G90 series, info and remarks on it


Mar 13, 2007
Im basically looking for any and all information on the new G90 series cards that they will put out in the next few months. Right now I'm looking at building a new system and currently have a pair of eVGA 7900GT KO Superclocked cards and I know these won't last for much longer due to the hightened threading capabilities of todays/tomarrows games to come out.

Just some info on the new cards in comparison to the ones out today and what you think about them would be a great help, I'm trying to learn all I can before I purchase a pair of them.
use search next time but only certain info is that it would be released in Q4 2007
i believe there is a g92 and g98. i know that the g92 will be released in november but i do not know about the g98. i hate how nvidia keeps changing the names. very confusing. i dont know about the g90.
Pinch of salt time. Actually more like a truckload but...

http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=41837 on G98

The answer is short and sweet. G98 is the new mainstream part with enhanced and more wide memory controller, going head to head with ATi's own RV670. G98 is all that G83 (8600) was supposed to be, but failed to deliver.

A while ago, a rumour about GeForce 8600 with 256-bit controller appeared on the market. That part is no other but the G98, even though the GF8600+256-bit is a bit downplayed, G98 is significantly faster and has much more shader power.

http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=41836 on G92

When it comes to performance, even if this chip was just a shrunk-down G80, the clock would give significant benefits in performance thanks to increased clock of the GPU itself. Luckily, for future owners, that is not the case - Nvidia reworked quite a lot of things from the original marchitecture to make this thing work faster.

We managed to learn that GPU clock has surpassed 800 MHz and that company plans to deliver the boards depending on yields they will get. So far, launch clock could be anywhere between 800 and 850 MHz, with 812/3, 824/5 and 830/5 being usual suspects. This time around, there is no hurry and Nvidia knows they can afford the launch of GTS/GTX and wait for R680 to show up and launch the Ultra version as a counter attack.
More rumors courtesy of the FUD:


Nvidia is doing the final preparations in order to send the first samples of Geforce 9800 or something that we know as G92 to its high end partners and developers.

Very few priviledged people will get one that early and if all goes well there will be some G92 cards in some developers and customers PC alredy in September.

Nvidia is about to gether a lot of editors to tell them how good the new chips in October and the reviews and the real retail / etail launch is expected in November.

Of course this means that the G92 chip is taped out and that it works well.


We have confirmed that Nvidia is planning on announcing the next generation graphic card and that there is a big chance that they will call it Geforce 9800. This is the current plan and the card should come in November time.

We know that the card will be faster than anything before and this is not a surprise for us and Nvidia will one more raise the performance bars to the next level.

We know that the card supports PCIe 2.0 and that everything is going according to a schedule to meet the November retail launch.
Yeah, seriously use the Search function. Although, we can say that till we're blue in the face and there'll be another post in 3 days as the Mods here will never create a sticky for it (fact tbh). People should just wait, no one really knows what's going to happen so tough luck if you can't plan ahead into the future :rolleyes:.
if the card is out by november 20th i'll be happy because i can step up. couldn't wait any longer and the price i got on an ultra was one i couldn't pass up. if not, oh well. i guess there's a bit of gambling in pc components.
i guess there's a bit of gambling in pc components.

