FS/FT: Server Stuff

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Dec 29, 2006
If you're looking to build yourself a nice little server with multiple Intel gig ethernet interfaces with some pretty fast hard drives, look no further!

I'm also in the market for the following and would love to work a trade for the following items:

GTS 250
GTS 450
10" tablet

4 x 3.5" 15k RPM SAS 146GB Hard Drives $50 each shipped

2 are Hitachi and 2 are Seagate Cheetah's. I used them pretty sparingly in my environment, but they were used by that point. I offer no warranty with these drives, but they were working when I last used them. I'll scrub them before shipment.

Dell PERC 5i with memory module and BBU $50 shipped

I've made a couple of slight modifications to this card. I added the expansion card plate and the fan, but the firmware is still the stock Dell one.

FREAKING SWEET DEAL OH SHNAPZ! PENDING! For $225 shipped, you'll get the 4 SAS drives and the PERC 5i card, BUT that's not all! Act now and I'll throw in the following:

  • ...and a HP P400 low profile card!

4 port PCIe Intel Gigabit NIC SOLDED!

I used this in ESXi and it worked like a champ.

2 port PCIe Intel Gigabit NIC SOLDERIZED!

I used this for a while before I moved to the 4 port NIC.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to see some pics.

My heat is under boss99 and I accept paypal or amazon payments.
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Los Bumpos

I'll trade everything on the page for a 10" tablet! Hell, for the right tablet, I may throw in some cash!

Buy some SWANKY server stuff!
You ain't got to lie, Craig!

Come up your server lewts here!
Thanks ivoidwarranties and bleeblak8 for your purchases!

You too can join these cool guys! Buy some SWEET server lewts!
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