GA-N680SLI-DQ6 woes...


Nov 6, 2006
So I purchased the GA-N680SLI-DQ6 along with a single BFG Waterblocked 8800GTX.

I had ambitions of installing a Q6600 into this motherboard and eventually saving up for an extra GTX for SLI operation.

Now I have found out that the motherboard has problems exceeding a FSB overclock of about 320mhz on quad-core cpus.

So I pose these questions:
1) should I keep the motherboard, and just get an E6850 and overclock that sucker
2) should I purchase the q6600 (G0 stepping) and hope for a miraculous MB firmware update
3) should I opt out for a gigabyte P35 board instead (w/ single 8800gtx) and then purchase the q6600 and overclock
4) should I purchase another 680i motherbaord (evga?) that doesn't have the low FSB limit and stick a q6600 into that one?

Thanks for the help, oh and I've have the motheboard for more than a month so I don't know if ZipZoomFly can help me much in the RMA department.
320mhz FSB sounds like the same problem the eVGA boards were having with the original TR/AR boards. I'd guess it's the actual 680i chipset that's causing you problems.

An E6850 shouldn't have problems as the 680i boards OC C2D's very well, but I'd probably sell the board and get the P35 board if you want to max out a Q6600 OC.
Yepppppp.... suck ass! I have not gone quad for this reason on the n680sli... your best bet to get that q6600 oc'd well is a 680i "LT" mobo, like the XFX or eVGA, or the eVGA 680i A1 rev.. sorry you had to learn about this the hard way.. I too am pissed that my $350 flagship mobo doesn't run a quad over 320 or so on the fsb.. it does oc well with dual cores.. and in general is a pretty nice 680i variant.. just sucks with quads. :(
Looks like they have Rev. 1 out now that maybe works better.

I would have thought that the revision 1 board is the one that would have the problems. A revision 2 with a newer version of the chipset would probably be the one that fixes the quad core OC bug...just like the A1 revision of the eVGA.
the rev 2 boards are the supposed fixed ones...

personally I think I might pick up an e6850 and OC the crap out of it while I wait a little longer for X38 and a Penryn quad core..