Gamergate Movie In Development, May Star Scarlett Johansson


Aug 20, 2006
I'm sure a movie about sexism and progressivism in video game culture is going to turn out well.

The movie deal was based on a proposal titled Control Alt Delete, and tells the story of how Quinn, creator of such hip interactive games as Depression Quest, was targeted by a digital mob bent on upending her life when a blog post by her ex-boyfriend went viral. It sparked the widely-discussed Gamergate controversy and took a surprising turn when instead of running, she decided to fight back. It is a very inside look at gaming and nerd culture and what happens when one gets caught in the gears of that machine.
Why do I have a feeling this will be ridiculously one sided and not even mention the legitimate outrage of gamers against gaming journalism about the fact that the reviews they are reading may be biased based on friendships, romantic encounters and payola, instead of honest reviews.
In other words, it will be a SJW circle jerk, that a great number of idiots will take as being, "how it really is".... It must be great when trash with such a childish agenda, "we don't really like this, but shame on you for not bending over backwards to make something more sensitive to our wants, that no one likes, not even us.", rule the media and Hollywood.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't even know what "Gamergate" is and could't care less to find out
I have no doubt that it will be one sided.

But question....... she made other games aside from Depression Quest?
The truth of Gamergate is as follows:

1.) Outrage triggered with discovery of widespread culture of positive reviews in return for sexual favors / money / job offers / etc, sparked by the now infamous email by Quinn's ex.

2.) Starts to turn ugly due to majority of those complaining being adolescent socially awkward geeks not yet knowing how to constructively channel their outrage over allegations impropriety, especially since the topic of sex was involved in it all.

3.) A vanishingly tiny minority of bad actors brings it over the line by doxxing and making threats online, and other criminal activity.

4.) Neo-feminist SJW's take over the issue and try to turn it into a broader war on male geeks, who ironically as a group are the most likely to support feminist ideals (in studies, more so even than college educated women)

The whole development of this controversy is so double-face-palm worthy there just isn't an appropriate meme to go with it.
Zarathustra[H] - that was summarized so eloquently I thought I was listening to Paul Harvey.

Gotta disagree with you on that last one especially. Neo Feminists SJW was in there from the start. Quinn and a lot of those game journos people, if not all, are SJWs.

I don't know who started the doxxing though.

And personally, at first I thought, well that's kind of fucked, but didn't care much about it. It wasn't until they started shutting down discussion, that it got me interested.
Check her page on Encyclopedia Dramatica if you want some additional education. :D

I agree with Zara, though. "The whole development of this controversy is so double-face-palm worthy there just isn't an appropriate meme to go with it."
In other words, it will be a SJW circle jerk, that a great number of idiots will take as being, "how it really is".... It must be great when trash with such a childish agenda, "we don't really like this, but shame on you for not bending over backwards to make something more sensitive to our wants, that no one likes, not even us.", rule the media and Hollywood.

There is nothing new here, outsiders have always had a very specific idea of the "gamer". And hollywood always tries to play into that stereotype. Just look what happened to the Big Bang Theory, it started off really well, as a geek series, but then as it got more popular it became an abomination about "what non-geeks think of geeks".
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't even know what "Gamergate" is and could't care less to find out

I'm still not exactly sure, what is it about. It seems to me that the most vocal agitators are the ones who know the least about the issues. If enough people start to go "baaa" eventually everyone will do it, lest they get ridiculed by the mass.
Instead of trailers will movie theaters show trigger warning PSAs before the movie starts?
Any theater that attempts to show this film will have to cancel due to all the threats of mass violence being called in by oversensitive male nerds who want girls to: stop liking what they like; stop not liking what they like; and stop liking what they don't like.
Any theater that attempts to show this film will have to cancel due to all the threats of mass violence being called in by oversensitive male nerds who want girls to: stop liking what they like; stop not liking what they like; and stop liking what they don't like.

Looks like you've drank the MSM koolaid. Its funny SJWs have called in bomb threats against almost every major gamergate meetup and forced SXSW to cancel a pro-gamergate panel made up of a female journalist, a latino female pornstar, a black male, and white male. Pretty damn diverse group. I've never seen anyone in gamergate advocate that girls shouldn't be allowed to play video games.
Zarathustra[H];1041957084 said:
Why do I have a feeling this will be ridiculously one sided and not even mention the legitimate outrage of gamers against gaming journalism about the fact that the reviews they are reading may be biased based on friendships, romantic encounters and payola, instead of honest reviews.

You just summed it up perfectly. Terrible cash grab from the sounds of it & I hope it flops. But then I'll have to hear what it's really about closer to release, if it does come out.

Oh & the casting director could at least pick someone that looks like the "GG girl". I know Scarlet can take on many forms as an actress but c'mon now, they look nothing alike.
Looks like you've drank the MSM koolaid. Its funny SJWs have called in bomb threats against almost every major gamergate meetup and forced SXSW to cancel a pro-gamergate panel made up of a female journalist, a latino female pornstar, a black male, and white male. Pretty damn diverse group. I've never seen anyone in gamergate advocate that girls shouldn't be allowed to play video games.
I think evilsofa was being a little coy/satirical. You may have jumped on their butt a little fast. :p
You just summed it up perfectly. Terrible cash grab from the sounds of it & I hope it flops. But then I'll have to hear what it's really about closer to release, if it does come out.

