Fury, and the Fury Challenge!


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2004
I've played WoW since it was in closed beta. Although its a PvE game with PvP in it I have always been a hardcore PvP person. I've leagued in CS, I made top 100 in starcraft's first season ladder, and now I have had a team in the top 10 in every bracket in WoW's arena format. With that said, I have been growing anxious for ANYTHING that would take me away from WoW and give me more robust, skill-based, revolutionary PvP. I really cant wait for SC2 to come out...that looks sweet. But till then...

Fury really caught my eye. It has the fast-paced action of a FPS but with the might&magic of an MMO/RPG. I'm reallllllllly hoping this is going to be the new hotness ;) They are having the "Fury Challenge" where players can beta test the game for like 3 weekends in a row and compete in some pre-launch action and even win prizes. I'm DL'n the client now and gonna check this out. ::::cross's fingers:::: BTW - its built on the Unreal 3 engine.

. . .Discuss
www.furychallenge.com is the site for the actual challenge info. There's a registration link there as well.

Been testing for months now, definitely going to compete in the challenge - I'd like to see Fury have the necessary support/features from the developer & publisher to see e-sport status. Guess we'll see how that pans out post-release.
Meh, I play WoW for PvE, cooperation instead of competition. I feel better about contributing to a team to overcome extreme adversity than I do about beating other people. I think our society would be a much better place if more people thought like that.
I'm not sure what you're hinting at exactly.
Pretty much any competitive game is intensely dependent upon top-notch teamwork in order for you to have a chance at winning.
I almost invariably end up in some kind of support position in any game I play - I necessarily contribute to my team in order to win & enjoy that immensely. Rambo kill-whoring doesn't win matches.
Meh, I play WoW for PvE, cooperation instead of competition. I feel better about contributing to a team to overcome extreme adversity than I do about beating other people. I think our society would be a much better place if more people thought like that.

its a game, hardcore PvP is an escape to me, because I have to work in teams and contribute at work all day long, I dont want to this in my escapism too... that would be lame, hence why the last MMO i played was Shadowbane, still awaiting Darkfall (hopefully it comes out).