FS: LED Apple Display 24" only 3 months old


Oct 22, 2005
It's been on my desk for 3 months. It's an amazing display, beautiful and works PERFECTLY. Not a single dead pixel, and it still has 9 months of Applecare on it!! Comes with box and everything you need.

$500 shipped
*edit* I just found out that apple sells these Refurbished for $599 w/ free shipping BUT they charge sales tax. So I have lowered the price to be fair.

I paid $899 + tax at my local apple store. I have the reciept.

Payment through Paypal.

My heatware is here!



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How sharp are the details when you play a movie? And can you use this on a PC?
The images are insanely sharp! This is one of the best 24" displays you can buy. It's an 8bit panel, apple won an award for these displays a while back.

It can only be used on macs with mini-displayport connections.
Doesn't the new 58XX series use displayport? I wonder if this display will then be made PC-compatible?
Oh wow. I didn't know that. In that case this should work just fine!
It does NOT require a Mac. Any PC with a DisplayPort connector will work.
It does NOT require a Mac. Any PC with a DisplayPort connector will work.

Yeah thanks for posting this. I initially said "only a mac" because I was unaware that other PCs were currently using DisplayPort. Thanks again! :D
i havea macbook pro 2.66 as well, how well this work with that? can it push that res easily?
It'll run it just fine!! It can easily push that resolution. Plus, the cable has a charging adapter and a USB plug on it to connect to your MBP to charge it and power the USB hub/speakers/camera that are built into the Display!

It's an amazing display but I find myself using my MBP on battery more often, and the monitor sits unused on my desk 90% of the time.
^^^^ Exactly

Excellent Price, but I have to get my Mac Pro first, if I already had it, this would be sold.
