1 I think the latest version is? Or is it Intellipoint 4 with the tilt wheel? Anyway MX500 is nice but don´t have the same precision.
If you have trouble gaming with an MX700 you've got a bad unit or there's a user malfunction. And yes the batteries will eventually start charging less, but they are nimh. They last well for a long time, and are easy to replace at a reasonable cost. I've had mine a few months and like it for gaming because it's never lagged during gameplay, and it never gets a cord caught during gameplay. One thing, some people are bothered by the weight of a cordless, so keep that in mind as well.

I would check them at a store, see what feels good to your hand. Ergonimics are important, but ergonimics are far from universal.
I still use the old logitech dual optical for gaming and it works pretty good still, I could never get used to the mx500 to game with and just use it for 2d apps.
Originally posted by burningrave101
Im left handed and use my right hand for the mouse :p. I wouldn't be able to frag your mom in a FPS with my left hand lol.

LOL, I use my right hand for mouse too... i just really hate all the ergonomic bs.. like V shaped keyboards and shit....

Also MX700 is like 6 pounds in weight. I mean moving that for 10 hours straight fraging people.. even Arnold would be at his knees after like an hour, of some mad instagib railonly action.

MX300, 310 or a MouseMan Dual Optical. I don't think dual opticals are made anymore, so I guess that means mx300/310. 310 if you want a thumb button (thumb buttons own mapped to jump~).
MX500 Optical but make sure you go to Logitech's site and download latest drivers when you get it. When I got mine, the pc would freeze for about 2 seonds whenever I pressed the wheel.
I guess driver problems are on a person to person basis...

I upgraded from a microsoft optical 3.0 or whatever it is to an MX500, I didnt bother changing the drivers from the microsoft ones and it runs perfect.

I remapped the extra buttons in games for different stuff and its great.
Originally posted by Big Worm
I guess driver problems are on a person to person basis...

I upgraded from a microsoft optical 3.0 or whatever it is to an MX500, I didnt bother changing the drivers from the microsoft ones and it runs perfect.

I remapped the extra buttons in games for different stuff and its great.

Why would you do that? It´s in reality a downgrade. The 3.0 tracks faster than the MX500 but it may be more comfortable :) I got big hands so the Intellimouse 3.0 are perfect for me. I liked the wireless design better but that just don´t cut it in games.
Originally posted by t10
LOL, I use my right hand for mouse too... i just really hate all the ergonomic bs.. like V shaped keyboards and shit....

Also MX700 is like 6 pounds in weight. I mean moving that for 10 hours straight fraging people.. even Arnold would be at his knees after like an hour, of some mad instagib railonly action.


The mouse is really the only thing I do with my right hand. I am both extremely left handed and left footed. I would wish I could use a joystick with my right hand so I could use a HOTAS setup but that´s just impossible. I have tried but I can never learn being comfortable with it.

But I wonder if I started out using my left hand wonder how much better at fps games I would be :)
Originally posted by oqvist
Why would you do that? It´s in reality a downgrade. The 3.0 tracks faster than the MX500 but it may be more comfortable :) I got big hands so the Intellimouse 3.0 are perfect for me. I liked the wireless design better but that just don´t cut it in games.

How does it track faster??

v3.0 is a 400 dpi mouse, mx is 800dpi, correct?

also the main reason is because I really never liked the feel, so the microsoft mouse is on my laptop, personally I like the MX500 better.. meh..
I've been enjoying this mouse (the mx510) so far alot. I've had it for about 2 weeks. Same design as the mx500 but with an improved opticle sensor (but I also like the feel of the different coating better than the mx500). The sensor's resolution is 800dpi, 5.8megapixle sensor, and 15G accesleration.
Originally posted by Zerv
I've been enjoying this mouse (the mx510) so far alot. I've had it for about 2 weeks. Same design as the mx500 but with an improved opticle sensor (but I also like the feel of the different coating better than the mx500). The sensor's resolution is 800dpi, 5.8megapixle sensor, and 15G accesleration.

Looks good.
Originally posted by Big Worm
How does it track faster??

v3.0 is a 400 dpi mouse, mx is 800dpi, correct?

also the main reason is because I really never liked the feel, so the microsoft mouse is on my laptop, personally I like the MX500 better.. meh..

No the Intellimouse is higher res. I think Logitech and others just buy MS technology so that is probably the reason. That is why they went with the dual optical too since MS didn´t want to give them the latest tech :D

I can´t remember since it was so long I chosed between a 3.0 and a MX500 but the Intellimouse 3.0 was 6000 of some value I don´t remember and the MX500 considerable less. However I have no doubt both do the job just fine
Originally posted by oqvist
No the Intellimouse is higher res. I think Logitech and others just buy MS technology so that is probably the reason. That is why they went with the dual optical too since MS didn´t want to give them the latest tech :D

I can´t remember since it was so long I chosed between a 3.0 and a MX500 but the Intellimouse 3.0 was 6000 of some value I don´t remember and the MX500 considerable less. However I have no doubt both do the job just fine

Aight bro... you're a little off... the MS mice track at like 6000 pics per second but are 400 dpi. The newer logitechs (mx310, 500, 510, 700) are 800 dpi but don't tell us how many pictures they take, they use a distance measurment.