Yeah, but isn't that half the fun, gambling that you got the best components at the time so you might get a better system than your friends. These things always change and always change fast, it wasn't that long ago that the G80's came out remember, now that the G90's are coming out everyone will start scrambling to those and then the G100's when they come out and so on. Such is the way with technology.
yeah for sure, it's a never ending cycle, but it absolutely is a lot of fun. can't wait forever. there's always something new around the corner...just enjoy what you have!
The sweet part though is that for those of you that have single 8800GTS/X or Ultra boards now will be able to pick another one up for super cheap after G92's release if you have an SLI board in your possesion, since the 9800GTS (or GT, whatever) will be $399-449 and the GTX will be $549 (again, according to the rumor mill, so you may want that truckload of salt), sending prices down into the toilet for existing G80 parts in a bid to liquidate existing inventory. Personally I think I'll nab a 8800GTX or Ultra if they are that cheap and pair it up with an X2 5600 until K10 is widely available. Even though the new hardware will be out those who didn't take the G80 plunge yet will be able to at near-mainstream prices, which is good for everyone, IMHO. :)
This brings me to my second point, if the prices do drop as Bluntman has so discribed, then wouldn't it be a cost effective upgrade to go with the AMD 4X4 setup. Get two X-2 6000's and set them up with 4 8800GTX cards, doesn't sound like a half bad idea if you ask me. But then again, a teraflop of power out of the G90 sounds like fun too.
This brings me to my second point, if the prices do drop as Bluntman has so discribed, then wouldn't it be a cost effective upgrade to go with the AMD 4X4 setup. Get two X-2 6000's and set them up with 4 8800GTX cards, doesn't sound like a half bad idea if you ask me. But then again, a teraflop of power out of the G90 sounds like fun too.

i think 4 8800gtx cards is overkill. plus that power supply for that thing would be crazy. it might be better pairing two 9800's instead of having 4 8800gtx's? plus it would consume less power.
As far as power goes, I have 1 1600W Ultra X-Connect PSU for my main power needs and a 550 X-Connect just for my cooling purposes, power is not likely to be much of a problem for me for quite a while. :)
When you blow the wall socket circuit running 4 GTx's..... :D
This brings me to my second point, if the prices do drop as Bluntman has so discribed, then wouldn't it be a cost effective upgrade to go with the AMD 4X4 setup. Get two X-2 6000's and set them up with 4 8800GTX cards, doesn't sound like a half bad idea if you ask me. But then again, a teraflop of power out of the G90 sounds like fun too.

4X4 IMHO would only be worth it with two Phenom FX chips (8 cores in all) in a revamped HT3.0 motherboard. Besides Quad SLi is pretty much fucked outside of two 7950GX2 boards only running Quake 4 and F.E.A.R., and that's leaving Vista and every other nVidia board out of the equasion.
Well in that case, I already have 2 7900GT KO SC'ed cards, just need another pair. But then I wouldn't be running PCI-e 2.0 then would I, or a 45nm CPU for that matter, the choices are just about endless.

In either case, by December and black friday we should have a few interesting things to talk about, like what was released between now and then. The possibilities are endless.
Yeah it does kinda suck they way it work's they should wait at least 1 year befor they come out with a new one so the upgrade will be much better. the 8800 in SLI is all you will need for another 2 year's but still.. most ppl will buy them just to brag when right now 1 8800 will play anything and any game coming out in the next year or two..
Got to agree Zero, why is it so difficult to just try and answer the posters question ?. If your tired of the same threads then don't respond.

I have a buddy that works at Nvidia and he said it will be worth the wait......but then he doesnt have to pay full price
The sweet part though is that for those of you that have single 8800GTS/X or Ultra boards now will be able to pick another one up for super cheap after G92's release if you have an SLI board in your possesion, since the 9800GTS (or GT, whatever) will be $399-449 and the GTX will be $549 (again, according to the rumor mill, so you may want that truckload of salt), sending prices down into the toilet for existing G80 parts in a bid to liquidate existing inventory. Personally I think I'll nab a 8800GTX or Ultra if they are that cheap and pair it up with an X2 5600 until K10 is widely available. Even though the new hardware will be out those who didn't take the G80 plunge yet will be able to at near-mainstream prices, which is good for everyone, IMHO. :)

I got my 8800GTX when it was first released. Then got another when the prices spiraled down. I found mine on Craigslist for $399 in the bay area (XFX Brand) and the cards in SLI Rock....I will skip this round...as I usually do..until the 10X Series comes out.
I realize the G80's have the market as far as performance right now, they will also be fairly good in the next year, but they won't be compatible with PCI-e 2.0 or are capable of 1TF with only one card. This is the main reason I'm waiting, but for all those out there who wish to get there 8800GTX Ultra, I'd do it around Black Friday, right when the prices drop out of the sky.

