FS: 3GHz Overclocked Dual Xeon/PC-DL Combo

Sep 2, 2000
Edit: Combo is SOLD

Well, I'm forced to part with my second Xeon setup due to finances (that is, I need more of them.) So here it is!

The combo includes:

1 Asus PC-DL Deluxe i875P dual socket 604 motherboard, revision 1.05, 1007 BIOS. I have done the "MooseMod" on this board for 800mhz+ FSB operation as well as some small modifications to the board's cooling to ensure 110% stability. (It is still passive though, and hence, silent.) Also included are all the accessories, manuals and software as you would receive with the retail box.

2 1.6GHz Low Voltage Xeons w/ HyperThreading, SL6XK stepping. You may have heard of these chips doing insane overclocks. I socket wire-modded these CPUs to increase the voltage to 1.52v, then I overclocked these 87.5% from dual 1.6GHz to dual 3.0GHz, for a total of 6GHz of raw processing power.

2 Cooler Master copper heatsink/fan units to keep the chips cool. These are model E3W-N73SC-01. In the tradition of the rest of this combo, I have not strapped these onto the CPU without some modification beforehand. First, I used 300, 600, 800 and 1200 grit sandpaper to lap (sand) each heatsink until it was perfectly flat, to ensure the absolute BEST contact with the CPUs. Then I purchased two 70mm->80mm fan adapters and replaced the 70mm fans that came with the heatsinks with larger, quieter 80mm variants for better performance with less noise.

1 Fortron/Sparkle FSP550-60PLG 550w EPS12V power supply. I have owned two of these PSUs now and I can say with confidence that they are the most reliable units I have ever used. Voltages are rock solid and the power supply has more than enough power for anything you could possibly throw at it - I am currently running the dual 3GHz Xeons with a Geforce 6800 Ultra, the most power-hungry card ever built, two hard drives, two optical drives and 3 PCI cards and this power supply shrugs it off like it was nothing. It has 36 amps on the 12v rail. :D

As with any overclocked combo for sale, the stability of the overclock as well as the underlying components is sometimes in question. Rest assured that this combo is stable. To test both hyper-threaded CPUs, I ran 4 instances of the Prime 95 torture test, one for each CPU recognized by Windows XP. The system ran these 4 instances of Prime95 torture test for 36 HOURS before I stopped it manually and declared it to be 110% stable. In the time I have owned this combo, it has never crashed at 3GHz or displayed any signs of instability, so you can count on it for 24/7 operation whether you are using it as a workstation or as a server. It also plays Half-Life 2 like a champ :p

So in summation - you are getting 2 Xeons at 3GHz with coolers, an Asus PC-DL motherboard and a Sparkle 550w EPS12V power supply.
i am thinking of takin' this... i gotta do a little research and price checkin' first. Tag this thread for the time being.

Edit: PM Sent
hey man, i think i'm going to end up having to pass on this, but thanks for the info
this would make a hell of a LAN rig...wonder if i can cram it into my super lanboy...haha...well the GA-7DPXDW already fits with dremel mods...what's a few more cuts?
that's a hell of a design then...my gigabyte is 12x10.6 i think, or somewhere close to that
now i just have to rob a couple convienience stores to come up with some cash...of if you're a skiier i have a set of Atomic Beta Race 10.26's (185cm) with Atomic Xentrix 310 bingings, Atomic Superlite 5.50 Boots in mens 11.5 shoe and axis graphite composite poles...qualified me for NASTAR Nationals in park city utah on my 3rd run...fast stuff...i can offer those and some cash, i also have a slot a t-bird 750@1000 with FIC SD-11 and 640MB of RAM i can part with...External 52x24x52 USB2.0 CD-RW, etc...so lmk...i know you said you need more finances but it's always worth a shot. The skis should be an easy sell in any mountain region...they retailed new for $925 bare...
You have a lot of nice stuff there Fubar569, but I've never gone skiing in my life. :p

But at any rate - the combo is now SOLD - thanks for the interest.