G7 or MX Revolution


Nov 23, 2005
i currently have a G3 and i'm thinking of going back to a wireless mouse since the cord is starting to bother me.

before the G3, i had the MX1000 but it died for some reason in the middle of summer. i purchased it in Aug 2005 so its still under warrenty. so today i finally decided to call logitech up and see if i can get a replacement for my MX1000. it took about 25mins start to finish and in about 7-10 days will have a new MX Revolution. i asked the rep that was helping me if i could get the G7 instead but she said she wouldn't be able to do that since the warrenty only gives you a direct replacement and since the MX1000 is discontinued, they're sending me the Revo since it replaced the MX1000.

i was kinda dead set on getting the G7 but since my MX1000 died and still under warrenty. i thought maybe i could get the G7 as my replacement but now a Revo instead.

i would like some feedback from both G7 and MX Revo users. positive and negative. thanks in advance. :cool:
i been sitting on the fence on either one of these mouses too, the crappy Microsoft onee i have loses connection all the time
I like my G7 a lot. It's a great mouse, made even better with a Ratzpad XT.

Downsides? The batteries can run out fast if you're a heavy user and you'll be switching them out, but thats not so bad since it only takes 5 seconds. Also thre is only one thumb button.
The MX Revolution isn't a "gaming mouse' per se. It's designed for comfort of use, style and utility in office applications.
The MX Revolution isn't a "gaming mouse' per se. It's designed for comfort of use, style and utility in office applications.


I have the G7, for my laptop, and enjoy it for gaming (mainly use MX518 on my desktop mostly). If you are worried about battery life you can grab the G5 which has weights also.
Yeah, the MX Revolution is extremely nice and useful for office applications, but the G7 is superior in terms of games.
I have no doubt that you'll be happy with a g7 if the ergonomics agree with you, it's a fantastic mouse. I haven't yet had any experience with the revo, but the g7 really doesn't leave me wanting anything more from a mouse...but I think my batteries are dying quicker than they used to.
I recently bought a G7 because I heard a lot of good things about it, and I'm glad I did. It's amazing what a difference a true gaming mouse can make in your playing ability.
i'm thinking of just selling the Revo when it comes and use the funds torwards a G7. i'm use to the high dpi setting on my G3 and would like to keep that. i leave mine at 2000dpi all the time :D .

thanks all, for the feedback.