Gamers Sue EA for Monopoly

Well the NFL can license their name/teams/players to whoever they want as far as I know. I am pretty sure than if someone wanted to do another college football series that wouldn't be a problem.
First of all, it was the NFL who wanted exclusivity and put out the call for bidding. Why would EA or any other game developer stand by and let another company buy the exclusive rights for a game franchise they had been developing since 1999? They just put in the highest bid. So blame the NFL.

Quoted from link. Some people think they can sue whoever they like. Besides how will EA's team of lawyers compare to a bunch of college gamers?
I don't this will work since the government gives the NFL special monopoly protection. If they want to make it an issue they should start writing their congressmen.
No one is stopping anyone else from making a football game...

Oh some dumb hippie gamers think they should be able to tell others what they can do with their own property. I get it.
didn't the NFL offer up the rights and EA was only happy to oblige?

Correct. Some people just love to hate EA. In reality any animosity [which I disagree with personally] should be forwarded to the NFL.

The bottom line is this: The NFL put their licenses up for sale; EA just happened to be the highest bidder. EA cannot have exclusive rights without an agreement with the league.
2k made a better product. It's just sad though that EA was quoted by saying that their game will be better by having the exclusive license. How the hell do you manage that?

Anyways, I heard the problem was when 2k5 released at $20, the NFL was afraid it would undervalue it's name, so they wanted to be exclusive with EA.
As bad as one gal on the EA forums recently who stated she was sueing EA because she was called a c*nt by a server administrator and kicked from the game.....

Yea good look with that.
Totally pissed about this. I was coming here expecting that we would get a new monopoly. Last one I played besides the board game was on the N64.