FS- Aune T1 Mk1 tube headphone amp/dac

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 6, 2005

I'm selling my trusty Aune T1. It has been great for me, but I finally upgraded.

This is a USB dac/amp for headphones. It also has line in/out.

It works great. I DO NOT have the little plastic guards that go over the tube. I threw them within a month of owning this because I thought they looked tacky and didn't really offer any protection.

$65 shipped CONUS OBO.


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Doh, I just saw the "MK2" in the description. My bad. Here's a bump for ya!
I own one of these and love it. Would buy if I had any use for a second one =/
Bump for someone who hasn't spent as much as me this month....
First shalt thou check out the Holy PM. Then shalt thou count to one, no more, no less. One shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be one. Two shalt thou not count, neither count thou zero, excepting that thou then proceed to one. Five is right out.
these are awsome i have a douk duel tube amp. though that cost like $100 more.
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