Oh & the casting director could at least pick someone that looks like the "GG girl". I know Scarlet can take on many forms as an actress but c'mon now, they look nothing alike.

Wait, you mean Scarlet doesn't look like an overweight, distastefully tattooed, dog faced whore? They should cast honey boo boo's mother as the GG girl, though she might be too intellectual to fill the GG role.
No one will watch this movie.

Either way, the goal is more attention. If no one goes, the focus will be on how the world is misogynist and patriarchal (so you should give me more money to fight it) and if it does it will largely be the same story, but you should give more money to keep it going.

Media is going to eat it up either way, and no one will dare to question any of it out of fear of being labeled sexist.
In other words, it will be a SJW circle jerk, that a great number of idiots will take as being, "how it really is".... It must be great when trash with such a childish agenda, "we don't really like this, but shame on you for not bending over backwards to make something more sensitive to our wants, that no one likes, not even us.", rule the media and Hollywood.

^ This.

It's going to suck alright.
Wait, you mean Scarlet doesn't look like an overweight, distastefully tattooed, dog faced whore? They should cast honey boo boo's mother as the GG girl, though she might be too intellectual to fill the GG role.

Haha! When Ars Technica ran an article with a picture of her, I simply wrote, "She doesn't look like a person I would even talk to if I saw her on thr street."

That got me a ban on Ars. LMAO
Zarathustra[H];1041957134 said:
The truth of Gamergate is as follows:

1.) Outrage triggered with discovery of widespread culture of positive reviews in return for sexual favors / money / job offers / etc, sparked by the now infamous email by Quinn's ex.

2.) Starts to turn ugly due to majority of those complaining being adolescent socially awkward geeks not yet knowing how to constructively channel their outrage over allegations impropriety, especially since the topic of sex was involved in it all.

3.) A vanishingly tiny minority of bad actors brings it over the line by doxxing and making threats online, and other criminal activity.

4.) Neo-feminist SJW's take over the issue and try to turn it into a broader war on male geeks, who ironically as a group are the most likely to support feminist ideals (in studies, more so even than college educated women)

The whole development of this controversy is so double-face-palm worthy there just isn't an appropriate meme to go with it.

Very close. Maybe add
5.) Several large game "journalism" sites, and forums, banning members and censoring anything that did not support the SJW view when there was an attempt to discuss it.

I mostly gave up on it when the fanatics on both sides became the only voices you could hear, and left it behind totally when the SJW voice became the only one you allowed to hear.
Zoey Quinn is a degenerate and a waste of valuable resources. I bet they will protray her as a saint in the movie.
There isn't even any agreement between the various groups about what Gamergate is actually *about*, and now they're going to make a movie that covers it? Hilarious.
I did not know there was an actual game created called... "depression quest"

what kind of mind sets out to have that as the subject of a game? What kind of anti joy anti fun cesspool filled creature wakes up in the morning and decides THAT is the kind of game I want to bring into the world?
Zarathustra[H];1041957084 said:
Why do I have a feeling this will be ridiculously one sided and not even mention the legitimate outrage of gamers against gaming journalism about the fact that the reviews they are reading may be biased based on friendships, romantic encounters and payola, instead of honest reviews.

this is becauz the reviews and sponsorships to provide the hardware or any other reward to make them is linked, which usually end up with bias review.....

this is why gamergate was wrongly called a masochist sexist movement, when in fact it has always been about gamers against reviews on games that is not reflective of the rank/grade they deserve, to the review author being bribed to lean one way.

even cynicalbrit also chimed in to lend credence to how corrupt gaming review it. these days i rely more on his input more than other sources :/
Hollywood helping sister media companies attack videogames which takes money from all of them. I'm shocked I tell you.
I hope they spend hundreds of millions on this, and then it flop gloriously. I don't really like Hollywood as it is, this is just more stuff for me to hate on them for.
My mind is still blown that some how Feminist's managed to take GamerGate, which was about something serious, and turn it into some bullshit sexism in video games. I don't know how they managed to do it.

If people would have only ignored that stupid Sarkeesian girl years ago when tech sites were being cute linking her stupid sexism in video games bullshit. Makes you wonder how many sex for favors were going on back then to make this random girl into someone other than a lowly feminist youtube troll.
So are they going to leave out in the movie where Zoe Quinn cheated on her boyfriend 5 times... yes.. no...maybe.. then year later takes him to court for a restraining order, but loses that fight..Anyway.. I do keep up with Gamergate when I can, there's some nice and decent people within that hashtag...I can't totally say for the Neo-feminists... but they are cray-cray..They are so uptight about Political Correctness or College campus's must have safe spaces with coloring books, play-doo.. or video's of playful kittens or puppies.. I look at them and wonder how do they function in real life.
Hollywood, quick tip: If your stupid movies about Steve Jobs aren't turning a profit, an evangelical Gamergate one sure as hell isn't going to either.