Free wind-up mobile phone charger


Fully [H]
Sep 6, 2002
ripped from FW. Great for when you don't have an outlet. Only a short survey to fill out.

Grab it before the AT horde gets em all:
Thanks. Hope I get this, as I need an excuse to not plug in my phone :p
lol thats funny. I can just picture myself now on the side of a road with a little sliver of battery life left cranking away on this to call a wrecker :p

Hope it comes!
Just showed up at anandtech, better order fast cause this deal is done.
Just got in on this one, can't lose. I'll call it a workout machine, that makes power for my phone :)
I don't see the problem, I am using firefox and have the link open in another tab.

It says as follows:

Thank you for visiting the Midel website. We are always trying to improve our service.
Why not fill in our on-line survey, as a thank you we will send you this amazing wind-up charger from Porta-Charge ™ (pictured right).
It requires no batteries or mains power supply - simply rotate the handle to charge your phone.

or you guys could try the home page of:
the link would be on the top of the website.
I dont see the link on the webpage, and the direct link is 404.

Thnx anyway, if someone finds a different way lemme know.