Speaking of PCI-e 2.0, any idea of which mobo manufacture will be making the nvidia version of these or do I have to wait longer for these as usual?
Yeah it does kinda suck they way it work's they should wait at least 1 year befor they come out with a new one so the upgrade will be much better. the 8800 in SLI is all you will need for another 2 year's but still.. most ppl will buy them just to brag when right now 1 8800 will play anything and any game coming out in the next year or two..

I disagree. Firstly by November it will have been basically a year since the 8800's were made available. Secondly, not having an 8800 and wanting to upgrade soon it's hardly that economical to buy two 8800gtx or an ultras so I can achieve a good framerate in games like Bioshock, UT3 or crysis at 1900x1200 with max settings. One *may* just manage but probably not by alot. I'd much rather a 9800 or whatever and buy a single one and likely get similar performance to two 8800's at a lower price.

If customers already have the 8800 then they are in a good position to buy a second when the price drops and skip the next batch of cards but overall it seems alot better decision for me financially, as a new buyer, to just buy a single card rather than two at the one time.

You cant please everyone but I really dont think a single 8800 will be that capable of playing everything on my 24" display come Jan next year but I dont want to fork out for two of them either.

Id rather constant but substantial releases which is what they have managed for the last decade or so. If your card is good enough that you can skip one generation or sli it then all the better but I wouldnt hold back any more than they do otherwise you make the option of skipping a generation and using two last gen cards or even just one all the less viable because software developers dont want to wait constantly for tech to catch up with what they want to program for.
As far as power goes, I have 1 1600W Ultra X-Connect PSU for my main power needs and a 550 X-Connect just for my cooling purposes, power is not likely to be much of a problem for me for quite a while. :)

how is that 1600W? I wanted to get one as soon as I saw a review for it.
Hold off till Nov when the 1800W "did my house just burn down?" gets released.
I realize the G80's have the market as far as performance right now, they will also be fairly good in the next year, but they won't be compatible with PCI-e 2.0 or are capable of 1TF with only one card. This is the main reason I'm waiting, but for all those out there who wish to get there 8800GTX Ultra, I'd do it around Black Friday, right when the prices drop out of the sky.

Speaking of PCI-e 2.0, any idea of which mobo manufacture will be making the nvidia version of these or do I have to wait longer for these as usual?

Why do we need PCI E 2.0? We haven't even maxed out the PCI E have we?
Why do we need PCI E 2.0? We haven't even maxed out the PCI E have we?

No we haven't maxed out PCI-e 1.0 (not even close IIRC). So ya, no reason to get all excited for PCI-e 2.0. It's like getting excited for DX10.1, nothing of real benefit will come from it to us users for a LONG time. Out of all of this "forward-moving-tech.", quad-core CPUs have done the best at providing their usefulness in gaming (not saying much still). I say that because Crytek has gotten CryEngine2 to reduce physics "slow-down" (when too much action is on-screen) by 25% vs a dual-core. From what they say, it's not going to improve your overall FPS over a dual-core by much (if at all). Therefore, engine supposedly cuts the frames from the physics animation to keep the renderer going full steam. So for example a quad-core drops physics speed to 40fps and a dual-core drops it down to 32fps (single core would be at 20fps). -From GC 2007
Just a couple of points here. First, the 8800GTX seems to be sort of a trend breaker in the sense that a year after its release, it is still chewing up and spitting out cutting edge games. I'm running Bioshock at 1680 x 1050 with 16xaa forced in DX9 mode using Nhancer and it is running spectacularly well. I just got the same results with DX10 in the World in Conflict demo, everything maxed. It is just an incredible card, nothing up to this point can choke it. Before the 8800GTX came out I wouldn't have believed I would ever be run a brand new game above 4xaa at 1680 x 1050 with a single graphics card.

