Free to Play

Mar 26, 2011
I have been browsing alot of Free to play Games and I have noticed that my friend group on campus doesn't really follow me into games that I find interesting, although I'm partially responsible for the League of Legends Epidemic on our campus. I have tried a couple games but they interest me but I don't get the feeling of well... Friends.

Anyone on this forum tend to play some Free to play Games that are willing to put up with me? Despite my name I tend to be a nice guy and I am a quick learner, also If you get points for referring I'll be that sucker.

Currently Playing:
League of Legends
Micro Volts

Things I have played and Refuse:
or anything like Evony.
Hey give Bloodline Champions a try. Its a top down view similar to LoL but it is a deathmatch without a meta game involved. 5-10 minute matches best of 3. It's currently the only game I play, if you sign up for it (referral system is not yet in place) just message me, I play frequently. Username: X51

Oh yeah, and its free.
I tried bloodline champions and just wasn't at all impressed. I uninstalled it after only a few games. League of Legends on the other hand I've been playing generally two hours a night for the past few weeks.
I tried bloodline champions and just wasn't at all impressed. I uninstalled it after only a few games. League of Legends on the other hand I've been playing generally two hours a night for the past few weeks.

bummer to hear you say that. been playing lol for almost a year now, i'm amazed with only the 2 maps it still keeps my attention.

i still may check out this other game though.
With blood lines I do enjoy the fact I don't have to wait an hour for some games to end, but it does punish you for not buying some of the characters with actual money. And seeing as I dare not go into Ranked solo until I have someone I can dance around other players, unless there is more coin to be earned in those games.