fx-53 issues


Dec 6, 2001
Well, I got an asus a8v dlx and an fx-53 cpu and all of the sudden, the comp resets all the damn time. I replaced the vid card with a spare, and I know my ram is good, what else could be the issue? I have an antec 550w psu. I switched the ram and vid card, but the comp still does it when running games. CPU? Is it RMA time?
even if your RAM is good, i hear A64's are a dominatrix about RAM, so try to switch it around and what not...
Yeah, I switched the ram around. The thing is, the resets just started to occur. Ive had the setup for almost 2 weeks and the resets started yesterday. Dont ram issues have blue screens though? I just get a happy reset.
p0b0y said:
Yeah, I switched the ram around. The thing is, the resets just started to occur. Ive had the setup for almost 2 weeks and the resets started yesterday. Dont ram issues have blue screens though? I just get a happy reset.

yeah, but since the cpu has an onboard memory controller that can cause them too...

did you try to update to the bios i linked to download too? It's supposed to help stability with FX-53's on the A8V board
Keep in mind XP hides blue screens in the form of an instant reboot.
It doesnt hide them, you see a screen in an instant. I have it set on system halt on fatal errors. This is not the issue.
if youre running really aggressive ram timings, you may try to back those off abit. i know i had that problem with another system of mine.
p0b0y said:
Well, I got an asus a8v dlx and an fx-53 cpu and all of the sudden, the comp resets all the damn time. I replaced the vid card with a spare, and I know my ram is good, what else could be the issue? I have an antec 550w psu. I switched the ram and vid card, but the comp still does it when running games. CPU? Is it RMA time?

The below link has some VERY good information for A8V owners. You might find the answer or bios to fix your problem, and you might also find some other helpful info. Hope it helps.


liek someone else suggested , try 1GB only.
when all the slots are filled it might cause instability (...might need a couple bios revision)
if it just started, have you installed any software or made any major changes in configurations?
Although it might be a waste of time, I would do a fresh install of windows before I RMA anything. Did you by chance narrow it down to a specific app that is causing the reboots?
I did do that on a hunch. I thought maybe the via raid was crappola, so I switched to the promise controller. Things didnt improve.
2Gb only adds delay, as it can't talk to all 4 sticks at once. I don't see a point in having 2Gb, as in most cases, it won't help the performance, but otherwise.
p0b0y said:
already sent the chip back

If you don't mind, would you keep us posted on this? I am building a new system and I was going to order an FX-53 and A8V and I backed out at the last minute just to wait a little while to let any issues get ironed out. So I am really interested in what you pin point as the problem. Thanks.

If your running raid like me with the raptors they dont like it when you install the Nvidia drivers that come on the disk, They warn it may cause instablilty issues with your deives just skip that part of you install, i had the same thing happen on my FX-51 and it happened 2 times on my FX-53, reinstalled again and after 2 weeks i havnt had 1 problem, its gotta be more then a coincedence. And sandman there isnt too many flaws with the mobo, just stay away from Mushkin Ram, i have the mushkin special 2/2/2 and you have to manuelly insert the ram timings to get optimal performance and even at that they are kinda unstable with board, Asus themselves doesnt recommend them, Stick to matched pair Corsair XMS never will have any problems.
Marcdaddy said:
... And sandman there isnt too many flaws with the mobo, just stay away from Mushkin Ram, i have the mushkin special 2/2/2 and you have to manuelly insert the ram timings to get optimal performance and even at that they are kinda unstable with board, Asus themselves doesnt recommend them, Stick to matched pair Corsair XMS never will have any problems.