Second, a lot of the games coming out this Fall have been in the pipe for quite a while and I suspect the 8800GTX will handle them with ease. The demos of Crysis seem to suggest that a single GTX is going to run the game fine at most resolutions, probably better than fine. At 1680 x 1050 or 1600 x 1200 or below, I suspect the difference between the GTX and the next series card will mostly be how much anti-aliasing you can run at an acceptable frame rate--or whether you can enable some of those ultra quality settings that are really just icing on the cake.

I think most people with 640MB GTS cards or GTX cards are going to be pretty happy with their cards this fall and won't find much of a need to upgrade. The only exception is people with displays running at resolutions above 1680 x 1050. I think the next big trend for enthusiasts is going to be ultra HD monitors that exceed 1080p and it will start with the next wave of cards. I wouldn't be surprised if G90 is marketed with some kind of HD+ or beyond HD angle. Bigger, higher resolution widescreen displays are going to be where it is at. There aren't that many right now but that will change soon.

Until you have one of those displays I'm not sure if 8800 Sli or G90 is really something to be concerned with. When Crysis comes out we'll know for sure. If it is one of those games that is constantly dipping below 30fps on the GTX then G90 or GTX SLi will be worth it. If not G90 will be an ultra-high end type product.

By the way, the problem with the "8800GTX Sli" is all you will need argument is that at some point in 2008 games will probably start using tessellation and other DX10.1 features that the 8800GTX doesn't have. That will happen for sure if G90 includes those features.
First off Loco, my 1600W Ultra PSU works great, doesn't get too hot, not much louder than one of my 120mm case fans, and will power everything I need for my system (asides from my cooling that is). However, the downside is that it is HUGE, I had to modify some of the flanges in my Thermaltake case just to get the damn thing to fit, on top of that is the price, $500 for this damn thing, but it does the job I need it to, looks cool while it does it, and thats all I really need it to do.

Secondly, Kowan is right, wait till the 1800W, and higher, starts coming out early 08 as the higher wattage PSU's will really be playing more of a role in the upcoming computers. Not just the GPU's, but the CPU's will also be consuming more power, the overall performance is really going to skyrocket again like it did when they started producing the dual cores.

And finally, those of you who do have a 8800, I'd stay with that card and just get an extra to run in Sli so you might be able to keep up with the new G90's. I currently have 2 7900GT KO SP cards by EVGA and can tweek them to the performance of one 8800 card, not too bad for a G70 card if I do say so myself. So I skipped the whole G80 series of cards and will be going straight into the G90's, I'll do like I did with my 7900's, get one, then get another later on, it's only logical that one should want to splurg on a graphics card, but not two for double the price, NO WAY. Not unless you have the cash to do it and even then I wouldn't, just for the plain fact that there will be better cards coming out even after the 9800's release, cooler, faster, and more reliable so don't rush on getting those either.

Oh and the 8800's in Sli do lag out while playing Crysis, I've seen them drop down to 7-13 fps on my friends rig and he's running dual 8800 GTX 640's and a E6600. It runs smoothly through most of the games he has but has trouble when running the demo of Crysis, even Extreme Comander is a bit of a beast of a game when it comes down to pure power. So I can't see the G80's lasting much longer due to the demand for more performance from a graphics card, right now it's fine, but in a year, get a new card (or cards).
I was wondering the same thing. Also, what the hell is Extreme Commander?
Well that'd be supreme commander. What hes mistaken the crysis demo for god can only imagine....maybe battlefield or something...I really don't know to be honest.
Oh and the 8800's in Sli do lag out while playing Crysis, I've seen them drop down to 7-13 fps on my friends rig and he's running dual 8800 GTX 640's and a E6600. It runs smoothly through most of the games he has but has trouble when running the demo of Crysis, even Extreme Comander is a bit of a beast of a game when it comes down to pure power. So I can't see the G80's lasting much longer due to the demand for more performance from a graphics card, right now it's fine, but in a year, get a new card (or cards).

Maybe his buddy works for Nvidia and his part of a beta test group debugging Crysis. If so, I don't think that info was meant for leaking to a public forum...

Or maybe it was late and he was sleep typing. :D