Games that run on modest computers


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2005
I'm having a mini lan party with my friends and want ideas on cool multiplayer games that would run on an integrated intel graphics card 64mb :(
System Shock 2 in co-op mode. VERY fun, but only four players, and the game is pretty hard to find for a decent price if you don't have it already.
The Other said:
Checkers? :p
You're mean :( ... well it is funny anyway we are gonna play warcraft 3, age, gunz, unreal, serious sam, jedi academy or outkast, MAME (arcade games) and i guess that's it.
I wish i could play UT 2004 maybe i can ...
good call on warcraft 3 you might always go with the long time favorite starcraft. It depends on what type of gaming the group enjoys, FPs and RTS are going to be the basic two choices. for FPS Quake 3 or CS are going to be a good bet. and if you want to go crazy look into dungeon keeper, I prefer the original but DK2 is also pretty good. I think DK1 only supports 4 ppl for multiplayer, not sure on DK2.
Commander Keen, California Games, Doom 1 & 2, Heretic, Duke Nukem, Decent, Warcraft 1 & 2... :D
Well my brother has a intel intergrated and he plays the Halo demo with very very low settings but not an extreme slowdown so that would be one. Medal of Honor Frontline should work alright.