The Corsair XMS PRO 2-2-2 5 is what I just got. "Marcdaddy", could you PM me about how multi-tasking feels with the FX-53? (or post it in here...it's just off topic) Thanks
Multitasking is a lot more stable on the FX system then any other amd setup, But its still not as Good as a Nice P4 setup with Hyperthreading enabled thats for sure. But i can Surf the net, burn a movie, Un-Rar a nice big file all at the same time without any hiccups. And yes the Corsair XMS 2/2/2/5 is what im running now without any kind of problems whatsoever.
Marcdaddy said:
Multitasking is a lot more stable on the FX system then any other amd setup, But its still not as Good as a Nice P4 setup with Hyperthreading enabled thats for sure. But i can Surf the net, burn a movie, Un-Rar a nice big file all at the same time without any hiccups. And yes the Corsair XMS 2/2/2/5 is what im running now without any kind of problems whatsoever.

Your useing the Asus mobo on the 53 right?
How is it? Ive heard of these stability problems before but other than that how is it over all?
Myself Im honestly considering an ABIT A8v or A8V third eye...also how hard was it for you to get that 53 OCed like that? hell Ill be hapy with 2.5ghz
Im also running Twinx XMS 4000 pro...so FSBing should be no problem...I really like this ram too :)
I noticed Kyle said something about multitasking on the FX-53 system in one of their reviews. When is AMD going to implement something to compete with Hyperthreading. Or something to make multi-tasking better?
sandman78 said:
I noticed Kyle said something about multitasking on the FX-53 system in one of their reviews. When is AMD going to implement something to compete with Hyperthreading. Or something to make multi-tasking better?

When they roll out mulit-core units - not soon enough.
I just slapped the new chip in, same shit. Just damn. I have the memory timings set to auto, what do you guys recommend? Its 2x512 pc3200 corsair xms, I dropped to a gig to test stability.
Not sure exactly what XMS you've got but my experiences with the Corsair low latency ECC registered XMS sticks and my ASUS SK8N and FX-51 just wouldn't stay stable with the default timings from the sticks (from possible failing memory, 2-3-2-6). I've tried a new pair and a pair returned from Corsair. Same stability problems. Once I set the ram timings in the BIOS to that of the non-LL sticks (2-3-3-6 I think. Exact values are 20 miles away) and the system runs 24/7 and has been absolute bliss.

What flavor of XMS do you have? Pro? Low Latency?
Go into the Asus memory settings in Bios with your Corsair and set up these values,
TrCD 2 / TWR2 / TRAS 5 or 6 depending on your ram / TRP 2 / Read 6.0ns / T2 Command Off / This should provide peak performance with the corsir when i hit 224 Fsb i gotta run at 2/3/3/6 , at 240 fsb i gotta go to 2/3/3/7 anything over 250 FSB it aint stable. Im using Corsair XMS 3200 2/2/2/5, i dont set the VDimm higher then 2.7,
Marcdaddy said:
Go into the Asus memory settings in Bios with your Corsair and set up these values,
TrCD 2 / TWR2 / TRAS 5 or 6 depending on your ram / TRP 2 / Read 6.0ns / T2 Command Off / This should provide peak performance with the corsir when i hit 224 Fsb i gotta run at 2/3/3/6 , at 240 fsb i gotta go to 2/3/3/7 anything over 250 FSB it aint stable. Im using Corsair XMS 3200 2/2/2/5, i dont set the VDimm higher then 2.7,

Well I know what Ill be trading my XMS 4000 PRO in for :)
Also I cant your BIOS man :(
I just tried your Work Email Address the last time i sent it it was returned back to me, not sure why hopefully this will work this time !!
I think its some kind of agp issue. I was getting "vpu is not responding to driver commands" while playing city of heroes. I switched the cards only to get the same message. I then tried both cards in my p4 rig. No issues whatsoever. In the latest bios theres a fix for agp stability. Could there an issue nobody is talking about?
I had similar problems witn an 9800 Pro and 3800+ processor on A8V, fixed it by setting AGP speed to 4x in BIOS. Hope that will help you as well.


Could be also do with your drivers. Are you using the latest Catalyst drivers? I've heard this problem before and espically that VPU error and remember it being something to do with the drivers, I believe it's the 3.4 drivers causing the issues. Try sticking in a Ti4200 or a good ol' nVidia card and see if the same thing happens :)
I think that this mobo is a piece of crap. I shouldve waited for the nforce3 250 boards.