I've both a MS Intelimouse 3.0 and a Logitech MX500. Both track fine with fast motion, but the MS mouse feels grainy. Both are kickass mice, but for gaming I like the Logitech better.

Honestyly, stop bashing the mx700. There is no lag, its not that heavy, I weigh 130 pounds and use it 12 hours a day. The battery life is outrageously good, it recharges quickly, and I dont have to deal with the drage and push resistance of a cord. I understand the objections over price but otherwise, MX elite duo is awesome. And just to reiterate, there is no lag, its just as fast as a corded mouse.
I just went out and bought the Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0 and I have only one problem with it.
It doesnt clock when you scroll, so in games you go flying though your weapons.
But if you side-scroll, it works just fine
Side note -
Anyone tried the new leather cover intellimouse, I found it at CompUSSR last week and it felt nice in the hand. If they made a version that charged MX style I'd like try it out, but it doesn't so I have no idea how good/bad it really is. Just seemed worth mentioning.
Originally posted by Roach
MX700 is a bad idea, I have two wireless mice in my house and they always conflict with each other even when at the other end of the house.

You can change the wireless channel in the mouse preferences. That will stop any interference :rolleyes: You can have mx700's right next to eachother with no interference this way..
Originally posted by tru3
Honestyly, stop bashing the mx700. There is no lag, its not that heavy, I weigh 130 pounds and use it 12 hours a day. The battery life is outrageously good, it recharges quickly, and I dont have to deal with the drage and push resistance of a cord. I understand the objections over price but otherwise, MX elite duo is awesome. And just to reiterate, there is no lag, its just as fast as a corded mouse.

I have the MX Duo and i like it for anything i do away from my desktop. I have a wired keyboard and mouse for my desktop though. You wont notice lag with the MX700 but even so its not as precise as the MX510.

Some people complain about having a cord on your mouse but i've got both and the cord doesn't bother me at all. If your sitting at a desktop you dont need to be moving all over the place with the mouse. But if you do want to leave the desk and operate across the room then the MX700 will come in handy.

Whether or not the batteries last 9 hours or 12 hours or 48 hours doesn't really matter. Your still having to charge the batteries and you can expect to have to replace the batteries with new rechargeable batteries at least every 6-12 months on average.

MX700 image processing and acceleration is 4.7 megapixels/sec and 10g compared to the MX510 at 5.8 megapixels/sec and 15g.

"Really nice mouse, but subtle lag if you move fast"
I had the mx500 mouse and decided to upgrade to an mx700 for the wireless. Everything I'd heard said they're identical in performance except for the mx700 is heavier, which it is, abou two times as heavy. That's not a problem, you can get used to it. While the mouse can update 125 times a second, there's a delay where it decodes the wireless signasl. It's like in games, you have broadband, but your ping time is too high so you keep missing shots, or you go to react but your already dead.
I tend to use my mouse really fast, with acceleration enabled I could click two, three times a second and hit the button right on everytime, that's with my mx500. The mx700 is just as accurate, but since there's a slight delay before your movements are interpreted onto the screen, I always end up either not reaching the button, or going too far. Once you see the pointer is where it needs to be, you stop moving your hand, but because of the delay, the computer will still get a few more signals from the mouse after you've stopped moving, so it overshoots.
I guess this isn't a problem for most people, because most people aren't clicking three times a second. But if your like me I'd steer away from this mouse, get an mx500 instead, which is dead on accurate. You can get an mx500 where you want just by flicking it with a finger.

The MX500 or MX510 are the best choices for anyone that never leaves their desktop. They have every advantage except being wireless as the MX700 and zero weaknesses.
All these shiny techno mouses...

I prefer my generic microsoft corded ball mouse. It works great for games.
I have 3 comps within 50ft of each other. Each one is using a mx700, there are no conflicts. It's without a doubt the best mouse available, except maybe for the bluetooth version of it.
If anyones curiouse to check out the MX510 the only place you can really find them now is best buy. There are a few on ebay that go for a decent amount more than retail just because it seems as though best buy has run out of their first shipment either that or people don't can't find them at their local best buy an more. Best Buy has some sort of deal with logitech going on to be the first people to carry them for now.
Originally posted by NIGHTMARE2
Any real gamer will tell you to get the Razer Boomslang.

Believe me it is a long time since Boomslang was the real deal. Sure it defeated the first generation optical mouses but that was a long time ago.