Frontier Gets a License for a Major Global IP


Mar 3, 2018
According to a recent report from the London Stock Exchange, Frontier Developments, the studio that is perhaps best known for Planet Coaster and Elite Dangerous, has signed a "major global IP licence to develop and publish a future game." Frontier mentioned that it expects the game will take about 2 years to complete, and that they will work on downloadable content designed for "both PC and console." Just what IP they managed to grab is anyone's guess, but the wording in the report suggests the recently acquired license is different than their existing Jurassic Park license. Given their recent successes, there's a good chance Frontier will buck the trend of bad TV/Movie IP adaptations, assuming that's where the license comes from.

David Braben, Chief Executive, said: "We are delighted to confirm that one of our future releases will benefit from a major global IP licence. We are excited about our existing franchises and our future portfolio. We will continue to love, support and enhance our existing game franchises as we build new ones."
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My money is on a Mortal Engines.

My wish would be star wars and let them design the next x-wing/tie fighter game where you can also command capital ships.
I'll go for the outside odds.

It's star wars, but not movie IP. It'll be a license for a video game version of ther star wars:galaxy's edge park for disney. It'll be like meta IP licensing.
VR enabled D&D..... I will shit myself laughing if they got the Wing Commander IP from EA, or the EvE licensing from Pearl Abyss.
The game now is to find the person/company filing the matching announcement of having income from a just signed license agreement. Not sure about UK disclosure laws but it sounds like a fair amount of money, either payable now or a percent of income in future, was involved. If so, unlikely to be a minor IP player.

Much being done in the Tolkien verse lately?
I'm going to guess the Oregon Trail: Dangerous

That's global right?

I'm not sure they would not be disappointing with anything better.
At this point I think what ever product they do announce will pale in comparison to the excitement and joy of the speculation threads.
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Game of Thrones. You get to start as any character you want, but when you die you are randomly assigned to any other major character your previous character hasn't killed.

Scooby Doo would be another good one. Each level, you have to use the special abilities of each character to locate the monster, make a trap for him, lure him into the trap and then reveal his identity. If you fail, you have to run Scrappy Doo through a woodchipper.

P.S. Battlestar Galactica would be good.
Something from Games Workshop.

That's my guess too. Games Workshop has said they plan to focus on fewer but higher quality releases in the future. Frontier would be a decent fit, they're more experienced than most of the developers Games Workshop has used..
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Please be aliens, please be aliens, please be aliens, please be aliens.
My prediction, They got the license for dark tower or the Muppets.
Two year development cycle and major ip are contradictory statements. Sounds more like a mobile app.
At this point it can't be long before we see an Umbrella Academy game.