galaxy tab ?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 19, 2007
do you think a used galaxy tab 7 inch is worth buying for $150 plus tax? My local pawn shop has one for that amount right now. They always have crazy good deals. One of the in laws bought a hp env14 laptop with a i7 quad in it for only $500, he also got a 4g gen 8gb ipod touch for $85 otd at the same place.

They want $250 for it but the inlaw talked to them and they said $150 plus tax will take it home. Just wondering if its worth it or if i should wait for a better tablet to show up there..
$150 is good for a tablet, but I would read up on the Galaxy Tab is worth it to you. Does it have features/apps you use, and more importantly does it not have things that you'd need/want that the price can't compensate for?
Lenovo has an interesting $200 tablet coming out. Same processor, same screen resolution, both have micro SD and USB ports. Seem to be the same physical size and weight also.

The Lenovo A1 is $200 for 8GB of storage (and the 8GB model might not be available in the US, in which case the 16GB will cost $250). While the Galaxy Tab includes 16GB.

The Lenovo A1 also has an extra full sized SD slot. Which seems a bit odd, not a bad thing, but it already has a micro SD slot, so not sure why someone would need both. The Galaxy Tab has just the micro SD slot. For most this probably isn't going to be important though.

If the Galaxy Tab is in good shape, it looks like the nicer deal because it includes more storage and is cheaper for mostly the same hardware.
I sold my used first-gen 7" Galaxy Tab for 300€. I paid 400€ for it in early February, so it ended up costing me ~14€ / month for the duration of ownership, so not that much. $150 is certainly not a bad deal. It all depends on what you want to do with it.

I tried to use it as an smartphone replacement, in a combination with a dumbphone. The plan was that the Galaxy Tab would give me Internet, Android and all that. The dumbphone would be a reliable phone. In the end the Tab was a bit cumbersome to take along and I didn't really use it that much for anything constructive. Mostly for entertainment in public transport, and I can certainly live without entertainment for 30 minutes.

Depends on how much you want / need it. Even if you don't need it, you can probably sell it for around what you paid for. If you can't, it's not that big loss in any case.
150 is a really good consider the going price on ebay for it
it's a pretty neat tablet
I have a Tab. 150 isnt a bad deal for one.

I will suggest if you get it to ditch Froyo for Gingerbread. Mine went from a quircky toy to a much more usuable stable device. I use the hell out of mine.
They're 200 brand new in Canada...

No, not a good deal.

I'd scout for a deal on an Acer A100. Tegra 2 in close to the same form factor.
They're 200 brand new in Canada...

No, not a good deal.

I'd scout for a deal on an Acer A100. Tegra 2 in close to the same form factor.

I have the Acer A500 which i love, however I do not think he will get an A100 for anywhere near $150. They look to be around $265 and up on ebay for used ones.
Just a little forewarning... see what version it is before you buy, if its the wifi only one stay away.. no upgrade for gingerbread on the horizon and has a known issue connecting to wireless networks repeatedly. if its the 3g version then go for it.
I've had a Galaxy Tab 7.0 wi-fi only for about the last 8 months and have loved it. I paid $250 for it so $150 is not a bad price.
The screen on the A100 is junk. I had one for a day and returned it.
I use it for's not that bad.

Sure it is. You can't look at it in portrait mode without the whole thing changing color from one side to the next. You have to hold it at a slight angle to even see the correct color. If you look at it straight on it's washed out. I had it and wanted to like it, but I couldn't get past the screen.