G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1600 - $119.99 (shell shocker)

Just when I was getting ready to order a 990FX board and some DDR3 to go with it :D Nice deal TTT!
This + 10% promo code = sweet deal! But do I really need 16GB of ram? What am I going to do with all that?!?
This + 10% promo code = sweet deal! But do I really need 16GB of ram? What am I going to do with all that?!?

I tried the 10% off memory promo code but it didn't work, however it could be because I haven't ordered from NewEgg in a long time (last major build I did was almost 2 years ago).
This + 10% promo code = sweet deal! But do I really need 16GB of ram? What am I going to do with all that?!?

You could setup a RAMDisk and use it as a scratch disk, your temporary disk for your browsers/apps etc. Many uses besides just being [H]ard :D
You could setup a RAMDisk and use it as a scratch disk, your temporary disk for your browsers/apps etc. Many uses besides just being [H]ard :D

Keep in mind the superfetch feature of Windows will use your spare RAM to pre-load commonly accessed files into memory when the machine is idle.

I would have been happy with 8GB (my current 4GB even works fine in most situations) but for this price, to essentially future-proof it right from the start, it seems worthwhile to spend a little more up front and double the capacity.
Ordered mine this morning :D

I was all ready to go with this exactly RAM for my build, I just hadn't ordered it yet (thankfully) but now I get to save myself $50.
I think I'm going to pass. 8gb is enough for me. And I really need to upgrade my CPU before anything else. :) But still a sweet deal!